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Demon Drop for 2008?


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This isn't really a rumor but I wasn't sure where to place this so here it is. I've heard in years past that Cedar Point was trying to sell Demon Drop. So I was wondering two things:

#1. Is CP still trying to get rid of Demon Drop?

#2. If so, is there a chance they may just relocate it to one of their own parks?

The reason I ask is because I think it would make a great addition to Coney Mall at KI.

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Demon Drop is getting older and requires a great deal of maintenance. A similar ride, Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall, was one of the first things Cedar Fair removed from Geauga Lake. Six Flags has removed ALL of their first generation Intamin drop rides.

I can't imagine that Cedar Fair will relocate Demon Drop to one of their own parks. As much I love that ride experience, I suspect the day is soon coming when it can no longer be had in the USA or Canada.

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From what was said before, Cedar Point is trying to sell it but will continue to operate it until a buyer is found. However if said maintenance out weights the cost of keeping the ride open, it will eventually be scraped I'd think. But it's still operating at CP as we speak.

They would be no reason to relocated this ride to another Cedar Fair park in my opinion. Why would KI need it, we already have a much better free fall ride.

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I was just curious about this ride's fate. It is probably my second favorite flat ride surpassed only by Skyhawk. I knew that CP had tried to sell it in the past but obviously it was never moved. I was hoping against all logic that it may be relocated to KI because Coney Mall needs more rides at the far end and I really love Demon Drop.

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DD better than Drop Zone? Hmm...maybe not to me, but it does give a great pop of air. But I really don't want KI to become the Goodwill of the theme park industry. And we do have DZ already. Not very realistic move IMHO.

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This isn't really a rumor but I wasn't sure where to place this so here it is. I've heard in years past that Cedar Point was trying to sell Demon Drop. So I was wondering two things:

#1. Is CP still trying to get rid of Demon Drop?

#2. If so, is there a chance they may just relocate it to one of their own parks?

The reason I ask is because I think it would make a great addition to Coney Mall at KI.

Not gonna happen it is for sale, but it will stay at CP until some park in Japan or India buys it or it breaks down and it's worth the cost of fixing it.

But I will be very sad to see it go, honestly of ALL the rides at CP for some reason this one is still one of the scariest to me.

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I couldn't possibly agree with you more. That ride is the only drop ride that puts a pit in my stomach, every single time.

I really miss Stuntman's Free Fall at Great Adventure. It will be a sad day when Demon Drop leaves Cedar Point...

I don't know what what will be sadder loseing Demon Drop or when we lost the log flume (name escapes me at the minute).

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I think my spine still hurts from the last time I rode demon drop 2 years ago, It wracked by back up good, ouch!

Still it was the first ride I ever rode at Cedar Point 10 years ago, it would be weird to think of it gone.

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It will be a very sad day when Demon Drop is gone from Cedar Point. :( It's my favorite freefall, and gives a much more enjoyable experience than other common drop rides.

I do agree that this one just has something about it that gives you that "pit" in your stomach. Something about the drop.

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I don't know what what will be sadder loseing Demon Drop or when we lost the log flume (name escapes me at the minute).

Flume at CP= White Water Landing

Flume at KI= Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal

Both were really fun, family, water rides. I was very happy to get my daughters on WWL back in the fall of '05, especially since my youngest just turned 4.

I miss them as well. It is difficult to find a water ride today that does not get you completely soaked to the bone.

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I don't know what what will be sadder loseing Demon Drop or when we lost the log flume (name escapes me at the minute).

Flume at CP= White Water Landing

Flume at KI= Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal

Both were really fun, family, water rides. I was very happy to get my daughters on WWL back in the fall of '05, especially since my youngest just turned 4.

I miss them as well. It is difficult to find a water ride today that does not get you completely soaked to the bone.

Now your going to get me started on the water rides again, man I wish they had some nice water rides out there that you could ride without getting soaked. I hate getting soaked, but I love old water rides, it's ok to get a little wet but really if I wanna get soaked I'd go to boomerang bay, funny I never new about wwl till it was gone, must have never paid attention on my way to the mean streak, I must have passed it donzens of times. Bring back the log flume, bring back gulliver's travel, bring back enchanted voyage. I love them rides

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  • 4 weeks later...

CF has been trying to sell it for several years and needs the land Ki however needs flatrides and has plenty of land it could be a possibility with re-theming could fit in x-base or replace days of thunder in the Action Zone or even in rivertown it woud bring more attention to one of the most un occupied parks ;)

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Demon Drop was put in many many years before Power Tower. Granted they are some differences/similarities in Power Tower and Demon Drop, but I just think it would be silly to have both Demon Drop and Drop Zone at KI.

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Demon Drop's height and overall worth probably make it suitable to go to a smaller type park. I wouldn't describe any park in the CF chain as that type of park.

Also, CP has never needed to remove rides for "space." Most rides being removed for new construction are either lagging in overall usefulness and ridership, or have maintenance issues. This is shown by the relocation of rides like Calypso, Troika, Giant Wheel, Chaos, Super Himalaya, and others. If they had no room, how could they relocate those rides to other open areas?

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The CP is running out of room cry has been heard now for more than ten years. And yet during this time they have installed rides like Raptor, MaXair, Wicked Twister, Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster, without removing any ride they didn't really want to remove. The only "bad rides" are either unpopular or maintenance/operational nightmares.

It was Paramount Parks, far more than Cedar Fair, that had the "We are putting in a new ride, let's take one (or more) out" mentality. Sometimes, I suspect they were more focused on ongoing staffing and maintenance burdens than they were with entertaining the people who paid to get in.

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Most rides being removed for new construction are either lagging in overall usefulness and ridership, or have maintenance issues.

White Water Landing as well as Kenton's Kove Keelboat Kanal at KI are excellent examples of rides taken out due to maintenance issues- mainly cost of maintenance.

DD will not be relocated to KI. Since PT is a very similar ride, and DD is not as popular as it once was due to PT being taller and giving guests another option of how to ride it, it really is not a surprise that CP put it up for sale.

It is also not a surprise that DD has not been sold. While it may not be an "old" ride, today's technology makes it look ancient. Look at it this way, DD is 131', but you only freefall drop 60' due to the curve in the track.

A park can install a brand-new 120' drop ride for less than $250,000, with a smaller footprint, less maintenance, and easier to operate.

I will be surprised if CP is able to sell it. Especially now with the unfortunate incident at KK. Even though both ride are completely different, all the general public heard was "feet taken off" and "drop ride". CP has traditionally planned for expansion/ new rides many years in advance. The decision to sell DD was not made overnight. CP has something planned for that section of the park. We just don't know for what year.

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  • 2 months later...
I will be surprised if CP is able to sell it. Especially now with the unfortunate incident at KK. Even though both ride are completely different, all the general public heard was "feet taken off" and "drop ride". CP has traditionally planned for expansion/ new rides many years in advance. The decision to sell DD was not made overnight. CP has something planned for that section of the park. We just don't know for what year.

but the people that own the park that would buy it would be smart enough to know that the rides are two completly different rides

and i have only ridden dd twice and i found it to be a very enjoyable ride(that was until i was on my back feeling like i was de-railing)

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