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Future Winterfest?


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Its not likely, but wouldnt it be cool to be in charge of a futrue Winterfest?

What would your ideas be?

My Ideas:

NU- Themed as " A Nick Christmas" - Simply A nick themed christmas area!

RT- Themed as " A Country Christmas"- Christmas done like it is the Country!

CM- Themed as " An Old fashion Christmas"- 50's Style christmas!

IS- Themed Just as it was this past year!

I would also Try to have more flat rides open. Maybe even The Racer if possible-?

SDATHC- Turned into Scooby doo and a christmas caper( I belive it was in plan for 2005-?)

- with new audio and decor.

>IR would be open

> WWC into a paddle boat ride-? If possible

> Themed Characters in the different areas

> Carrige ride

> Train ride to North pole, Getting off meeting Santa, Elves,etc.

> More shows

> No goofy Paramount Logo on the Effiel Tower

Most of the other ideas used in 2005 were great, Some were not. But whatever, give some feedback please

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You have really put some creative thought into the improvement of WinterFest and I wish it was still around to see if any of your ideas could have come to be. Actually the ride to see Santa Clause I could see being a real powerful memory for the Kids.

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I really like your ideas but unfortunately many of those I think are unrealistic, the park simply doesn't have the time to change fearfest to winterfest that quickly with that many attractions, also staffing that big of a park may be an issue. Just what I think but I like the ideas.

I Know whay your trying to say, I just came up with them one night cleaning my room and stumbling ove the Winterfest 05 map

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Just cross your fingers for next year.

WinterFest in my opinion is the best time to visit KI.

There could have been improvements on last years, but how nice was it to have back. How I missed WinterFest.

I litteraly had chills when Jeff announced it at the press conference at the Paramount Theater.

Seriously hope to see it come back in the near future.

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I really like your ideas.

What if several flat rides were rethemed and opened along with the merry go round. Like the dodge cars could be enclosed with plastic or canvas and the cars could have christmas packages attached to the back of each car and it could be called the Holiday Rush Hour.

The action theater could show a couple of shows where you fly with Santa. (I think there was a motion simulator at the Festival of Lights last year where you flew with Santa)

How about a couple of walk through attractions where you can see the elves at work, or even just a walkthrough with millions of lights in a show.

It's really short sighted of Cedar Fair to drop Winterfest after just one season. If the results of the first year of the return of Winterfest was a determining factor, I believe it was because of the admission cost. Admission should have been free or minimal and everyone would have come to spend their money.

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sounds like even more great ideas! I thought about a walkthrough type thing also. I would reall like to see a paddle boat ride in WWC like they do at the Beach for Holidayfest, But I dont know if thats even possible.

I would also like to see a " Train ride to the North Pole" idea work, like getting off at different parts of the ride, seeing elves, meeting Santa/Mrs. Clause, earting cookies drinking cider, etc.

Too bad about no Winterfest, it could be really great!!!

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Well, The Beach rents some of Coney`s pedal boats and puts them in their Lazy Miami River ride. They also apparantely use one of their water slides as a toboggan run. That right their is taking the roller coaster back to its origins in Russia as ice sleds when they were known as Russian mountains.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Racer open for a winterfest....... are you for real? maybe on days like today, but i have been to winterfest when the wind coming off of the carousel was almost too much. they had lawsuits filed for "unintentional" injuries on SOB last year. How about next year let's invite lawsuits for "frost-bite."

Couple of quick questions:

- did they announce WF's cancellation before or after the SOB accident?

- anyone aware of any "re-theming" going on inside the park right now?

A person I know that works in the "offices" at the park said they were on the fence about Winterfest all year and that the SOB incident placed a final spike in the coffin for this year- but that one of Great Wolf's requests from the park was that they have a mid-winter event to help fill rooms in December. I don't know what the legitimacy of all of that is, but it sounds plausible.

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Why on earth would Kings Island (owned by Cedar Fair) care what Great Wolf wants? CBS and Great Wolf own that Great Wolf lodge...and Cedar Fair was offered an interest in it and turned it down. Great Wolf is not a parking lot friend, but rather a competitor. And this is even more true at Sandusky.

Somehow, I see the relationship between Great Wolf and Cedar Fair to be friendly and cordial in public, and quite frosty in private.

And note too that Winterfest was also cancelled at Carowinds, where Son of Beast was certainly NOT a factor.

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Racer open for a winterfest....... are you for real? maybe on days like today, but i have been to winterfest when the wind coming off of the carousel was almost too much. they had lawsuits filed for "unintentional" injuries on SOB last year. How about next year let's invite lawsuits for "frost-bite."

