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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2011 in all areas

  1. BOY! Could I have been more wrong? I honestly thought that there wasn’t a prayer in the world that after looking at the amazing landscaping…plus how “uncluttered” the 1974 shot was, that ANYONE would choose 2011! (Am I out of touch or what?!) I guess Flight of Fear & Diamondback does have more fans than I thought. In today’s photo set if I had only given you the "accurate" 2011 version you would be sitting there saying “Is that all there is?!”…so today I have also included a “If you had x-ray vision” version. This photo, like a lot of the Lion Country Safari shots was a challenge to match. To match this one I had to use a few aerial shots…I had to use the fence, tree and even the little box thingy in the 1974 shot to try and match it. Today’s photo set features the monorail…and just like Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, it helped put Kings Island on the map! 1974 2011 (X-ray version) 2011 (What you would really see.) I angled the camera down or it would have been all leaves! This is where the "accurate" shot was taken, on the side of the "On Location" shop. Today I will not try to guess anyone else's thoughts. I will simply say that for me 2011 wins. I did ride the monorail back in the day...but I can't say as I have any fond memories of it...so 2011 wins by default. Thanks again to everyone who is participating...yesterday's responses were fun! And a little bonus video of possibly my favorite Simpsons song: The Monorail Song .
    3 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Just a thought... Boddah: "Hey Don (H.), we'd like an offseason event." Don (H.): "Are the people that slam me and KI for no good reason (on KIC) coming?" Boddah: "Uh......."
    1 point
  4. this has been discussed to an unhealthy degree. I loved the first run of Winterfest; thought (other than pricing)- Paramount did an outstanding job trying to bring it back- but I don't see it happening. Haunt is too profitable and 30-days isn't enough time to reset the theming for something that large. Now, that said, the new leadership may take a look at it as a way to make the seasonal parks more year-round. I would give a wait-and-see.... but don't hold your breath.
    1 point
  5. Agree that this is definitely one of my favorite pictures and struggle with whether I'd prefer to be in 2011 or 1974. I guess I'll take 2011 as my current park for the added thrill rides, but wish I could step back in time to 1974 at least for a day. Things I like about the 1974 picture: - The landscaping, family ride type and density, arcade/skeeball, and food option in that area really add to the old midway feel that I think would have been special to experience - I prefer The Racer in many aspects - final bunny hill (ok, this has long been a pet peeve of mine that the final drop on both Racer and Beastie were removed), color scheme, open brake runs, and things you can't really see like no seat dividers/headrests/individual restraints - Even though I don't remember them in this location, I really wish we still had the Flying Eagles One thing that I'm wondering (and hope some of the photo historians may be able to answer for me) is whether the grass islands and trees were there at opening or added sometime between 1972 and 1974. I swear I've seen photo's of this area without them (although it could have been an artist rendition for all I know).
    1 point
  6. That is my favorite picture yet. It is so amazing to see how everything has changed over the years. Thanks to Hendrick as well for combining all the images together, very very cool to watch it change like that.
    1 point
  7. Thank you for taking the time to tell me! You and me both! Today’s photo set is the complete opposite of yesterdays…whereas in yesterdays set it was hard to find hardly anything interesting to look at, in today’s it’s hard to know where to start! 1974 Coney Mall in 1974 was perfection. 2011 Excluding International Street, I would think that Coney Mall has the most remnants left over from 1974. Where would I rather be standing today…1974 or 2011? Is there ANYONE reading this that would choose 2011? I don’t care if I wouldn’t have Flight of Fear or Firehawk...I would trade those in a heartbeat for that amazing landscaping…not to mention Skee Ball, The Flying Eagles…and NO Subway!
    1 point
  8. Autocross, with 25 spectators: http://www.auroraadvocate.com/news/article/5126963 The Big Dipper attracted many more than that. Terp, just sayin'
    1 point
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