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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2012 in all areas

  1. I was very disappointed by this episode.
    3 points
  2. Happy belated New Year to all! So, I was going to post these on New Years Day, but as fate would have it, Photobucket wouldn't cooperate. My gift to each of you fellow Ki fans is something you may find interesting. 12 years ago, I began photo documenting the construction of Son of Beast. I have pics from the very first footers, to the announcement, to final construction, to the first test runs, and finally opening day. There's lots of pics, all taken by me. I hope you enjoy. Please don't post these to other sites without asking me for consent. After all, I did all the dirty work ;-) First, here's a look at construction from start to finish: http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Construction%20-%20PKI/ Here's pics from the announcement: (look closely and you'll see Jeff Siebert (This was prior to his being hired by PKI, which happened just weeks after this event!) as well as Don Helbig (Long prior to his joinging KI Marketing.) http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Announcement%20PKI/ Here's the infamous SOB crate: http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Crate%20-%20PKI/ Here's ultra rare pics of the first ever riders on SOB. This happened on Easter Sunday 2000. The first riders included Tim Fisher, then GM of the park, along with engineers and other Paramount Park Execs. http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%201st%20test%20run%20with%20riders%20-%20PKI/ Finally, heres pics from SOB's opening day. These were taken Friday evening following the media event. After the media event in the morning, the track was ripped out and replaced in the ascent following the large drop. The coaster openened for a few hours on Friday evening, then was closed for sometime as the entire track in that area was considered "too violent." http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Opening%20Day%20-%20PKI/ I hope you enjoy them. This was a fun time in my coaster life. Lots of friends and memories were made during this time. Let me know what you think ;-) Shaggy aka John
    2 points
  3. You might be a KI addict if you have the web cams booked marked and they are a part of the websites you check every morning.
    1 point
  4. How I miss Skylab, that was a great ride!
    1 point
  5. I agree with you. but I as I do think The Racer is a great coaster and park original, It does still need a make-over. The appearence of the ride is becoming kind of pitiful.
    1 point
  6. As Homer Simpson would say "It's funny because it's true".
    1 point
  7. I want a Berzerker on a chain held back by the skinniest, tiniest girl you can find. The idea that it's uncontrolled except by that tiny girl would mentally challenge the 'monsters don't touch' idea.
    1 point
  8. I guess what Kings Island's WinterFest is missing compared to Zoological Parks, etc is this. When people go to the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights, it's not just a trip to the zoo. After all of these years, it is now a tradition. We know what to expect, and that's greatness. And that's just it. We don't stop and think to ourselves, "is the zoo worth it?" because we already know. It is a high expectation that is met year after year. It's almost as though, we feel like we haven't celebrated Christmas without our trip to the zoo to see their amazing lights and shows. Winterfest has been out of the spotlight for so long, people no longer know what to expect. And if you can only afford to do One thing, that One trip is probably going to be what you already know will not be dissappointing to you. Too many questions come up regarding WinterFest. How much does it cost? What can I do when I get in there? Are the shows any good? How is the park decorated? Is there anything to do that doesn't require spending even more money on top of admission and parking? ( And let's be honest, for those of us who went, there really isn't. ) Another question that crosses my mind is why is the park having Winterfest? I remember the Winterfest of old. I remember the smiling, and the ice skating, and the fabulous tree of lights stringing down from the tower. I remember it feeling like Christmas. Not everyone celebrates Christmas, true enough, but still. I understand in full that it is a business, and businesses make money, but is there even a spark of the old desire to make people recognize the holiday for the right reasons? Going back to what I remember about WinterFest. Sure I would take the time to go if they ever had it again, but most young couples no longer relate with it. It is a chance to them, and One that they do not know if they will enjoy or not. It shouldn't be expected to rake in the dollars in it's encore season. But in time, it can become a high expectation and a tradition.
    1 point
  9. Photo #12 - Kings Mills Log Flume
    1 point
  10. Reason why its a Separate admission is for one Knotts is a much smaller park and they don't get the season pass numbers that Kings Island gets. 2 haunt at Knotts is FAR better than KIs haunt puts it to shame!! the scare actors actually SCARE YOU!!!
    1 point
  11. http://www.chancemorgan.com/rides/electric_cars.html
    1 point
  12. Got to disagree here. My kids have both grown through the 48" requirement in recent years and never had a problem with not having rides to enjoy. What I believe KI is missing is more rides that the family can enjoy together. There are precious few options for a parent or grandparent, who doesn't want to ride a coaster or spin, to enjoy with the younguns.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Which must make for a very quiet park! Terpy, who remembers when at least some of the people in the park said something. (And who points out that ghostly visages of the departed are often supposedly seen in such shows. Just sayin', perhaps a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.)
