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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2012 in all areas

  1. Worth noting in the Monster photo are The Racer trains, which featured four cars per train when the ride originally opened in 1972. Due to the ride's popularity, a fifth car was added in 1973 to increase capacity.
    9 points
  2. I've heard from many people that it was not removed for Flight of Fear (infact, one side still had the bunny hill while the path went underneath it), but was removed to make for a longer break run. I've always been curious if the chain on the large hill on The Racer (right before the ride splits for the turn around) was ever needed. The chain was added in that location of the ride in 1982. The train would sometimes get stuck in that area of the ride during early morning test runs, especially early in season. Maintenance would have to stop what they were doing and head over to the ride to help push it over the hill. The chain solved that issue.
    3 points
  3. So around here, users can be blocked, then return with two, three, four, infinite different user names freely? I'll be the first to say I don't like this or think it's conducive to a very bright atmosphere here... Secondly, Rivertown was entirely remodeled. Then Planet Snoopy. Then Coney Mall. Action Zone is literally the last sizable themed area in the park, so it's quite obvious to most everyone here that it would soon receive the repainting / repaving work that the rest of the park got just to maintain the infrastructure that is now "the norm." You divined nothing. And worse, the guesses you did make were paired with outlandish Son of Beast fodder that circulates well on the park's Facebook, but has no place here. The reason you were banned - if I were to venture a guess - is because you're an outrageously loud know-it-all who is no more informed than the least informed of us here. Pizzababy, Dreamer, or whatever the third one is... You really submit no more positive, constructive conversation here than the worst of the Facebook users spouting things they heard from friends of friends and pretending that being a seasonal, minimum wage employee at an establishment affords you inside information on the inner workings and multi-million dollar decisions. For example, if I work at Taco Bell, no one comes down from the home office to personally give me tidbits of information, giving me insight into tens of millions of dollars of financial information and telling me everything that the Taco Bell corporation has planned for the next five years. Even if they did, how long ago was your tenure at the park? Because there's a new head honcho in town, so even if you did overhear something from an actually credible source (read, not another seasonal employee working a food stand), then there's every chance in the world that the plan has changed. You contribute so little here, and you seem intent on sticking around despite official removals just so that you can continue to cause unease and discomfort. Is it not obvious enough that your current style of communication has won you no victories and earned you no friends? So why continue...?
    2 points
  4. ^I just want to take a moment to thank you for your presence here (posting, not just reading). I really appreciate it and am glad your able to.
    2 points
  5. All they ever do is ****ing mow...
    2 points
  6. I grabbed tink out of a Google image search and modified it in Photoshop. She was already in camo when I found her, I just added the word graphics and made her my own.
    1 point
  7. PizzaBaby027 which is me was blocked for posting assumptions of Action Zone remolding. Redesign, remodel, the fate of SOB. I talked all about it and was blocked, who was right!!! I was!!. name='KIfan73' timestamp='1330307460' post='453478'] Freestyle Coke machines...the painting of Invertigo...new magic show...new focus on food items...all the clues are pointing to an remodel/expansion of Action Zone. Edit: I'm sorry. I admit, I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I was a seasonal food employee and don't really have any inside information.
    1 point
  8. I actually have it on pretty good authority that an area such as we are discussing is something being considered by KI in the "foreseeable future". Fingers crossed, folks!
    1 point
  9. Thanks for being involved in the forums and answering lingering questions KingsIslandPR!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Did you click the "Mowing" option? (also completely off topic, but does anyone else, after finding someone throwing up, pick them up and throw them in the water to teach them a lesson? No? Just me....?)
    1 point
  12. We still do have High School bands that play at the Bandstand on International Street when school is in session during the spring, early summer and fall. Marching bands also perform each year. These performances typically take place between 10:30am and noon.
    1 point
  13. Photo #63 (hey it's still march 4th)
    1 point
  14. It's ugly in real life too.
    1 point
  15. ^ With amazing people in it might I add.
    1 point
  16. Can't say I'm a big fan of these machines. I went to try Firehouse Subs a few months back and they had one. The whole novelty of it was cool and I liked all the different kinds of drinks you could make, but the machine itself was disgusting. You could tell it needed to be wiped down and there were hints of what the last customer had in my drink. Regardless, I'm happy to see the emphasis on food coming this year. These machines are still pretty rare and unique in this area, just another thing that will make the KI experience unique. I never understood why as theme parks became more like corporate chain locations, they de-emphasized the food. The food should be part of the "experience." Fresh, never frozen burgers are nice, but come on - get some German food in the FestHaus! Have you seen the lines for food at Oktoberfest? Potato pancakes, sausage, saurkraut - get some of that going! Edit to clraify: Oktoberfest as in the event downtown, not the area of the park. Skyline is a local favorite so is LaRosas (why? I'll never know), but the locals can get these things anywhere and the visitors can get their hand stamped and have those products much cheaper and with good, full service down the street. Instead of any rides in a season, I'd rather see them make International Street "international" again, but this time really emphasize the area's local heritage.
    1 point
  17. From now on, Invertigo will forever be known as Blue: The Da Ba Deexperience:
    1 point
  18. I'd like for them to add an Eagles ride so once everyone on here that voted for it gets what they wanted, they can come complain about the capacity and wait time.
    1 point
  19. You might can see more in 1974, but knowing first hand the heat of the days when the lil' pink Snoopys are soaking in the fountain, big trees and shade in 2011 look better to me. I'll bet you enjoyed getting to stand in the shade while you were matching the shots, huh? This is great stuff!
    1 point
  20. Hey, this one is really cool; no need to throw it under the bus I'm wondering if the 'new' trees were planted since '74, or if a couple of those are the little ones in the old pics 'all grown up'.. fascinating!
    1 point
  21. I officially love this topic. Say, when was the last time The Racer got a fresh coat of paint anyhow?
    1 point
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