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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Yeah...its come to the point of us trying to place a giga in the craziest places. We know what spots need love and what. I am just using my imagination with these at this point.
  2. Blue = water haha I was just adding something in there. CP got rid of it and it could be something cool to add idk?
  3. ** Double Post** Here is a concept I just threw together. Taking out the big tan box and making a path back into the woods.. I have a color coded system that uses the following Bright green is grass Dark green are trees ( that have never been removed). Gray is midway / path. Blue is Water. The ref F is for flat ride. I didn't put in but there could also be restrooms and food. I give you "Avalanche"
  4. So we have now placed Racer on an Island lol?
  5. Ehh whatev's still a different layout in an area that will never ever see a coaster. haha
  6. I do agree with the location and secluded area. I like that a lot.
  7. ^ do you feel like a dragon flying in the woods and around the pond!?
  8. Dang! That thing is crazy!! haha You are right though. it won't go there haha I have attached KI's version of " Blue Streak" by taking out the beat up green theater and using extra land by BLSC and Diamondback. Trust me I know this would never happen haha I just like doing these. I also threw in some under path tunnels.
  9. I agree to the max here. CCMR is a snooze fest. I would agree to leave Gemini in its place and used that land from CCMR if a coaster is to ever be removed. As for TTD I would agree that the launch had a huge price tag. If they went with a lift like Mill Force it would cut down on that and they could do a 400+ coaster that is not a spike. I'd estimate the coast around the 27-33 Mill area.
  10. Maverick and TTD for sure! how can everyone forget Dragster! The sound effects and music. The Christmas tree and finish line. Pretty good.
  11. Didn't you just say they wouldn't put it there. I am just placing gigas all over the park. In places I know they would never go lol
  12. I know they don't have too. It was just my opinion. I mean every coaster has a lifespan so really all of them have numbers days remaining. Haha I don't really think they will remove one. IF they did I think it would be Gemini. The markings are near that coaster......idk we are just speculating. I want to be friends with all!! haha Sorry @homestar92
  13. That is possible. I doubt it. I think there will be a ride going away after next season and we will see a huge steel coaster. Something never before seen imo. haha I happen to think Gemini's days are numbered. I know people love it. I think if they do add something. It will takes it place.
  14. I wouldn't mind riding that as well if I am being honest.
  15. I am not Bengal fan either lol I just thought it fit the area pretty nice being close to Ciny. Fins up!
  16. I introduce "Bengal" in tower gardens. Very highly unlikely placement but just trying to be different lol
  17. I just think it needs to be something world class record breaking ( keeping up with CF themes).
  18. What about the late night rides after the park closes?
  19. How do I find out when the ERT is for KI and CP? I am new the season pass thing this season lol
  20. GCI I am guessing. I personally am against that. I think CP is not a good place for woodies. But they do lack a good sized wooden coaster. I would they would do something worthy of a 150th anniversary and GCI doesn't do that for me.
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