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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2011 in all areas

  1. I heard about it from the Dippin Dots guy. ( Can't believe it-for once I beat everyone to the Dippin Dots joke.)
    1 point
  2. Personally I feel like Kings Island won't try to outdo The Beast. Even if it ends up not being the longest in the world, there's still much to be said about being the longest wooden coaster in America. Wasn't the Son of Beast purposefully left a few hundred feet shorter just so that The Beast could retain the record? And while many records don't seem to typically be "well known" by the public (especially Cedar Fair's traditionally far-reaching ones), even they seem to know that The Beast is the world's longest wooden coaster. My personal opinion is that with so many well-versed wooden coaster creators nowadays (including Intamin's plug-and-play and GCI), a tallest, fastest wooden coaster could be successful. After all, after Son of Beast, the #2, #3, and #4 slot for tallest wooden coasters all go to Intamin, and if anyone might attempt a wooden loop again, I can see it being Intamin. The question is, would Cedar Fair pay the undoubtedly massive price that any company would charge to conquer those records again? But I think there is truth to the idea that Kings Island is a sort of 'wooden coaster capital' in a sense. If Cedar Fair did decide to create a wooden behemoth the way they've so long focused on steel ones, I should hope Kings Island would be at the top of their list... One of the most important wooden coasters historically, one of the 'best' wooden coasters annually... A real record breaker really would be at home. It would be a nod to the past and a testament to the future. Of course, that was a different Cedar Fair. The new company may like to tread carefully, and maybe that's best. But seriously... a 200 foot Intamin pre-fab with a loop. Can you imagine? Talk about putting KI on the map... The Travel Channel specials would write themselves. (And so would the marketing: Son of Beast was a real brat, but now he's on his best behavior. Son of Beast: REBORN. Only at Kings Island.) Dreamer? You bet. But I'm not the only one.
    1 point
  3. i just thought of this what is the possibility they have been building a coaster right under our noses??? I remember a while back hearing about them clearing land to expand the Dinosaur Park. what if that is a lie and not a lie at the same time what if they are building a dino themed rollercoaster???
    1 point
  4. I remember my dad parking in the Penelope Pitstop section when we went that weekend.
    1 point
  5. simple. it takes money to staff. at some point they felt that they needed to cut that portion of staffing out; & never brought it back. Yes, but it was fun while it lasted, and added to the park. My grandmother always spoke of the entertainers wishing her "Happy Birthday", and when my cousin turned 16, the Barbershop Quartet sang to her. It just something extra. Sometimes I miss hearing the Saber Dance song as I'm walking down International Street.
    1 point
    1 point
  7. Having worked 3 seasons at Cedar Point now, I have countless stories I could tell that make me shake my head. The best probably came from this summer at Millennium Force, we had stopped a train on the lift (on purpose), and were down for a short period of time. I was working at the entrance during this particular incident, when this guy split off from his group (rudely) demanding to know why I wasn't letting them in. After trying to really explain the situation to him to no avail, I gave up and politely informed him that the ride had run out of gas. He said "Oh," and then went back to his group and repeated it to them, so they decided to walk across to Mantis, which was, and had been for awhile, down as well...When they came back wanting to know why Mantis was down, I told him we shared fuel tanks, and they were having the same issue as we were...He again bought it, and they walked away...
    1 point
  8. ...and you can experience it all...downtown!
    1 point
  9. I would think that would all depend on what provisions are in the Kinzels' respective contracts. If anyone could look me in the eye and somberly attest that Barton Kinzel is the most qualified person available to run Carowinds and was selected without regard to his relationship to the then CEO and Chairman, well, then, I would NOT want to play poker with that person!
    1 point
  10. The best way to not get the coaster fanboys riled up because of the absence of a new thrill ride? Announce your attraction in the middle of the night.
    1 point
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