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Something you won't even see if you go to KI: (Yes I took pictures of the recording ) (Credit to SyFy and KI, of course)
    1 point
  17. Lots of Son of Beast cameos in tonights Ghost Hunter episode on KI, including an up close and personal shot of the trains, which are obviously out in the open. They even showed an almost full screen shot of the Son of Beast logo on the front of the blue train. Ultimate geek moment for an SoB fan? Yes. Ultimate PR tease? Absolutely
    1 point
  18. If you hang around here enough, you'll come to understand the "inner workings" of roller coasters and other rides, and recognize how mistaken your friend must be. Complex mechanical systems and redundant safety features are in place on all roller coasters. The restraints on Flight Deck are (to my knowledge) unlocked from underneath the train or by pressing a pedal along the side of each individual car. If one restraint is unlocked, all of the restraints in that car (four seats) would be, as well. Therefore, it's not possible to manually release the restraints during the ride. Sometimes rides can definitely give the feeling of weightlessness, and the rigorous swaying of Flight Deck may make it seem like your over the shoulder restraint is fitting loosely. However, the idea that one restraint might come undone is not only extraordinarily improbable and mechanically unlikely, but that it would happen five times to one person on five separate instances makes it about as close to statistically impossible as it can be. I don't doubt your friend truly felt like her restraint came undone at least the first time, but as a community that tries to get people to enjoy Kings Island and understand it, I feel like it's necessary to let you know how near impossible it is that it happened at all, much less five times to one person. But others with far more knowledge about that particular ride's safety features can say more if they choose. Also, welcome! Hope you stick around and we don't scare you off.
    1 point
  19. I believe it was 1972^ Photo #10 - Tomb Raider The Ride
    1 point
  20. They're investigating the reports of a ghost behind Thunder Alley. You see if you stand near the entrance and look up, there's a huge ghostly structure in the woods. But if you look at the park map.....There's Nothing!!! It's a GHOST!! Quotes from every past Ghost Hunter episode: "What was that?....Did you hear that?.....I hope we got that on camera!...That was definitely something!!!"
    1 point
  21. Really? So you can hear the AC unit from a mile away? Might want to get that checked out.
    1 point
  22. ...check the webcams during the off-season, including Christmas Day, just to see what Kings Island looks like on Christmas Day!
    1 point
  23. I find it interesting that zoos (Columbus and Cincy, namely) have found such success with their wintertime events while Paramount's efforts floundered. In Columbus, the zoo typically sees its highest daily attendance records broken not during mid summer or even Ohio's pleasant fall, but during the cold, December "Wildlights" dates. Sure, the zoo's smaller infastructure might make it easier for them in terms of ROI, but the park's dramatically larger scope and attractions roster, one would think, would lead to a very successful event. When I think about Kings Island, I think about teenagers running free, roller coasters, a lot of walking, etc. These are great things, but they don't necessarily bring out that concept of "Family" What are you marketing? I want to be careful to word what I'm saying correctly. Kings Island is a great family park, but roller coasters and teens are not going to bring in the older crowd. This is where Zoo's are different. It is worth the merit and the exhaustion because everyone can enjoy everything as a group. And zoo's don't come out and say it, but you will always find a scene or Two relating directly to Christ. A lot of people are fully aware of this, and appreciate it. The lower prices don't hurt anything either. And at zoo's you can enjoy the warmth of a heated animal house without having to spend money between all of the shops and food stands. Kings Island is a great value, and I truly miss WinterFest and I wish that they would bring it back. Another factor is that too many young couples with children have no memory of ever visiting a WinterFest at KI, where the Zoo's have built quite a reputation that has been shared by generations.
    1 point
  24. I haven't had time to get into this thread yet, kinda saving it as a cookie for later. Just read your initial post for the first time. J.D. This may be the single greatest improvement to the general tone of KIC, and I appreciate it and everyone else's efforts. J.D. PM'd me cuz he teased me in a thread I never responded to and he wanted to be sure he hadn't offended me. I sincerely thank you for all the cool stuff you do for this site! Now, of I can find some time to look at those pics
    1 point
  25. Based off the angle and almost no remnants, I don't even think I would've attempted to replicate that '74 photo, so kudos to you for successfully accomplishing it And while the Antique Cars were much more beautiful than Backlot Stunt Coaster, I can't deny that Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular is nice too. That area's atmosphere is very festive after dark and probably much more lively than the former tiques/lake/theater that used to be in the area. Thanks again for doing and sharing these pictures- it's something to look forwards to every day
    1 point
  26. Really nice to see the Tique's and not just an empty field.
    1 point
  27. not listed.... but if KI were open that would mean it would be, on average, 30 degrees warmer.
    1 point
  28. You might be a KI addict if you talk about it so much your friends and family are sick or hearing you talk about it and roll their eyes when you even mention Kings Island. (this is def applies to me) lol
    1 point
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