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Dinosaurs Alive - Opening Day


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Dinosaurs Alive - Opening Day

Report – Photos – Thoughts – Suggestions

Kings Island May 26, 2011

Report with Photos

I meet up with the staff members Dane, CoastersRZ and BoddaH1994 of KICentral to visit, share some laughs and memories.


In addition we had a mutual interest in experiencing a new beginning/addition of Kings Island new animatronic dinosaur park Dinosaurs Alive.


We spent the early part of the day briefly discussing what each of us would like to do in pictures or video, going through the Dinosaurs Alive gift shop and taking various pictures of the surrounding area as you enter Dinosaurs Alive area.



They had park associates out front of the area to answer questions and to sell tickets to Dinosaurs Alive as well as a Dinosaur Alive 3D-Movie in Action Theater. We also noticed an automated ticket kiosk across from the entrance to Dinosaurs Alive and we made sure our tickets were in order so we would be ready as they opened the new park at 2PM.


Since it was getting close to 2PM we decided to get in line that was gathering for the ceremonial ribbon cutting and the opening of Dinosaur Alive.


It was at this point That Don Helbig Kings Island public relations manager took to a podium to share some interesting stories surrounding the new park and then introduced some representatives who had a hand in the development of the animatronic dinosaur park.


Then with a animatronic dinosaur watching over the festivities under an ominous looking sky the word was giving to cut the ceremonial ribbon and announce "Dinosaurs Alive is Now Open"


So with that a new era of Kings Island history opens and guest enter to get a look as one of the first to see the park.


As we enter the dinosaur park we were given a two sided information sheet that had a map on one side and fun facts on the other side


We proceeded to go under Racer Coaster and enter into a densely wooded area and quickly came to a variety of animatronic dinosaurs which we noticed a reader and family of KICentral enjoying the descriptions of each Dinosaur.


So then after we experience a couple dinosaurs we came to an area that offered us an opportunity to take a couple photographs which would be assimilated to a Dinosaur Alive background.


So we had to have them photograph our party as well.


For the fun of it you can see our picture and organize your party to a fun picture made for yourself.

I notice that at this booth guest can get a rarely seen before view of the backside of Racer and other Kings Island ride attractions.


From that picture you can tell we were about to get poured on by one of a few rain storms we encountered on this day.

I really enjoyed as we came up on a dinosaur scene the scene comes to life with dinosaur calls/screams and movement.


Here is a photo collage of the same dinosaur as it moves and I took pictures.


As we walked we noticed the pathway through the area was wide and easy to walk in grade. It also leads us from one scene of an era of the dinosaur and the interesting information about that time and species


To another era of the dinosaurs.


About ¾ away around the park we came across an area for children to dig while parents get a bit of a break on one of the many benches in the area. I also liked the setting and wondered about the many beautiful photos of children playing with such a picturesque setting that will be shared through the years.


Along the trial Kings Island staffed many individuals eager to help with any question we had and even had some props to share.


This staffer was showing dinosaur poop which I know many boys and including my daughter will find the humor in that.


After a few more scenes we ended back up at the Dinosaurs Alive gift shop to view our photo we took earlier on the trial. I also got to spend some time to shop for my daughter back home still stuck in school. I like the wide choices of merchandise from shirts, hats and play sets


To nice showcase collective merchandise.


We decided now to go see the Dinosaurs Alive 3-D Movie in Action Theater and I apologize for not having any photos to add here as we hurried in the rain to get there. The 3-D Movie was informative and the quality was stunning and clear, even as good as any other 3-D movie I have seen in theaters. The 3-D Glasses used where comfortable and appeared to be of high quality.

As we walked back past Dinosaurs Alive entrance we were approached By Don Helbig and Ronny Salerno from Kings Island to ask us about our opinion of their new park addition.


My Thoughts:

Being a Kings Island enthusiast I am always curios and interested in park happenings and how they will affect guest experiences. When Dinosaurs Alive was announced I admit I was very excited not so much because I love dinosaurs but because I saw the new park being something I could see many other guest getting excited about doing individually or as a family. I was excited that Dinosaurs Alive would open up that area of the park in a whole new way and it offered a very promising way for my home park to raise addition revenue during a time they seem to be reinvigorating Kings Island decor. Now that I have been through Dinosaurs Alive animatronic Dinosaur Park 5 times I can safely say it has exceeded my expectations and desires as a park guest that I could have hoped for. The quality is great; the arrangement was about right with lots of room for expansion. I also point out that with each and every trip I made through the park I noticed new things I missed before and even learned with each trip through. We went through under sunny skies, when it rained and in the evening, with each and every one of those trips through it offered a unique experience so I will not hesitate to go through Dinosaurs Alive in any condition or time of day.

