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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2012 in all areas

  1. Can't say I'm a big fan of these machines. I went to try Firehouse Subs a few months back and they had one. The whole novelty of it was cool and I liked all the different kinds of drinks you could make, but the machine itself was disgusting. You could tell it needed to be wiped down and there were hints of what the last customer had in my drink. Regardless, I'm happy to see the emphasis on food coming this year. These machines are still pretty rare and unique in this area, just another thing that will make the KI experience unique. I never understood why as theme parks became more like corporate chain locations, they de-emphasized the food. The food should be part of the "experience." Fresh, never frozen burgers are nice, but come on - get some German food in the FestHaus! Have you seen the lines for food at Oktoberfest? Potato pancakes, sausage, saurkraut - get some of that going! Edit to clraify: Oktoberfest as in the event downtown, not the area of the park. Skyline is a local favorite so is LaRosas (why? I'll never know), but the locals can get these things anywhere and the visitors can get their hand stamped and have those products much cheaper and with good, full service down the street. Instead of any rides in a season, I'd rather see them make International Street "international" again, but this time really emphasize the area's local heritage.
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. At least no laptops were harmed....
    2 points
  4. Lets make a final decision on this! I vote yes.
    1 point
  5. I was wondering what type of coaster you think KI needs next? Really, I think KI should either get a woodie, stand-up, or a wing coaster.
    1 point
  6. This poll is just to try and pass time until next summer so have fun!
    1 point
  7. Found this in my photo archives from the mid to late 80's and thought I would share.
    1 point
  8. It all boils down to the guy being drunk, no one forced him to drink, and no one else is responsible for giving him too much or not cutting him off. If he was not drunk, the others would not have the oppertunity to make a total a$$ of them self. Not too many people on here seem to want to blame the drunk, to that I say: If it were not for the drunk, you would not have any one else to blame for his actions, so why not just blame the drunk.
    1 point
  9. A Disney employee. That being said, not every drunk can be seen as such in the seconds it takes to get in the park. Moreover, if the drinking was right before entry, the intoxication would be later.
    1 point
  10. I can absolutely vouch, that the Holy Land Experience has earned it's spot on that list. They're not kidding when they say there are daily crucifixions...
    1 point
  11. I like the randomly placed red lightposts in the King Cobra line.
    1 point
  12. Wasn't the power out to the tolls and the marquee sign by KI Drive? And a good portion was still open... I was in Coney Mall and didn't even know about it until a few hours later.
    1 point
  13. Helped how? Do you think officials at the Walt Disney Company would've asked its patrons to step in and restrain the man? Better yet, how do you think they'd respond when one of those "helpful" guests got clobbered in the mouth and sued the resort for letting the obviously drunk man stumble around private property in the first place?
    1 point
  14. That lady was the most annoying part of the video.
    1 point
  15. ...and they could let Dick Kinzel meander around inside, saying BOO on occasion. The mere thought of that gives me nightmares!
    1 point
  16. The steal would be lighter than the stacked wood currently being used. And I'm not saying it's going to happen. I'm saying if it were done.
    1 point
  17. ^Not a dumb question at all, I've never thought of that. I assume there are drains. While not the same thing, I've been in the abandoned Cincinnati Subway and it has a drainage system to clear the tunnels of water via a sewer system underneath it.
    1 point
  18. CornStalkers might well have to move anyway, to make way for The Kinzel Story.
    1 point
  19. You forgot to mention that you need to jump up and down on your right foot, while holding your left foot behind you with your right hand. Holding the device in your left hand, point the antenna end toward Jupiter, and the screen towards Kings Island. (I don't know why you people buy devices this complicated, when ever I have problems I just give it to my daughter and she takes care of it, so it can't be that hard right?)
    1 point
  20. At one time didn't a certain PR rep say that Cedar Fair wanted to take Kings Island back to what it used to be.........corn fields anyone?
    1 point
  21. Is that old guy in the picture just standing there, sleeping?
    1 point
  22. I miss all the trees in Rivertown. They should just remove The Crypt and put a pond back in, and a log flume
    1 point
  23. I don't think you can talk about oil and not get political.
    1 point
  24. I'll miss that Aussie voice giving us instructions in the water slides' ques.
    1 point
  25. ^^ Where was this ride located at?
    1 point
  26. Should old SoB be forgotten, And never brought to mind? Should old SoB be forgotten, And days of long ago ! We two have run about the helices And pulled the loop out, But we have wandered many a weary foot For old long ago. We two have rolled (crashed) into the station From April until Fall time, But enthusiasts among us have roared Since old long ago. And there is a hand, a neck, a broken sternum my trusty friend, And give us no support, And we will take a goodwill Aleve (for pain) For old long ago! And surely you will pay for that pain, And surely I will smile as you come down! And we will take the vision of a great coaster yet For old long ago!
    1 point
  27. Another reality check, and something Mr.Kinzel & Co. were NOT good at in their last years. Highly successful companies and organizations satisfy and delight three groups, not just two. Investors and customers have been mentioned. Those two groups were also emphasized by Cedar Fair in recent years. If as an entity you also delight, motivate, treat, value and compensate your employees well, it becomes far easier to take care of your customers. This is especially so in high people contact businesses, like the park business. In recent years, Cedar Fair has made many decisions to cut labor costs, especially at the lower pay levels...this while compensation levels for those named or akin to Kinzel hit record levels and the CEO even demanded, and got, a laundry allowance. If Mr. Ouimet's priorities run more toward overall guest satisfaction, investors and employee development, morale/compensation, then you may well see fewer big, expensive flashy coaster installations in the future. Significantly, there is only one such installation slated for 2012, and even that is not in the USA. Watch what they do, not what they say.
    1 point
  28. '74 easily wins this one. The landscaping at the park in the early years was just downright beautiful.
    1 point
  29. It was impressive in person. The colors and contrasts were rich and vibrant, and different angles of sunlight made no two passes the same.
    1 point
  30. I like 1974 better of course, and whats funny about this thread is I can't relate to 1974 much, because I wasn't born yet! Again, great thread Standbyme.
    1 point
  31. Actually, lots of people can guess, and some already do know!
    1 point
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