So around here, users can be blocked, then return with two, three, four, infinite different user names freely? I'll be the first to say I don't like this or think it's conducive to a very bright atmosphere here...
Secondly, Rivertown was entirely remodeled. Then Planet Snoopy. Then Coney Mall. Action Zone is literally the last sizable themed area in the park, so it's quite obvious to most everyone here that it would soon receive the repainting / repaving work that the rest of the park got just to maintain the infrastructure that is now "the norm." You divined nothing. And worse, the guesses you did make were paired with outlandish Son of Beast fodder that circulates well on the park's Facebook, but has no place here.
The reason you were banned - if I were to venture a guess - is because you're an outrageously loud know-it-all who is no more informed than the least informed of us here. Pizzababy, Dreamer, or whatever the third one is... You really submit no more positive, constructive conversation here than the worst of the Facebook users spouting things they heard from friends of friends and pretending that being a seasonal, minimum wage employee at an establishment affords you inside information on the inner workings and multi-million dollar decisions.
For example, if I work at Taco Bell, no one comes down from the home office to personally give me tidbits of information, giving me insight into tens of millions of dollars of financial information and telling me everything that the Taco Bell corporation has planned for the next five years. Even if they did, how long ago was your tenure at the park? Because there's a new head honcho in town, so even if you did overhear something from an actually credible source (read, not another seasonal employee working a food stand), then there's every chance in the world that the plan has changed.
You contribute so little here, and you seem intent on sticking around despite official removals just so that you can continue to cause unease and discomfort. Is it not obvious enough that your current style of communication has won you no victories and earned you no friends? So why continue...?