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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2011 in all areas

  1. Wow, lots of fun comments on yesterday's photos...it IS appreciated. I can't thank you enough for making this worth my while. I can identify with this totally! If you aren't at the park with a little one it's like the kiddie area doesn't exist...and if you are with a little one the rest of the park vanishes...but happily. No offense taken at all...I will be the first to admit that there are some boring shots here...but I just figured that boring was better than nothing. I agree with you in a way...if I were judging JUST from the tower, and JUST by the looks and not the rides, 1974 would win most of the time with me. I miss it too...it was simple yet added SO much! Today's photo set is one of MY personal favorites! 1974 I just love looking at the skyride from this angle, it is so colorful! Even though the skyride scared me as a kid I really wish it were still around...although I can completely understand why it was removed. Also notice the cool strand of hanging lights! 2011 See the tree, how big it's grown...but friend, it hasn't been too long, it wasn't big... (One of the worst songs of all time...but my mom used to play it a lot. She used to have it on a vinyl 7" single...which everyone called a "45"...until the early 90's when the "kids" started calling them "singles"...then by the late 90's the major record companies called them extinct...but luckily there's still some indie companies still carrying the torch!) There is absolutely no doubt that I would love to be back in 1974 with this set of photos.
    6 points
  2. Hendrick is out of town at the moment...he was hoping to be back in time to post today's fade himself...but he PM'd it to me in case he didn't make it...so here it is: As always, thanks to Hendrick!
    2 points
  3. ^Obviously they knew that this was where The Beast roamed, and thus avoided the area.
    2 points
  4. If this thread turns into another footing vs. footer debate, I blame you!
    1 point
  5. That is a nice post. I learned something today! ... because for some reason the Native American tribes that inhabited the region for hundreds of years before avoided the 1600 acre parcel of land.
    1 point
  6. You are right about these things, especially the unique merchandise part. As I mentioned, today's photo set is a lot better than yesterdays! There's not too much to say about the set...it pretty much speaks for itself. 1974 Look at the line for The Enchanted Voyage...I remember that on my first ever visit to the park we rode that at least 3 times. When you were young it really was magical. 2011 The area certainly has changed. As for where I would rather be standing with today's photo set...that's a toughie. I am sure that if I rode the Enchanted Voyage today at my current age that it wouldn't seem nearly as special...so today I think I will say that 2011 is just fine and that way I can always cherish my memories of the old Happy Land of Hanna-Barbera Land the way I remember it. EDIT: And here is today's fade thanks to Hendrick!
    1 point
  7. Or maybe it was closed to allow for surveying the area for a future attraction that was being designed - just guessing.
    1 point
  8. Just a thought... Boddah: "Hey Don (H.), we'd like an offseason event." Don (H.): "Are the people that slam me and KI for no good reason (on KIC) coming?" Boddah: "Uh......."
    1 point
  9. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Uncle Tom's Cabin: '"Father," said one of the rising generation to his paternal progenitor, "if I should call this cow's tail a leg, how many legs would she have?" "Why five, to be sure." "Why, no, father; would calling it a leg make it one?" Kings Island can call its rides anything it wants, but they are what they are...whatever that is....
    1 point
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