Couple of quick questions:

- did they announce WF's cancellation before or after the SOB accident?

- anyone aware of any "re-theming" going on inside the park right now?

A person I know that works in the "offices" at the park said they were on the fence about Winterfest all year and that the SOB incident placed a final spike in the coffin for this year- but that one of Great Wolf's requests from the park was that they have a mid-winter event to help fill rooms in December. I don't know what the legitimacy of all of that is, but it sounds plausible.

They had lawsuits filed for negligence that resulted in injuries on SOB last year. I think you've made a mistake in your posting. I think that you'll find that most injuries that are the subject of any claim or suit are "unintentional." Most intentional acts are not covered by insurance and are general subjects of criminal suits. I don't think there has been any criminal actions filed on this matter.

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And, note that negiligence requires that there be a duty that was missed or not fully met by the defendant. There is a duty to provide safe transport on an amusement park ride. The mere fact that safe transport was not provided, absent negligence by the plaintiffs, is evidence of negligence. There is currently underway one or more investigations that may show that duties to design, build, operate and maintain a safe amusement attraction and properly advise patrons of any unusual risks were or were not met.

As for frostbite, potential plaintiffs have a duty of their own. It can be met by wearing warm clothing, ski masks, etc. It is NOT the park's duty to tell its guests to dress warmly. The obvious hazard, cold, is not one the potential plaintiffs can't readily ascertain for themselves. and the potential plaintiffs are in an even better position to protect themselves than is the park. Moreover, the park did not create the risk, Mother Nature did.

What exactly does Elmer Fudd think the Son of Beast plaintiffs could have done to avoid their injuries? If the only answer is not ride the ride, the future of Son of Beast could look very grim indeed.

The real question is what, if anything, could have been done to prevent the injuries? And by whom? (CBS? Viacom? Cedar Fair? The Designer? The builder?) If there was something, why didn't they? If there wasn't anything, how on earth do you justify reopening the ride?

Before ANY of this can be answered, it is necesary to know what exactly caused the incident July 9, 2006. We still don't know. Soon, we will. How soon? No one knows.

How ANYBODY can talk of reopening the ride when we don't need even know what caused the events that day hurts my head.

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Well back to the WinterFest discussion and not SoB.

The only reasson we saw WinterFest effect FearFest last year was because KI gave themselves so little turn around time between FearFest and WinterFest. Also WinterFest was basically a first time event and it always takes a little longer to set something up the first time. I would imagine if WinterFest is brought back they wont start it till December.

Also with the addition of over 400 hotel rooms next door to the park that will probably be sold out over the weekends during the winter, I would see something like WinterFest getting an automatic boost in attendance. Unfortunately KI will have to win pattrons back from the Beach if they decide to open WinterFest back up.

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Winterfest takes practice setting up. But even when down to a standard method of doing it we still used to set up starting at the beginning on October.

It is good to remember that at that time there was NO Fear Fest. And Fear Fest is HIGHLY profitable. Winterfest is...uh....cancelled.

Yes, but as you know - all things are cyclical.

I predict that we may only be seeing the profitability of the Halloween events for the next couple years. We will then see the down turn in the popularity. I think that then (and probably only then) would there possibly be a re-attempt of Winterfest.

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OK- don't get all serious and "legal-eze" on me. the "lawsuit" comment was not intended as fact, only to point out that having anything that had any sort of outdoor speed with it whatsoever during a winter event would not only never happen but be an invitation for ambulance chasers.

I agree with WooferATL's comment on the Halloween popularity being cyclical. All trends are. Fearfest seems to be enjoying somewhat of a zenith right now and who knows how long it will last but there will come a point where the thoughts will be "been there, seen that." This year (and maybe it's like this every year)- but I was sort of turned off by some of the attractions. Some of the set's, i felt, crossed the line of being grotesque. And the location where you can get your picture taken in a coffin. I don't care what anyone says, thats awful. I can't imagine sitting in a "think-tank" room somewhere with grown-mature adults where someone would think that's a good idea. I know I'll probably get lit up over that comment, but that's my thoughts.

Oh, yea- Winterfest. I think it may be up to the management of the individual parks to sell CF on the idea. CF probably had a bit mnuch on their plate to deal with than to go with an "if-y" event.... and with the Cyclical nature of trends.... it'll probably be back sooner or later and maybe expand to some of the other CF parks.

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I do agree with you on the "Coffin pictures." I just found that totally gross and inappropriate for an amusement park. I don`t mind the gore in the attractions, but that thing really disturbed me. I think the concept of having a place to take pictures with the scaractors was a brilliant idea however.

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