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Everything posted by kicsehlhorst

  1. Why is there multiple Banshee topics? (I know it's a new coaster in all that and we are freaked out by its coolness)
  2. Kings Island i think will get an intamin giga coaster in 2016 or 2017. Any thoughts? Any comments? Any predictions? Put them in the comments below! P.S. not trying to be rude about Banshee! I think it's one sexy coaster!
  3. Intamin all the way!!!!!
  4. Can I ask where you got the assumption that it may be tomorrow? Was there a hint that I missed? On Kings Island's Twitter they said "Going to be on living Dayton tomorrow. Talking about Soak City, Pink days, and maybe even Halloween Haunt"
  5. Tomorrow we MIGHT be getting an announcement about Halloween Haunt! We MIGHT get to see who's thoughts were the closest to the actual attractions.
  6. Guys, when I first got an account on KIC it wasn't this bad at all. Now it's falling apart. Let's just chill about this construction and act like family again. Please stop the madness!
  7. Nice post, man. Really. Welcome to KIC!
  8. "You've got me in circles" Vortex - The coaster that runs "circles" around the rest. Possible hint? Due to the fact that we were just discussing Vortex's old advertisements in a recent topic?....... (http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27632-feel-the-grip-of-Vortex-and-other-ramblings/) Its a far fetched hint but its possible...... A possible hint that the ride could have a loop or inversion.... I doubt it. Don was probably just trying to be humorous. But good thinking (or decoding).
  9. What did you see? Sorry I'm just being nosy.
  10. I'd honestly say to go to Dollywood if you get a two day pass. If you just go for one day I'd recommend kennywood because of shorter lines.
  11. I've been to Dent Schoolhouse and I think ki needs a school themed haunt!
  12. New for Soak City! Starts June 21st
  13. I think it's nice they do this. For one night they don't get criticized for who they love.
  14. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your visit!
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