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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2015 in all areas

  1. One thought: I hope Racer never leaves KI.
    10 points
  2. There are things I answer here. There are things I don't. I know what I know because I am a strong proponent for the industry. When it comes to things like this, it's "Don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue." Also be advised plans change. If they didn't sometimes, Kings Island would have at least five more wood coasters than it does now. The Rye Aeroplane. Sigh....
    9 points
  3. I cannot. I can say individual parks at Cedar Fair are largely captains of their own destinies, subject to overall corporate oversight. I can also say five years from now Carowinds will be one of the South's finest parks, and have top of mind unaided recall and presence when vacation influencers decide where to spend their amusement dollars. Truly, the best is yet to come for Carowinds.
    8 points
  4. See Rolling Thunder. And there have been hints dropped here by at least one poster for more than a year. I rode Thunder Road opening day. Nothing else. Then quietly, sadly left the park. Nothing is forever. And ACE Coaster Landmark status counts for exactly nothing.
    8 points
  5. What athleticism. What stamina. Can you imagine 19 shows a week...six days a week, 3 shows most days with 4 on Saturdays? Not including rehersals, practice... Wow.
    7 points
  6. It's simple. Thunder Road is blocking in the water park from developable land in the parking lot and beyond. It's not as if they could alter the structure to create a new walkway to the other side, and put the new water rides over there. Wait... Why don't they do that?
    7 points
  7. I used to in past years; I had this weird feeling of uncertainty like "It's been 6 months since I last rode something, do I still like to ride rides?" (like I'm suddenly scared again or something) and then the answer is always yes after I ride something that first time. This year was sort-of the opposite, because my first ride of the season was Banshee in the most intense seat (last row, furthest seat). It was fun, but I think I bit off more than I could chew, especially considering I've waited an off-season to ride rides again.
    7 points
  8. Few programs will ever replace the sheer delight that was SpongeBob Squarepants 3D.
    7 points
  9. Arrr! Speakin' o' Waterrrr, ye riders of ye olde White Water Canyon bewarrrre! Fer ye Cap'n Thrill Beard be approachin,' and I be bringin' me pieces of eight fer the Geysers, and there be much soakin' in storrrre! ... arrr!
    7 points
  10. Goble - I will be at the park tomorrow and will see if I can find out show times. Magenta Lizard - thanks for hanging out with me while we waited. It's always great seeing you. The show blends the old show with new things. I know last year they changed things throughout the season, and expect the same this season. Regardless, the show does not disappoint. Here are a few pics: You have to love the clowns in this show. They are the only clowns I like. I was hoping they would allow Trevor to do more stunts/tricks than last year. I guess when you have a great thing why mess with it. The gal that was in Hand To Hand last year, is possibly more impressive this year on the ribbon. She may be better than the gal on the rope last year which I thought would be impossible. She was simply amazing. The new act, well I won't put too many spoilers out there, but I think they possibly steal the show. Without a doubt there is tremendous amount of talent in this show. The strength the women show is incredible. Not that the men are weak, but the gals really are dynamic this year.
    7 points
  11. ^ And no Arrow flume. Sadly for Ohiocolts, plans changed and we still have it.
    6 points
  12. There was once a boat, an island, a plantation house. And Terp once adored Coney Island of Ohio...it was the grandest amusement park he had ever seen. Shooting Star, Lost River... Most of all, for him...Rolling Thunder...
    6 points
  13. Just keep hopin' But be prepared to be let....down.
    6 points
  14. Considering the one at KI is an ACE Coaster Landmark and has a bit of history as helping to revive the wood coaster industry, I doubt it's going anywhere. Why Carowinds wants to take out what appears to be a popular ride is beyond me.
    6 points
  15. You wouldn't know it from this thread, but Frisch's primarily sells food--not soda.
    6 points
  16. I have no problem with the tax incentives. I cannot say the same of the below market rent, the use of state owned property as collateral for loans, the subsidization of season passes by giving free parking on state owned property to buyers at apparently no cost to the park's investors...all while putting virtually all potential for profit in the hands of the political pals who own The New Kentucky Kingdom but virtually all risk of loss on the backs of Kentucky taxpayers...who, ironically are not eligible for such sucker deals as two days for less than $30 (you still get to pay for parking and may not even come back for day two). A Paducah or Pikeville visitor isn't eligible for that, yet a New Albany visitor is...
    6 points
  17. Sad. They have been doing quite a bit of work on this coaster over the years. I guess I need to ride this sometime this year.
    5 points
  18. You are giving this park way too much credit. The same park that blames employees for enforcing park policies that Mr. Hart himself approved and commented on, then blamed a teenage employee when the public was reviled.
