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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2013 in all areas
10 points
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quite possible. They started painting it today! Courtesy of Don Helbig via Twitter7 points
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7 points
I didn't know it had even one angel o.O I mean it kinda makes sense since Banshee wails over the dead and angels can relate to death but still....6 points
I'm not trying to be a jerk by saying this, but we are really lucky to have at least the one. When I watched SOB during construction there was virtually no forum or webcam to check out everyday. It was very primitive with very few pictures, updates, etc - the fan base was not "Centralized". With that said, I'll go back into my cave with the other dinosaurs.6 points
Pennsylvania technically isn't a state. Nor Kentucky, Virginia or Massachusetts. All four are Commonwealths. Rhode Island is officially the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.6 points
^ The issue is that you're speaking as if you know he committed the alleged crime, when at this point he has only been charged. Defendants in ongoing criminal matters are presumed innocent. The worker allegedly gave away parking passes that he was not authorized to. A penalty will be carried out if he is found guilty of a crime. (Or if he pleads guilty.) Each criminal case is unique. Guilt in one case does not imply guilt in a completely unrelated case. The specific crime(s) (if any) he is guilty of have yet to be determined.6 points
Toll booth employee at Busch Gardens Williamsburg charged with a felony for giving out free parking. http://hamptonroads.com/2013/11/busch-gardens-employee-charged-embezzlement5 points
5 points
This is just awesome news! I love the direction the park (and really CF as a whole) have been moving the last few years. It is amazing how the 'little things' can make such a difference in both perception and actual overall experience.5 points
Some of the wild swings in tone on here make me wonder if certain people have had their accounts hacked. Some things seem way out of character, if not outside the original perception of maturity. I guess the whole world's kinda headed that way, too. The magic is gone. Sad. Peace.5 points
I think after they had to lose the Italian job theme, they pretty much stuck a name on it that required the least amount of work.5 points
A State can't be assumed based on county name. There's a Brown county in Indiana, a Butler County in Pennsylvania, a Warren County in New York, and a Hamilton County in Tennessee.5 points
Yes, you read that right. I was going through pics and found some from a trip in 2007. The pics are funny to me. Jimmy looks like he smacked Katie upside the head. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
Were starting to see an improvement in food with additions such as the reds hall of fame grill. Will Cedar Fair make food more of a priority in the future? Link: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/article/media-center/Kings-Island-hires-executive-chef4 points
In our lifetimes...we have rode some brilliant craftsmanship of mankind. Its truly something if you think about. And I can't wait to queue this one. Oh boy. I can't wait. I love coasters man. Maverick is my all time favorite (I haven't rode skyrush).,..but raptor use to be. Perhaps this one?4 points
Just so everyone knows, I have a server downloading the webcam image every 10 minutes. I have an index page here: http://Vortex.beansisland.com/pics/KI/Banshee/ You can use those if you want. But please download and re-host the captures if you want to post one of them here. My bandwidth is relatively limited on that server. EDIT: I should add that it does not do any capturing between 10PM and 5AM. I can't imagine that anything would be happening at those times. ANOTHER EDIT: I have a backup server at this address: http://beast.beansisland.com/pics/KI/Banshee/ use that one if for some reason the other goes down. Just know that it only captures every 30 minutes.4 points
This is one of my favorite pictures of Kaitlyn. She was really just caught up in loving being at Kings Island. She used to love riding this. I nearly have to beg her to ride it now. I can't tell from my phone, but believe she has rabbit ears. This is my son, Cody. This is the assault of Kaitlyn pics. Blue trying to strangle her: Tommy trying to get fresh (from her body language it looks like she was goosed) Jimmy looks like he bonked her in the head: Patrick spouted a new arm for a sneak attack perhaps. She apparently felt safe with Chucky: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
Moral of the story: You steal, it's bad, you are more than likely going to have jail time. In kindergarten I vaguely remember hearing my teacher say " Don't take what isn't yours", obviously some people missed the memo.4 points
4 points
I still think Paramount Parks built Italian Job coasters because they had Batman: The Ride envy. Tim Fisher, former KI GM, often remarked how the average Batman: The Ride quene looked like a ghetto junkyard gone wrong. Then darn if PP didn't emulate that mess. (Ironically, Flags has since greatly cleaned out most of the messes at their Batman rides). Note Carowinds, to whence Fisher went (taking the Eagles with him), never got that atrocity. Now Fisher, BMWs, the Eagles and Paramount Parks are long gone, but the junk remains. That's a ride that desperately needs a retheme. Why a backlot? KI ain't no movie studio BACKLOT and film doesn't spring to mind when one thinks of Cinci.4 points
Expert: Not sure how "current" that is, given how fast they're moving. Easy: Photo of Diamondback Hard: Photo of Diamondback's splashdown Expert: Photo of a train on Diamondback's MCBR Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain4 points
I'm sorry, KI-ORIG-EMP, I missed the part about a trial and conviction or a guilty plea. Perhaps you could point it out to me.4 points
