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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2011 in all areas

  1. (I think I got everybody...if I did miss you I am sorry...but please let me know.) Over the next few weeks I plan on “Liking” everyone’s posts over the next few weeks...even the one’s that embarrassed me! (Lucky thing it’s the offseason!)
    6 points
  2. And now the end is here...Yep, today’s it. I didn’t save the best set for last...but I think I did save the set that sums up a sight that we all think of when we think of the park...the glorious view of the fountain and the tower as we enter the park! (And luckily I couldn’t botch this one...unless sam2cpa is going to tell me that the park had a second Eiffel Tower! ) There is nothing that I enjoy more than the feeling of walking out of the shaded “darkness” of The (former) International Restaurant and into the sunlight and seeing (and hearing) the fountain! 1974 I don’t know if it was an overcast the day these photos were taken...but I wish the sky was bluer in this photo. 2011 Michael’s (Hendrick's) final fade: On this, the last photo set in the series where would I rather be 1974 or 2011? 1974 has the skyride, the unique shops & the lower observation in it’s favor...but for me trees trump them all...not to mention the excellent pavers. When I first looked at these photos I kept thinking how great it would be if the park were like it was back in 1974...but now that the series is over I added up my votes of which time period I liked better...and I was pleasantly surprised that 2011 did a lot better in my mind than I originally thought it would. As 74Gibson has pointed out, I do seem to lean towards nostalgia...but not TOO bad. My final tally was 1974 -15 votes, 2011- 14 votes...and 2 tie votes...so I don’t think a 1 point win by 1974 is that bad!
    4 points
  3. Would KI, Cedar Fair or any responsible operator even THINK of running it unless they were sure to the best of their ability and expert knowledge that it was safe enough to put their own spouses, kids, lives and careers on? Absolutely not. Safety is paramount, in all parks. It must be that way. And it is.
    3 points
  4. ? Looks fine to me. Seriously...I almost butchered it again...I always have read your name as globe. Thanks for the kind words...and believe me, you went up and beyond with the Like button!
    2 points
  5. But... but... but... it can't be over! We're not even half way through the off-season! I haven't even finished eating all of my Halloween candy! (sorry for the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving reference, I just had to... ) But seriously, thank you so much for doing this, and especially for going above and beyond and emailing the pictures to me almost every day so that I can keep current on them (darn those internet filters at work!). I looked forward to those emails then checking out the comments in this topic, and was shocked when I saw the subject line of today's email. But all good things... All the hard work is appreciated by a lot of us here. Now to go home tonight so I can see what you posted as a thank you in posts 449 & 450. (Yes, I was planning to be online tonight anyway... a rare occurrence, I know!)
    2 points
  6. He likes fish, eh? http://weekiwachee.com/
    2 points
  7. Well, since we're out of pics, I guess the best we could do is try to get 2011 to look like 1974....
    1 point
  8. So the guy who I plagiarized...and who came up with the Flashback 2011 thread is nominating me...truly generous. To show my age...the first thing that popped into my head once I figured out how it WAS spelled is an old actor named George Gobel... the only way you might possibly even know him is that he voiced the father mouse in the cartoon "Twas The Night Before Christmas". Thanks again.
    1 point
  9. It's okay. Some of us enjoy listening to y'alls' raven about your voyages on Holiday World's most legendary coaster. Terp, who will now stand pat, and let y'all koch up where this thread coasts to next! Dispatch!
    1 point
  10. Thank you so much. Other than youtube and this site, no single thing has kept my daily attention like this thread. You have truly outdone yourself J.D. and I am incredibly impressed. When you started this, like you, had no idea how well 2011 KI would do in my votes. I tend to be a nostalgia guy myself but am realizing that, as I grow, I love the hear and now. Besides, KI has come a long way in the last few years on over-all experience and ambiance within the park. Many of the 11' shots would not have been nearly as nice without some of the recent revamps/ upgrades like pavers and rebuilt/designed midway areas. I must say, it's really impressive and I can't wait to see this progress continue... by moving BLSC to the go cart track and filling the area with a family traction surrounded by lush landscaping and many trees. Then revamp the Tower Gardens/ Paramount story area and do something with the large pile of ginormous toothpicks behind the relocated BLSC. Sometimes I hate waking from dreaming Now, would someone please publish this work in a coffee table (large) format. Side-by-side 74'-11' with some commentary would be awesome. Thank you again JD for all the joy, forgotten memories and good debates you've given me. I was glad to be at the top of the politically correctly alphabetized credits (not that I always start screen and band names with a number so it's at the top of lists ) Edit: to correct autocorrect David
    1 point
  11. I'd take everything except for the extreme heat that got to me on the Voyage walkback and forced me to take a nap in Plymouth Rock Cafe. Heck, I'd even take the alien mutant crickets that provided us entertainment in the cabin!
    1 point
  12. Thanks for doing this, all the pictures were great. And thanks to hendrick for the fades. I remember I first heard of this thread when it was mentioned on Kings Islands twitter. From the first post, (Hanna Barbera logflume/D-Back que and shop, Planet Snoopy overlook and log flume) to the last post (Eiffel Tower sky ride/Eiffel Tower WindSeeker behind) it's been a great thread. I had no idea when this thread would end, and was sad when I read the news today. Thanks for everything !
    1 point
  13. I'd bet everything your wrong. Depending on what he's got, I'd take this bet Mrs. Lopez.
    1 point
  14. What is also a cool thing i noticed... In the picture TY posted you can see where the park added more deck around the footer of the skyride once it was gone. Thanks for the thread J.D. it brought a once poster turned lurker out of slumber again. I rarely reply to things but I felt the need too for this!
    1 point
  15. Hey, having been off on the '74 photo is just an excuse to begin round 2 of this project next year, right? Here's a '72 vs. '10 comparison from the Eiffel Tower, showing where the '74 picture was most likely taken, and the same spot today. So, something like this (picture from '10): Only tilted down a bit, a few steps back and a tad to the right. And vertical, of course. Although I think the Sky Ride would offer some great views and that it looks really nice, Sling Shot is honestly my favorite ride in the park. I'd easily choose '10 in a heartbeat. Thanks again for all the photos and updates. And even if the '74/'11 pictures didn't match for today, both are still great shots - I've never seen such a close shot of Oktoberfest's station. I was actually trying to find a picture like yours a couple years ago when I was attempting to recreate the park from '72 on Roller Coaster Tycoon. Too bad this topic wasn't around then
    1 point
  16. I have trouble setting a firm place for HW's three woodies on my rankings too! Voyage was always #1, and Raven & Legend always swapped places. This year, with the way Voyage was running all three have at some point been #1, #2 & #3! I became well acquainted with your Raven love in June. What was it, 12 or 16 Raven rides for us without leaving our seats to close out Holliwood Nights? (let's do this cycle looking left... let's do this one looking right... let's do this one looking up... let's do this one with our eyes closed...)
    1 point
  17. Standbyme... your pictures have been the source of a ton of lost productivity on my part to relive these memories....
    1 point
  18. I still think anything that goes there likely will be an upcharge. Have lunch with a ride operator, just an additional ten dollars!
    1 point
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