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X-Flight coming to PKI?


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As to CoasterdadGL's post, three words:

Sour grapes anyway.

Now that it is leaving, why must you bash Cedar Fair? The company that OWNS Geauga Lake. The company that OWNS Kings Island. The company that will DECIDE Geauga Lake's future...Like it or not.

I have never heard anyone but a coaster enthusiast or park employee complain about whether a ride is new or used. Which would you rather have, a new Hyundai or a 2004 Lexus 400? Regardless of your answer, I know what most people would choose.

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Can I take the Grimlin or the Plymoth Pinto?

Bitter Table for 1!

I have made the 4 hour drive many times to Geauga Lake, Sea World Ohio, SFO, SFWoA, and Geauga Lake. The park was better as GL and SWO, Six Flags killed it and especially with the employees that they hired and lack of maintence and up keep. Then came the combinaton of 2 parks in one, new rides, and more headaches. I dont envy Cedar Fair because the GL situation is an ugly one and the park is just too large for the area and especially seeing as the area is a little economically depressed. GL doesnt draw like Cedar Point.

X-Flight is a great ride and I will take a used Flying Dutchman any day over a lot of other new rides out there. For the price KI is getting a great coaster that most KI visitors have never ridden. Sorry but I like the decision by Cedar Fair to move it to KI. So take your bitterness and leave.

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Well put Railrider! For all you bitter Geauga Lake fan boys and employees who wanna come over and whine, we dont care what you have to say. Its pretty obvious the general opinion of this board is against and this community doesnt value the crap you've decided to bring with you. Go back to geaugaguide.com and keep crying about how M.C. Flash was right all along.

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I hate to burst everyone’s bubble regarding the alleged new USED ride. Being a rider of XF for the last 4 years I must say CF is really giving PKI guests the shaft by sending them this USED ride instead of giving them a new one that they deserve. While XF may seem like a great ride in actuality it’s just a gimmick ride. Once you ride it the thrill is over and it doesn’t really warrant a re-ride. PKI is merely getting a USED troublesome ride that has terrible capacity. I think PKI ride ops are great but I don’t think anyone not even the designers can operate this USED ride efficiently. You will soon find out as you wait in your three hour plus line for a USED ride that’s in my opinion not worth a half hour wait.

I know that you think I might be a bit bitter because XF used to be at my home park and I am. I am bitter that CF took it without any warning, although in the long run I am sure it was the right business decision. I will not miss the ride but I will miss what it added to the park in perception.

I know if PKI was my home park I would not be happy to be getting a CRAPPY USED RIDE! So look around your park and don’t think it won’t happen to you but in the meantime good luck PKI – I hope you have fun with your new USED toy!

Oh yeah – for those who say GL has poor customer service you might want to actually make that 4 hour trip instead of believing what you hear.

So is this a USED ride? ;):o:D:lol::rolleyes:

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Which would you rather have, a new Hyundai or a 2004 Lexus 400? Regardless of your answer, I know what most people would choose.

Used Vekoma or a brand new Intamin?

haha anyways. I am not bitter towards Cedar Fair geauga lake, or Kings Island. I happen to love working for Cedar Fair. I did not come here just to sign up for bash talking KI or be a rude ignorant jerk. I stated once what I think what would happen IF they flyer's new home was KI. Just from what I saw and the rides that they have king's island I simply said it would not be the easiest thing for employees who never worked it before. Sure training helps but look how rough the ride was ran in 01. THEN you guys come and bash Geauga Lake. Well I am going to defend my crew since if it was someone on my crew I would not alow anyone of them to say that, becuase of the end of the year situation and people going back to school we had diffrent people from diffrent crews working our ride. Now there are some ride ops who dont work becuase they love amumsent parks and they just want the money, well geauga lake has them, Cedar Point has them, six flags over george has them, Kings Island has them, everyone does. I have talked to others who STRONGLY dislike Kings Island for somethings but me I like it. You cant go and form opions for people. I cannot represent the park as ONE employee, I got complements all the time and some got complants. I am sure any bad employee is taken care of, i know of 2. Anyways I am happy to have the paramount in the chain and I am not "bitter" "salty" or even "mad" at Cedar Fair or Kings Island.