    5 points
  19. Would be very sad to see a coaster go away for a water park expansion. Just doesn't make practical or business sense. smh
    5 points
  20. I find visiting the Eiffel Tower first helps establish getting over the height anxiety, because conquering being way up in the air makes all the (frankly shorter) rides feel just a little less intimidating. Another thing I do is realize that the first drop is really just an acceleration means, after which it's all a huge, mechanical sled ride (albeit at automobile speeds, and sometimes upside down)...
    5 points
  21. I think that is the best part. The rush of fear pumps you up and once you are heading down the hill the scream that comes out of you releases the feel good energy that you need. If it makes you feel better work your way up and then hit The Bat. Work your way up the chain until you are on the big coaster. You can do it. All you have to do is BO-LIEVE!
    5 points
  22. I caught the tshirt at Cirque Imagine!
    4 points
  23. TB is out there soaking people and having a blast!
    4 points
  24. The marketing department at that park is famous for them. Note how long this article has been up with no updates or corrections.
    4 points
  25. I just created a thread about that. ^Both at the same Time. Hey, we're just tryin' to get the word out.
    4 points
  26. Painting T3 more than one color would have cost more. Cash flow. Cash flow. Cash low.* *Two days, less than $30. Out of state residents ONLY. Certain restrictions apply.
    4 points
  27. Truly a terrible mistake, if you ask me. Nothing was wrong with that ride except for the last leg of the trip being a bit bumpy. If they actually remove it (who knows -- maybe we could see RMC do something to it), they'd better put something SPECTACULAR in it's place to justify it's removal.
    4 points
  28. I got desperate and looked at the website No shows Tuesday Saturday: 1:30, 3:30, 5, and 7 Other days 3, 5, and 7 I've got to get going if I'm going to be there for the first show
    4 points
  29. There was a generic movie in there, it was about dinosaurs, and it was bad. Hardly anyone ever went to it, but part of that was because it was an up charge on top of Dinosaurs Alive.
    4 points
  30. Every story a bit different: http://m.wave3.com/wave/db_336805/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=99iXNJkh Nearly 600,000 last year...
    4 points
  31. Hot Fudge Cake is and has always been the star of Frisch's lineup, for me.
    4 points
  32. I have gone to to KI for years so trying to recall first visit is really difficult. I vividly remember Zodiac scaring me. It looked like a creepy mutant robot octopus. Enchanted Voyage was incredible. I watched (again) an old video of it and that song just gets stuck in my head. The Banana Splits characters were pretty awesome back in the day. It would be wonderful to have a throw back weekend where they bring back the different characters throughout the years. There are hundreds of memories over the years. I think I have had as much fun experiencing the park with my children. Like celebrating my sons 6th birthday at Kings Island and he was terrified of going in Phantom Theater. The years of visits where I had to hear Princess Sparkles cry, "I want to go ride! I am not a baby!" To the sheer joy of her first ride on The Beast - which remains one of her favorite rides.
    4 points
  33. All I can say right now is "wow!" It started out like it was going to be the same show but with new Clowns, but it turned into so much more. There is a new act I'm dubbing "Twin Dragons" that defies explanation. I'm totally amazed. There are some old friends from last year's show and a lot of new ones. I'll go more into it later. Lorax has some pics she might come along and post. Mostly, if you're at the park after today Go See Cirque Imagine!
    3 points
  34. Meanwhile, TB is at KI with stacks of quarters...
    3 points
  35. Terp likes being unpredictable. You learned and matured. That's what matters. In high school, Terp had a whitewall with a combover. Hated it. The school had dress code litigation over, among other things, long hair on boys. My dad shocked the kids...with a large donation for attorney fees. I was raised to respect nonconformity--within limits.
    3 points
  36. I do not approve of the destruction of classic woodies
    3 points
  37. Do you think maybe the reporter heard them wrong and quoted "7" weekends instead of "several" ? It makes no sense for the park to say they have been open longer than they have for the season, especially if they are talking attendance.
    3 points
  38. It definitely sounds like it's going away, sadly, as it will be replaced by multiple attractions. Combine this with the "big splash" teaser from media day and I'm inclined to believe we'll see a water park expansion out into the parking lot. It's a shame, really, that they couldn't find a way to work around it. Magnum divides Cedar Point's Soak City and yet guests find their way around just fine.
