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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. So how much rain was there today, if any?
  2. That would be good. So would Samual L. Jackson in full on rant.
  3. And we know the perfect teenage train spieler for the job.
  4. Enjoy it. Radar shows the nasty stuff approaching shortly.
  5. ^2-3 is a lot. I just checked NOAA for Portsmouth and it said 3/4", though they are usually wrong like everyone else.
  6. ^^ weird, that just doesn't seem like a 142' drop. Still looks fun.
  7. ^^ I doubt that but probably have roaming loss prevention staff that can help scout potential issues.
  8. I stopped the video at 4 minutes and would have headed straight for guest services to file a complaint. Truly nauseating.
  9. You mean WAS a cornerstone. LP buzzword, is that better?
  10. The good news here is they didn't make it to CP to ruin everyone else's day.
  11. I doubt security checkpoints will be very effective against a determined terrorist or even a determined crazy. They might provide some security for the gangbanger who likes to carry a sheath knife or the hood with a sharpie. I mentioned elsewhere SFSTL confiscated a sharpie in our swim bags once. ^ Thanks for making me feel old. You have totally ruined my 4th.
  12. So what is the fundamental difference between your garden variety rifle cartridge and say the big shells of a howitzer? They both use a primer cartridge to ignite a larger charge and propel a shell down a barrel usually with rifling. To my understanding it is just bigger. At least I don't think we let average joe own and shoot howitzers. Could be wrong on that.
  13. ^^ ha. What is suitors lotion anyway? Not trying to engage in THAT discussion but to be clear I am not anti gun at all. I was on the rifle team in HS and even made it to the National Championships. I don't own any guns currently but that is because I just have to many other things I want to spend my limited disposable income on. I hope we can all agree Crazy people should not have guns. We just need a way to identify the Crazies.
  14. ^ I think we are staying in this weekend but up north looks like the best option for those wanting to hit a park today. Tommorrow doesn't look promising either. I always feel bad for the kids who were looking forward to a fun 4th and whose parents don't have the flexibility to go a few days later.
  15. ^ And we have the whole concealed/open carry issue, with the NRA actively fighting ANY restrictions on when or where people can have guns. Personally I am fine with black powder muskets like we had when the constitution was written. With the exception of Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson I doubt any of them could have envisioned the killing machines we have now. ^^ Ew, no. That would not make for a " Best Day Ever Experience". I think that is overkill. ^^^I agree that large crowds at opening are a potential issue, but the same applies to all sorts of events. One potential solution is to increase the number of security personnel at opening but then you have a staffing issue. One possible solution would be to stagger operations openings even more than the parks do now. I don't mean to minimize the skills of the security guards but non-uniformed employees could be trained. I could be very wrong but I imagine it takes much more skill and training to run a 20M coaster than wave a wand and look inside a bag. I think the other issue we have to come to grips with is that if a terrorist wants to get something in the park they probably can no matter what we do. From all the reports I have seen TSA is not very effective in finding great NA and explosives and we certainly don't want that level of screening. I have only read this page so I am sure it has been mentioned before but you have a far greater chance of being killed on the way to the park than in it. Personally I am not scared about terrorism in the slightest. Things that do scare me are toxins in my food and water, drunk or tired drivers, healthcare mistakes, economic collapse and tornados (less so here in OH, I got very, very close to one about 18 years ago in St. Louis)
  16. By golly that is Sasquatch hair. Absolutely. Seen it many times myself. Messin with Sasquatch: The Ride. 90%
  17. ^ I am sure the corporate bean counters in Sandusky are already having seizures over the little ones. Amazon has tons of collapsible water bottle styles, they really are handy.
  18. ^ Well CF said 150M in cap ex and KI brings in about 1/4 of revenue. 37M sound good? I know it doesn't work this way.
  19. ^ Was just a funny that I didn't execute well. Edited.
  20. It would be nice if they practiced Amusement Park Safety more than one week a year.
  21. ^ If we were planning on drinking and stuff then staying on site would be a must. To old for getting drunk and spinning around. Unless it is a really nice place and staying multiple nights I don't even bring luggage into motel rooms anymore. Grab a change of clothes and my tooth brush and good to go. Bedbugs.
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