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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2011 in all areas

  1. ^Do people really stand in line for KI's haunts for 2-3 hours each, or is the 2-3 hours cumulative time? This is a serious question because I really have no idea. I've been working in the haunts for the past 4 years and there's no way for me to gauge the wait times. I do know that people have told me and others in Slaughter House that our line moved the fastest, but I have no clue how long they waited. The last time I went to Haunt as a guest was in 2007, and in my TR from that visit I put my wait times. The longest we waited for one was 42 minutes. We went on a Friday in mid-October (I was smart enough not to visit on a Saturday), and our total wait times for all the haunts we did was 2 hours 22 minutes.
    1 point
  2. My skeletoes work pretty good in the waterpark If you don't mind looking like a dork with individual toed shoes.
    1 point
  3. This is the first year in a long time the family and I made 0 trips to KI. Some varying factors behind this. We had many different vacations planned this year, Disney World, Cruise to the Bahamas, Numerous trips to Dollywood (seasson pass holders) and lots of staycations (a new pool will do that). Honestly for the price KI offered very little to draw us as a family, I know worlds best childrens area and such, but we have much more fun as a family at Dollywood and that is a really fun quick weekend trip. This seasson I have struggled with my love for KI, yes it is one of my favorite parks, but after so many visits over the years I am slightly burned out I think. With the state of some rides not opperating or even running as a shadow of their former self, blah food at high prices, and just ok shows there is not much that draws my family in. No longer do I go to parks just to ride rides or up my coaster count, but we go for the experience, atmosphere and the overall attraction. Also has anyone else noticed the park guest quality index has changed? I think that is why we have continued to visit Disney, Dollywood, and Busch parks. After living 20 minutes away for 7 years and trips almosts every weekend, as a family we needed a break. I still love KI and I am sure we will revisit next year or the year after, but for now there are other memories to make.
    1 point
  4. If The Crypt is on it's way out then personally I would love to see a Screaming Swing that would match up to or even outsize Skyhwak at CP. Those things do not take up quite that much room and give a great ride experience. However, everyone who is saying an upcharge attraction will probably be right.
    1 point
  5. Touche, but you've got to admit that, around the hammerhead, it does feel a bit like you're off in the woods. It's not immersive by any means, but I think it's kinda cool, anyway. Yeah, I noticed that when I walked the construction area in 2008. If they did it, I mean they could do a supported wooden boardwalk-type of path. (Sort of like a pier, only not over water... The comparison that comes to mind is the path to the Thanksgiving section at Holiday World, only made out of wood instead of the hard plastic-ish boards and surrounded by trees.)
    1 point
  6. It was at one time Cedar Fair policy that specifics as to why a ride is down were not normally to be released to guests, who would often misunderstand or misinterpret the information and over-react. Far better to just say technical difficulties. The average guest wouldn't know a proximity sensor from hydrogen peroxide, blonde, blond or not.
    1 point
  7. Some other threads with similar discussion: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22719&st=0&p=403184 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20222&st=0&p=346124 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18737&st=0&p=315960 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18762&st=0&p=316460 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18159&st=0&p=305540 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18287&st=0&p=308019 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14932&st=0&p=243674
    1 point
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