1996. Had to take pics of pics. Cody's 7th birthday!!!! The man and boy on right photobombed before photo bombing was cool. . Left to right are godsons Jason (now 22) Nick (now 24) and my son Cody (now 24). Trying to get brave...and taller How things have changed! Not a great pic, but a favorite. Adventure Express. Closest to me on right is my son. The one on the left is Jason. The one in front of Jay is Nick. As we are getting ready to get in line, Nick asks me if this is a scary ride. I pointed to Vortex. I said, see that ride? He says yes. I say that ride does not scare me, so no, *I* do not find this ride scary at all. Well it convinced him to get on the ride. (That and his mom bribed him with Smurf ice cream that he has yet to receive.) the entire ride Nick screams at the top of his lungs, "LORA LIED TO ME!!!!!" (No, I didn't. You asked me if I thought the ride was scary, not if I though YOU would find it scary) bwahaha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Random 2012 pics: Katie and a friend. What can I say, we love Ed Katie and Sydney Katie and her poopy dog Shawn and Gus (Psych) errr Katie and Shyanne: And we have been blessed to "win" a giant prize. I told Katie IF she won, she would have to carry it herself. I truly did not think she would win. She plowed into people. She got upset with me, I could not stop laughing. 2000 Saturn Station Wagon. We had to lay the back seat down. It is huge. It was a lot of work for them lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
And the prior hot dog and hamburger feast that was Paramount, (at least at first). I also hope we get at least two, maybe three more table service restaurants.3 points
Since I found more pics, this is 2008 My cousin Sandy and I: Katie taking driving much more serious than me: My cousins step son, when you gotta go you gotta go: Some days you gotta dance: RIP Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Seymour....work in Columbus. Lol, it's a small world on the interwebz. Thats actually pretty cool. Didn't know anyone within 30 miles of me loved KI as much as me!3 points
They started to work on the new paint. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/3985705024378675203 points
I want to ride it now... Albeit...with a parachute. Or even a fire brigade below with a net. I'll do it.3 points
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3 points
During my time with the park, I was involved in several investigations of alledged theft (starting and/or doing the investigating, not being the accused myself). In the first one I discovered, the girl was convicted and did some time in jail. A couple of years later, I happened to see her at a party. She walked up to me and, very snidely, said "Thanks for the jail time," and walked away. I yelled after her "You're welcome!" with a big smile on my face. She turned around and just gave me this glare of death (the old saying "If looks could kill" definitely applied), and all I could do was laugh. That incident still brings a smile to my face to this day. She did come up with a rather ingenious way of theft, but she got over-confident. It was pure luck that I noticed something that didn't add up in her sales one day, and she didn't expect anyone to dig as deeply into the sales reports as I did. She has no one to blame but herself.3 points
From the photo in that video of CJ, it appears there are 4 track supports laying on the ground ready for installation.3 points
Yep there's definitely supports down there, can't wait to see them up! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
I hope KI renames the store Possesions (as DP did with an existing store near VooDoo in 2008).3 points
We're getting off topic, but it looks like there's a support going up by cj3 points
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3 points
So, KI-ORIG-EMP, if you are arrested tomorrow and charged with stealing 126 dogs...you HAVE NO problem with people posting here and others saying behind your back: "This man took 126 dogs that he was not authorized to do." Errors happen. Innocent people ARE wrongfully accused. Allegedly is not just a high priced word. An indictment is NOT evidence of guilt. Yet you are more than willing to tar a guy's reputation because, you claim, you didn't feel like typing much. Yet you typed a long first post AND TWO lengthy replies dancing all around the issue. Rather than admitting you presume guilt, you lecture about brevity--just as some potential jurors will give the perceived "correct" answer during voir dire (questioning of the potential jurors) so they can, they hope, be selected and vote their pre-conceived notions and biases. Some others, otherwise good people, are telling whatever tale they must to NOT be selected. I don't buy it. You appear to have assumed guilt. If I'm ever accused of a crime, I pray to the Almighty and all that is judicial that the likes of you don't end up on the jury (The police arrested him..he MUST be guilty).3 points
Is Banshee going to exit through a gift shop? Either way, I can see the "On Location" shop getting a makeover. Gatekeeper's shop is as nice as the Wild Eagle store. The merchandise side of the Cedar Fair parks is stepping up its game.3 points
Easy: Photo of a ride vehicle from White Water Canyon, Congo Falls, or Race For Your Life Charlie Brown Hard: That's currently being soaked with water Expert: With at least 1 KICentral member inside3 points
That is my favorite. Perfect freeze frame of the water hitting Fire-Beast-OF FEAR in the face.3 points
There seems to be a bit of an elitist attitude amongst these forumns that only pass holding enthusiasts will notice changes such as repaints in stations and tidying up. I have to disagree. Sure if they have never been there before they won't know better but they still will think it looks nice as opposed to seeing it as tacky if left unchanged. Casual park goers will certainly pick up on at least a few changes made though, they are not all dumb. Obviously the more you go the more you will notice but for someone such as myself that only has gone once a year lately it is not hard to spot changes.2 points
I'm gonna be "that guy" for a minute... There is every possibility that the sign coming down is meaningless. It may just be getting a fresh coat of paint. Though I can think of other signs in AZ that need it more...2 points
Don't know what kind of bat this is but it's really neat looking!2 points
2 points
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