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Kings Island Closing Day 10/27/13 PTR


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So, this is a bit delayed… It’s already snowed probably 10 inches and everything, but now is better than never, I guess.

The day started out when I, my mom, dad, sister, cousin, other cousin, aunt, and uncle, went to meet up with members of KICentral at Big Boy. Some of the members at the meet up included NoChickens/Rick and Mrs.NoChickens/Dee, malem/Matthew, jcgoble3/Jonathan, IndyGuy4KI/Brad, Fire-Beast-of-FEAR/Duncan, Beastie1980/Melissa, and probably a few others I am forgetting.


We filled ourselves up with some good food (even though they had no waffle sticks) to get ready for the last day of the year!

We soon arrived at the park and I realized I had forgotten my coat at Big Boy. Yay. I didn’t think it was worth it to go back and get it now, and luckily, until riding RFYLCB, I didn’t need it, as my light jacket was enough. We met up with thedevariouseffect, BeastForever, fan-of-Firehawk, and some others. Then, my family and I headed to the season pass processing center.

I honestly wasn’t sure yet what we were getting, but I was really hoping for Platinum for the last few years. And, we finally got one. So 2014 should be a Cedar Point and Banshee and Kings Dominion year!


Everyone clapped when I held up the shiny new piece of plastic. It was cool. It made me feel special.

So, we chatted and waited for the park to open for one last day.


Soon, the gates opened, we grabbed our bobbleheads, and headed to Diamondback.

Just waited a cycle to get our ride on the tallest, fastest, and meanest roller coaster at Kings Island. Next was The Beast. A station wait. Good ride.


I believe around now, I somehow lost the group. I figured they would be in X-Base, so I headed to Firehawk. I walked through the queue and didn’t see them, and they weren’t in the station, either. But while I’m here, I might as well ride the thing, right? Walked right on, and it was another fun ride.

I believe after that ride, I found the group exiting Flight of Fear, and they wanted to do Firehawk. I rode it again, another walk on, and another fun ride! After this, they decided to head back to Flight of Fear.

Just a station wait to see the aliens that day. Got on, zoomed off, and made it safely back to earth. The coasters never get old! Now we headed down the Coney Mall Midway to The Racer.




It was a walk on for the red side. Up down, up down, fun ride.












Now we went to Flight Bat Deck Gun Thing. A walk on for this ride. The ride ops kept saying “We could be different next year”. After the fun ride, when we got on the brake run, an ride op said on the speakers “Thank you for riding Top Gun, sponsored by Gillette Mach 3”. That got some laughs from the train. And the non KICers were pretty confused.

We rode again, with another walk on, and another fun ride. That would end up being my last ride of the Flight Deck era. It was now time to head over to Tower Drinks for the group picture. We got our picture in front of the Blood Drums stage. After this, it was pretty split on Reds Grille, or Festhaus. In the end, we all went to the Festhaus.

I got pizza and ate it. We watched Graveyard Shift. Nice lunch. After this, I headed to Adventure Express with some people.


Fun ride, and I said hi to Banshee a few times.

Now it was just kind of Fire-Beast-Of-FEAR and BeastForever and I. Everyone was doing there GOCC tour. We rode Delirium, cycle wait, and had a fun ride, almost hitting a certain dive loop. Then we headed to Drop Tower. It was a cycle wait. I forgot if Duncan liked this ride or not. I did.

After that ride, we peeked under a fence. Like, we all laid down on concrete.


A few people definitely noticed. It looked like Don tried not to.



She looks good from down below too.





Yeah, that was a lot of fun. We found malem and MDMC01 and went to Invertigo.


It was a cycle wait. Matthew and Matt ended up a couple of cycles behind us, so I took a few pictures








Now we headed to one last Ed Alonzo show.


The show was magical and funny. The kid volunteer was so tiny. Now it was Vortex time.

On our way, malem let me know I was walking right behind The Interpreter. I had no clue. That was cool. I sat in 7-1 after a station wait. Awesome ride. Bye for 2013, Vortex.

Next was a 15 minute wait for The Beast. I sorta got a group photo while in line.


And another, more odd one.


Fun ride on the longest wooden roller coaster in the world. Next was one last ride on Diamondback. About a 10 minute wait for a fun ride. There was a Diamondstack.

Now it was time for… Flying Ace: Aerial Chase.



Due to the limited seating on Flying Ace, we couldn’t fit everyone on one train. We sort of got most people on one, though, after a 15 minute wait. It was my first and only ride on Flying Ace that year, and it was great preparation for Banshee.

Next we did something even more stupid than that. We went on this thing.



I wasn’t going to ride it, but I don’t know, for some reason, I got in line. I rode in front of The Interpreter. I kept getting wet. Too wet. While on the ride, Terp asked me “Are you doing ok up there”? My response: ”No”. Then he said, “Good!” I got drenched by the splash and especially that awful Snoopy.

After the rides, the “Stupid 12” got a picture. I was probably the most soaked. Next, I, Jonathan, and Melissa went to Xtreme Skyflyer. We waited about 10 minutes. It was Melissa’s first time on. I ended up having to pull the rip cord. It was another incredible, freaky ride on Xtreme Skyflyer.

Next was Drop Tower, with its spinless cycle. We got on and had another fun ride.

But… Time was running out. The FUN was about to end. We decided to spend the end of it on The Beast.


I got one of the last cycles on The Beast. Well… It was fun. Very fun. We waited for Don, and then headed to the entrance. And that was it. It was over. That’s all she wrote for 2013 at Kings Island.


We met up at Taco Bell for some dinner. It was good. I liked it. We said our goodbyes, and then headed home.

A couple of notes:

*Rides seemed to be running. Good for that.

*Banshee is just stunning. In 4 months…

*Once again, Closing Day managed to be such a fun day.

Well, that’s all for 2013. But, the good news is, writing this trip report so late, means we have already waited 2 months, and are about 1/3 the way to next season. Between the guessing, footers, and green Intamin track, this was such a fun season.

And thanks for reading!


Oh and Happy Holidays!

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It was FUN, truly a sight if you were there, and FUN to finally get with the group at the end of the day. (Long story, too little time to post) Thanks for posting, and great photos, just stop peaking at Banshee under the fence, she needs her privacy (Ironically I saw the small bunch doing that, I laughed all the way into Top Gun/Flight Deck/Top Gun Thingy/Bat.)

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Great trip report and pics! Thanks for sharing. I just have to throw this pic in to go along with the ones above:


Entry plaza on opening day - 4/27/13 - hard to believe a whole season came and went between that pic and the pics above!

Merry Christmas!

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