    3 points
  39. Having a ride inspected weekly isn't even a choice on Roller Coaster Tycoon. Why in the world would that be appropriate in real life? Please tell me you're being sarcastic with that remark. All parks (except KK as we're finding out) inspects all their rides each day. Yes, all the coasters have the entire length of track walked and checked. RCT isn't something to infer information on how real parks operate. You should really read the rest of the thread to get more info on KK's situation. Many people want the park to succeed. Its their own actions that warrant worry. They continually do things that set the park up for failure, at the expense of the Commonwealth's taxpayers no less. Government has no business running amusement parks. I was completely joking. I know that RCT isn't really how parks operate. I'm in KY, and haven't been able to make it to KK since the park reopened. I would love to see the park succeed, because I really would like to have a closer theme park. However I've always wondered why the park isn't advertised much in my area. hmm... I'm just about 2 & 1/2 hours east of Louisville in Kentucky and I haven't seen any advertisement at all for KK nothing on news of TV or anything. I thought it was strange too. Living in Kentucky all my life I've never been to KK and I have little desire to do so I more into coasters than flat rides so I don't see much of a draw to KK. On a side note. I want to know who's thought it was a good idea to paint T3 entirely bright red! It almost hurts my eyes to look at it. I think they should have added a secondary color to tone it down some. They could have made it red and black since they are in Louisville. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk You took the words right out of my mouth. I've never been to KK either, but they've never had the right ride that made me want to go. I had always rather spent my money on King's Island. To be honest, I felt like for the price and the type of rides at KK-- I could just go to the local county fair. There's a few roller coasters there, but it's not enough for me to want to drive to Louisville for. The bright colors are there to distract you from the fact that they don't really test the rides.
    3 points
  40. I rode the Eiffel Tower first last trip and it was a little helpful. It made me excited to look over the park. It's never the hill going down that intimidates me, but just the anxiety building up the hill that makes it really intimidating. I screamed so loud the last time I rode The Beast that I got kind of dizzy! Exactly! I know that I like riding rides, but I'm just get so nervous about it for some reason. I noticed once in Disney that if I could just scream and let some of the adrenaline out that I finally felt better. I also have to remember that if I don't really want to ride something, I don't have to. You all will think that's silly-- but especially going to theme parks with my older sister-- I felt like I HAD to ride stuff to make people happy and if I didn't, they'd be mad at me.
    3 points
  41. OK, so we have conflicting articles. One from Wednesday or Thursday, saying that it was set to open yesterday, and one from yesterday, implying that it is set to open today. My head hurts. And for the record, the article I commented on is/was indeed two days old: Note the circled timestamp; it was also saying "2 days ago" as of my post last night.
    3 points
  42. My post above was meant to say that the 50,000 number likely includes the people who attended the park for the private events. I definitely agree with the "7 weekends" thing - I'm not sure how they're getting that at all.
    3 points
  43. Having a ride inspected weekly isn't even a choice on Roller Coaster Tycoon. Why in the world would that be appropriate in real life? Please tell me you're being sarcastic with that remark. All parks (except KK as we're finding out) inspects all their rides each day. Yes, all the coasters have the entire length of track walked and checked. RCT isn't something to infer information on how real parks operate. You should really read the rest of the thread to get more info on KK's situation. Many people want the park to succeed. Its their own actions that warrant worry. They continually do things that set the park up for failure, at the expense of the Commonwealth's taxpayers no less. Government has no business running amusement parks. I was completely joking. I know that RCT isn't really how parks operate. I'm in KY, and haven't been able to make it to KK since the park reopened. I would love to see the park succeed, because I really would like to have a closer theme park. However I've always wondered why the park isn't advertised much in my area. hmm... I'm just about 2 & 1/2 hours east of Louisville in Kentucky and I haven't seen any advertisement at all for KK nothing on news of TV or anything. I thought it was strange too. Living in Kentucky all my life I've never been to KK and I have little desire to do so I more into coasters than flat rides so I don't see much of a draw to KK. On a side note. I want to know who's thought it was a good idea to paint T3 entirely bright red! It almost hurts my eyes to look at it. I think they should have added a secondary color to tone it down some. They could have made it red and black since they are in Louisville. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  44. When I would get a little scared and get the jitters, my dad use to always tell me that I was supposed to be intimidated by the ride. That the jitters were all part of the ride experience and it makes it more fun! That how I use to deal with my jitters I would just tell my self that it made it more fun! Now that I am older I still get jitter but they have changed from jitters of fear to jitters of excitement!
    3 points
  45. 3 buyout days + 6 public days = 9 days 50,000 attendance / 9 days = 5555 / day (average) Not all that impressive, is it?
    3 points
  46. Yes! I get a dread. I use to build up via small to large coasters, but now I just beeline to the Banshee, the ride experience of the Bansheeis not dreadful, just unusual. I fine it strange that the curve of the first drop, though steep,doesn't have a terror factor to it, just a great thrill.
    3 points
  47. Indeed it was at the end of the launch. Photo from KICentral.com
    3 points
  48. Water. Its enough for me.
    3 points
  49. 3 points
  50. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
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