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:D This Just In From The Cincinnati Enquirer!


Airromeo4Ever 2007!

A line from this article:

"The park’s parent company Cedar Fair Entertainment Co. recently announced Kings Island would get a $10 million “major new thrill ride†as part of an $83 million in nationwide capital investments."

This may be a point of minutiae, but what CF actually announced in the 12/23 press release was that KI would be receiving $10M in capital improvments for 2007...not necessary a "$10M ride." While I'm sure the "new" ride will make of the lion's share of that cap ex investment, there is a distinct difference (no matter how subtle...)

New trashcans have to be paid for too, you know ;)

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:D This Just In From The Cincinnati Enquirer!


Airromeo4Ever 2007!

A line from this article:

"The park’s parent company Cedar Fair Entertainment Co. recently announced Kings Island would get a $10 million “major new thrill ride†as part of an $83 million in nationwide capital investments."

This may be a point of minutiae, but what CF actually announced in the 12/23 press release was that KI would be receiving $10M in capital improvments for 2007...not necessary a "$10M ride." While I'm sure the "new" ride will make of the lion's share of that cap ex investment, there is a distinct difference (no matter how subtle...)

New trashcans have to be paid for too, you know ;)

Also the ride orginally cost $15M, $10M is a pretty expensive cost for a re-instal of a ride that you arent manufacturing. So I would agree JZ Trashcans need to be paid with that $10M as well as some other improvements. I would imagine that the demolition, transportation, instalation, and theming of the ride would cost somewhere between $5M to $7M. Thats just my guess.

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I think there are some bruised feelings among enthusiasts whose 'home' park is GL. Can't say as I blame them, considering the park seems to be shrinking yearly and may actually be in danger of turning into a waterpark-only-operation sometime in the future. I would number myself among them, since I do live closest to GL. Personally, I love all amusement parks. Kings Island, Cedar Point, Kennywood, all of 'em. Any place I can grab a coaster or enjoy a classic flat is my home.

Truth be told, X-Flight is probably not as great as its most ardent admirers claim, and not nearly as bad as its detractors would have you believe. It's an okay ride, used or not, and it will fit in nicely with KI's lineup of coasters.

Moving X-Flight was a pragmatic, and logical, decision for Cedar Fair. On the one hand, they inherited in mid-season a huge, popular park that hadn't seen a new ride in a couple years. It was too late to think about contracting for a new attraction to be built over the off-season, and especially given the flak they knew they would end up receiving among local fans for delooping SOB, they needed to get something in there fast. On the other hand, they had a huge park with dropping revenues that they obviously needed to shrink. So....

The nice thing about this move is that it gives CF some breathing room to figure out what to do next with KI. They can see how Renegade shakes out at Valleyfair, and then maybe consider putting in a new woodie in 2009 or 2010.

I sometimes say deprecating things about Cedar Fair, mostly because they do such a good job that they start getting a little bit too much unleavened praise, when in reality they aren't perfect and they do make their share of mistakes. But rest assured, they will do well by KI.

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Yeah? So?

It means either the article got the date wrong or KI is still unsure of when they want to announce it. www.pki.com says to look for an announcment on this friday. In a letter I recieved from the park, it said they would be saying something about a new ride on Feb. 3rd. And now the article gives a 3rd date saying itll be on the 5th.

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Just gotta love the CF tease like hydra, patriot, maverick, now "BLANK"

Yeah? So?

It means either the article got the date wrong or KI is still unsure of when they want to announce it. www.pki.com says to look for an announcment on this friday. In a letter I recieved from the park, it said they would be saying something about a new ride on Feb. 3rd. And now the article gives a 3rd date saying itll be on the 5th.

Well it wont likely be on a weekend.

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Sour grapes? OK, ill take that – but I did already agree that I was bitter with the handling of the whole XF thing. Let me get one thing straight, I love KI! I would have loved to see some kind of unique top 10 ride be installed at KI to show that CF really cared. But what does CF do instead? Right off The Bat they throw in a used, problem plagued, low capacity ride in a park that already has long lines for high capacity rides. For those of you who say XF is a great ride that’s fine and it is your opinion, I hope you continue to like it after waiting 3 hours in line for it. But my point is this when compared to other rides that KI could have got its not that great, have you ever seen it ranked above 100 in any polls?