The 3-D Movie was good but not one I would do without doing the walk through the park. I do recommend the movie for first time visitors to Dinosaur Alive as I believe it will enhance their experience and understanding of dinosaurs better. The up-charge for the 3-D Movie is worth the $2.00 up-charge when done with the walk through park only. As mentioned in the report section the quality of the 3-D effects and crispness is top notch. Dinosaur Alive is new and obviously just opened and since much of the construction occurred during a very rainy year so far the area is a bit soggy. The natural vegetation has not had a chance to fill as of yet, so the park will only become more beautiful as it matures. I enjoyed the feeling of being far removed from the rest of the Kings Island and felt I could easily relax as I tried to imagine life in a much earlier time.

I wondered before this visit how many more trips I would take through Dinosaurs Alive and now afterwards I will not hesitate in another walk through when the opportunity arises when with others or anytime I get the urge to do so. I feel most who visit Dinosaur Alive will enjoy it and feel the value of time and money to be worthy. I know some guest may have reservation on the up–charge of $5.00 but out of curiosity they will go ahead and enter the park anyway. I feel most if not all those guests will be glad they did go ahead and experience Dinosaur Alive for themselves. I do believe some who do not care about dinosaurs or enjoy getting away in a theme exhibit park probably will not enjoy what Dinosaur Alive has to offer.


Let me premises this a bit first, obviously dinosaurs have been extinct for a few years, so no one should try to go into Dinosaurs Alive being over critical of the area or they may miss the enjoyment and beauty of the area. I encourage everyone to take your time going through, maybe walk through then circle back around and read the information signs, sit on a bench and soak in the atmosphere.

Very Important Tip here.

I highly suggest that those who buy the combo package of doing both Dinosaur Alive Park and 3-D Movie start by seeing the 3-D Movie first. I suggest this from experience and after seeing the 3-D show after my walk through I thought to myself I wished I seen this earlier. So then when we did go back through after the show I understood better about the theme environment and different characteristics of the different dinosaurs.

Let finish by saying great job Kings Island for taking the risk in bringing us your guest new and exciting things to do for a wide diverse audience that call your park their home park. I wish you the best of success with this new venture.

I look forward from reading and discussing with many KICentral members about their thoughts and experience about Dinosaurs Alive.


Thank you for reading and hopeful response; take care until our next adventure


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Great report! I went through this morning and will have pictures of my own later. I was VERY impressed with the whole setup, the dinosaurs are high quality animatronics, and move with fluidity and realism. I was probably most taken by the way they "breathe."

But more importantly, I was very impressed with all the employees I encountered. From the ticket seller to the ticket takers to the greeters to the folks along the path to the management who were milling around - everyone seems excited and their positivity is infectious! I was so impressed with their attitudes and friendliness that I went to Guest Relations to share my positive experience with them.

Now, I only have two suggestions: 1) there should be some sort of warning about the 3D movie as it has segments that may be a bit intense for little ones due to suspense and Dino on Dino violence. The second suggestion is that if they decide to use this path and area for a new Dino themed Haunt, I hope they'll be able to open the regular path up during the day mainly because I can't imagine how beautiful it will be back there with the turning of the leaves. I want some great pictures!! :-)

Well done, Kings Island! You should be proud of this. I'll gladly give another $5 to do it again.

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I don't think this question was answered, let alone asked, but are the DA! tickets good for the entire day or just a one-time instance, as in one has to pay again if they want to go through it again?

Also, they might as well do a dino-themed Haunt seeing as how it barrels through and uses portions of the original Trail of Terror. Although the problem of properly staffing said attraction would be unheard of, reaching numbers of well over 100+ people, along with the fact that you're essentially talking about a lengthy attraction at almost an hour.

But then again, the premise of having the world's longest haunted trail would make for good publicity, provided the attraction itself is actually GOOD and not simply what Tombstone Terrortory is stretched several more thousand feet.

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RingMaster - Don Helbig did address your question about single time entry or all-day entry to Dinosaurs Alive in an interview I witnessed back on opening day April 30, which can be found here http://www.KICentral...ndpost&p=428111

In that interview Don said Dinosaurs Alive will be a single entry per $5.00 and not $5.00 for return all day on day of purchase. Although he does state that you can go around as many times as you wish and stay in the area as long as you wish or until they close the trial for the day. So once you exit you would need to pay another $5.00 to reenter. I would suspect it would be hard to monitor who actually bought a ticket and returned for another entry or someone who would try to take advantage and pass/sell their ticket to someone else so they could gain dishonest entry to Dinosaurs Alive Park.

