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Everything posted by Maverick44

  1. Haha. I think captain obvious stopped by
  2. Waste of space if you ask me haha
  3. I got a response and they told me that is something they can not offer but they do realize people want to own some of the parks history. I emailed back and said let everyone know to bring Phantom Theater back!
  4. I may be mistaken but didn't Ki have DA first?
  5. I went to the " Contact Us " section on the website and submitted my question lol
  6. Ki is still going to get love no matter what. They will add coasters / rides and other things. If you feel different I am sorry for you lol
  7. I like different views. WindSeeker has a view of the back lol
  8. If you look back I have also done concepts back there as well. Today I just picked that spot. Just speculating if they did get rid of the Boomerang, they could use that spot and have the coaster wrap around The Bat. View to the right going up the hill would be nice and forward. Plus if they made it 379' I wouldn't care where it was. I just want that in my life now!
  9. ^^ See now that's what I am talking about!! It would be amazing!
  10. Umm I must have missed something. I am pretty sure you came off that way with that " Your opinion may not be the same as Kings Island's" comment haha. We are just in here speculating. It was just an idea of where I think a giga can fit. No sense of getting upset that I painted over Invertigo. Its actually still there if you go look! Then I also have no idea where you got this - "sorry you can't communicate with someone with a different opinion than your's in a respectful manner, have a good night. " haha That makes no sense because I do not see where I wasn't being "respectful"? Anyway back to the speculation!. I like the idea of having that enormous hill at the front of the park ( per my drawing). I would sacrifice a boomerang for that! What a view.
  11. Hey and neither is yours! How cool is that! This is a speculation page. We speculate......nothing is fact. Relax.
  12. KK has nothing and will never have any thing on KI.
  13. Well with the track record now of parks removing their boomerangs....idk how much more of a life Invertigo has. Sell it to a small park and make some cash.
  14. Question. Idk what other thread to ask this in but do you think I could contact KI some how and ask if they have props from Phantom Theater they would sell?
  15. I am gonna disagree with that. I like congo falls. I remember riding that when I was younger. It has a special place in my heart. Invertigo sucks ( Sorry if anyone likes it).
  16. I was just watching some videos of Phantom Theater. Man do I miss that ride. I wonder if they would sell any of the props they have just sitting around?
  17. I like that! Its like reverse Magnum haha. I like it also since Top Gun (The Bat) so no longer those colors. Thinking of a name like "Oberon" Or Black track and lime green supports and call it " Venom" I am also a big hater of anything Pittsburgh related. I do however think a black track and yellow supports would look aesthetically amazing.
  18. ^^ I would @VortexBFForever if I went with someone who wanted to ride it lol No one I go with ever wants too.
  19. Color of the track can be changed haha. I like the area and the layout though. Black track and blue supports and call it Stinger or something idk.
  20. Yeah I think so. It could also be called "Stinger or " Stinging Force" for @Hawaiian Coasters 325 haha.
  21. Another jab at a giga and location. Remove Invertigo and it will come! I present Yellow Jacket
  22. Make sure you use a smiley face or something next time. I thought you were serious.
  23. Seesh......Why can't we all just get along? haha
  24. As long as if won't injure anyone......
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