I sure would like to hear from some of you who are really unhappy regarding CF decision to throw this hunk of crap in instead of giving your park a shiny new ride, although it seems that’s unlikely to happen in these forums.

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Just gotta love the CF tease like hydra, patriot, maverick, now "BLANK"

Yeah? So?

It means either the article got the date wrong or KI is still unsure of when they want to announce it. www.pki.com says to look for an announcment on this friday. In a letter I recieved from the park, it said they would be saying something about a new ride on Feb. 3rd. And now the article gives a 3rd date saying itll be on the 5th.

Well it wont likely be on a weekend.

I'm just going on what i'm reading off of the rehire paper KI sent me in the mail. So either its going to be announced on this friday and they are just going to tell the rehire employees about it on the 3rd. Or they're going to give the employees a sneek peek and then have the press release on monday. The later I dont see happening as there is always a chance that an employee would go spouting his/her mouth off.

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Those who portray Cedar Fair's choice as being between putting in a brand spanking new B and M or putting in X Flight are being distinctly unrealistic and/or unfair. This is a company that just spent $1.24 billion buying Paramount Parks, had already planned its own capex for 07, inherited a miserly capex plan for 07 for the Paramount Parks, and then on July 9, 2006, saw its Kings Island world change drastically. The expenses to reopen Son of Beast must come from somewhere...they will not spring from whole cloth. Contrary to what some here have said, they are very unlikely to come from insurance monies, either.

If a used Vekoma weren't coming to Kings Island in 2007, the likelihood is great that NO major roller coaster would be. And, as said before, other than a few enthusiasts, no one cares if the ride is new or used. It's new to the park's major patronage base. And that's all that matters to them. Let's compare a bit more fairly...in my book at least, a used X Flight beats a new Italian Job any day of the week!

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Coasterdad, you obviously havent visited PKI very often...anyone that goes there day after day during the summer or 5 times at least knows that sometimes even on saturdays you can walk right on most of the rides. Out of the many many times that I visited the park I only had to wait in a 45 minute plus line probably 3 times, and even then it was only like on two rides at the park. I can knock out every ride at KI, riding some rides multiple times in under 5 hours. Thats 10 plus coasters plus multiple flat rides in under 5 hours! The park is never really "empty" but the ride ops at KI know how to keep things moving and the infrastructure at KI is very nice. So X-Flight is a welcome addition, It may have an hour wait to start off like Italian Job did (I dont usually ride IJ:ST because of this long line for a short ride) but not much more than that!

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I concur it does matter when you visit, but not all that much, as long as it isnt sunday after church, or on a Bring a friend Free day, the ride waits arent all that long at all...comparitively to other parks.

Scooby's Ghoster Coaster?? seriously, were talking about Scooby's ghoster coaster?? Scooby's Ghoster Coaster??

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Well, in all honesty tycoonrebel7188, I think he knew that Scooby`s Ghoster Coaster was removed. And when that ride was around, it did have terrible capacity. I did ride it back in 2000 with my cousin when it had a walk on line. It was nothing too impressive. But it was a fun little ride for kids. Although the trim brakes on the midcourse were a little rough.

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Sour grapes? OK, ill take that – but I did already agree that I was bitter with the handling of the whole XF thing. Let me get one thing straight, I love KI! I would have loved to see some kind of unique top 10 ride be installed at KI to show that CF really cared. But what does CF do instead? Right off The Bat they throw in a used, problem plagued, low capacity ride in a park that already has long lines for high capacity rides. For those of you who say XF is a great ride that’s fine and it is your opinion, I hope you continue to like it after waiting 3 hours in line for it. But my point is this when compared to other rides that KI could have got its not that great, have you ever seen it ranked above 100 in any polls?

I sure would like to hear from some of you who are really unhappy regarding CF decision to throw this hunk of crap in instead of giving your park a shiny new ride, although it seems that’s unlikely to happen in these forums.

And now I'll say a GREAT second post. :D

Welcome to the site!

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