As we left the Dinosaurs Alive gift shop yesterday we where asked in participate in a survey and towards the end of the questions they asked about haunt. Basically the question was in line of; If Kings Island was to add Dinosaurs Alive to Fall festivities would we like to see it themed to a family Fall area or for a night Haunt attraction. From talking with some of the Kings Island planners, they seem a little apprehensive and worried about control of Dinosaurs Alive being used for a Haunt attraction. Time will tell.

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Thanks for such a great report...and your font color really get's me into the theme of the event. :P

Your pictures are great. It will be awhile before I make it to the park so these will hold me over for now. I like the sign for the attraction...it may be simple but I think it also fits the theme.

It looks like you had a great day...even with the rain. I think the main thing I like about your report is that it is nice having an objective opinion of Dinosaurs Alive. I have learned over the years that you will not only give us the good but the bad...so it's nice to see that you couldn't find much to improve on. After reading your report I have no doubt my "dinosaur loving nephew" is going to be more than happy seeing these!

(I do have one question...in the Dino Dig area...is that real sand?)

Thanks again for the great report...I love seeing/reading someone who is still excited about the park! :)

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windshawne - If you promise to wear a safari hat with me as we go through Dinosaurs Alive I would be happy to pay your way next time I see you at the park. :P

standbyme - thanks for the kind words and to answer your question, Yes it is real sand and since the area is a bit new (not settled) and very wet right now I did sink about 3-4 inches when i attempted to walk into that area. I did raise a concern about using real sand versus a synthetic type material, due to kids getting a bit more muddy than the parents would find acceptable. (hows that for telling it like it is?)

Also just let me add knowing you and a bit about your family I have no doubt you guys will like Dinosaurs Alive.

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Awesome report on DA. I know I was against this when it was announced, but after going through DA today, I must admit that is very impressive. Not only a nice walk but very educational. I will do this again when they replace the Dino that burned down. I can also say the employees at this attraction were really nice and informative.

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windshawne - If you promise to wear a safari hat with me as we go through Dinosaurs Alive I would be happy to pay your way next time I see you at the park. :P

standbyme - thanks for the kind words and to answer your question, Yes it is real sand and since the area is a bit new (not settled) and very wet right now I did sink about 3-4 inches when i attempted to walk into that area. I did raise a concern about using real sand versus a synthetic type material, due to kids getting a bit more muddy than the parents would find acceptable. (hows that for telling it like it is?)

Also just let me add knowing you and a bit about your family I have no doubt you guys will like Dinosaurs Alive.

It's a deal-but let me know when and I'll be there.

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It should also be noted, that the first time we went through Dinosaurs Alive, it took us nearly fifty minutes to get through the entire thing, and that was WITHOUT reading any of the informational signs. So I think spending $5 for nearly an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes worth of entertainment is really good value. I know I will certainly pay to go through it again, especially once they add that dinosaur back in. I definitely recommend you check out Dinosaurs Alive!

Nice trip report Jesse!

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Judging by this photo, I would choose Robbie to take back in time if I had to face a real dinosaur...everyone else is terrified...he's got that "oh looky it's a dinosaur" kind of expression. :)

Yes it is real sand and since the area is a bit new (not settled) and very wet right now I did sink about 3-4 inches when i attempted to walk into that area. I did raise a concern about using real sand versus a synthetic type material, due to kids getting a bit more muddy than the parents would find acceptable.

That's EXACTLY what I was worried about...kids can get really dirty in even halfway wet sand...and my sister always tries to dress my nephews nice for the park.

This old dinosaur may have to go visit his kindred soon!

Hey, wait. No, don't tell me. Didn't we meet last year at the Feinman bar mitzvah? :lol:

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I agree standbyne about Robbie being the choice to take back in time. Since you like to hear it the way it is I will tell you why; as you can see Robbie stays calm during worried times and is very analytical in sizing up the situation. That plays well for me as if any dinosaurs would approach us by the time Robbie figured out what the best plan would be for the situation I would be 200 yards down the trial. :D

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Avatar - That last post made me laugh and there is some truth to it. But give Robbie a minutes or so and I think he'll have caught you :)

Also thanks for the report on DA - while I'm not anxious to go through it, I'm sure the boys and I will at some point this season and it seems like a good addition to the park.

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