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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. Now that I have these platinum passes are any of the other CF parks close by worth the trip? I was thinking about Canada's Wonderland and a stop at Niagra but we don't have passports so I will work on that for next year. Several seem to be a 7-8 hour drive from Columbus so there would be at least a couple hundred for hotels and gas. With KI and CP so close it seems a bit extreme to travel that far for one or two good coasters.
  2. Unbelievable! Where was this bear's mother?!?!? Is she going to be punished!? I certainly hope so!
  3. You know it will not be long before they start manufacturing canes that just happen to have phone mounts and Bluetooth. We already have sunscreen and shampoo flasks on Amazon.
  4. STL has you beat there as well. I find it very pleasant here. DC on the other hand I hear is a swamp and on par with STL.
  5. Let's hope KI takes better care of it than SFSTL does theirs. They also need to plan on some fans in there for air circulation and some benches.
  6. All you Ohioans just crack me up with calling 90F "Hot". In St. Louis a high of 90F is a welcome respite from the heat. Lol.
  7. It where we stash the bodies of beggars and demanders.
  8. You left out basketballs. Don, I demand you no longer give away basketballs. I missed the jerk part. Don't worry the heat will be off you now that I went and demanded something. Bring it on!
  9. Not impressed. 70th floor to 1st might be worth it.
  10. Can someone point to a post "demanding" something from Don? All I have seen is some polite requests from his customers. Maybe I missed it.
  11. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/ticket-category/General-Admission# Says after 4pm but doesn't call it starlight.
  12. This is a big country, any city in the top 50 media markets is major.. Ohio has 3. Cleveland 18, Columbus 32, Cincinnati 35. Las Vegas 40. http://www.janson.com/rights/top-50-u-s-markets/
  13. How many inversions does this ride have? It seems sort of short. KI has a bunch of animal animatronics that they will probably be looking to sell next year that would be perfect for this place. A win-win for everyone.
  14. Graffiti. They are not metal so if they were in my pocket I could have kept them. No pat downs yet.
  15. +1 on the security searches. They were much more thorough at SFSTL with the bag checks. My boys used their swim team backpacks for the waterpark and we ended up having to throw away a few Sharpies one time. I even saw them refuse entry to a guest with marijuana graphics on his shirt.
  16. Remember they used to have the "Double Checked" policy with the he stickers on the bag? Not any more. So I always sit there and pull everything out and then repack it before I pull away. 60% of the time it is wrong.
  17. Take pictures of The People of Walmart you see and post them here. And roll some barrels. Oh, and whenever they try and up sell you, start bargaining with them. It never works but is fun to watch their faces none the less.
  18. So THAT explains your issues.
  19. ^somehow that just doesn't sound like Spock.
  20. Quite the contrary, it is Peanuts themed. "Wonk, wonk wonk....wonk wonk wonk wonk wonk".
  21. I just logged in with my iPad so results can be weird. I have a funpix season pass for both KI and CP. When I click on the photos of on ride shots some don't have the overlay and some do. But when I click download it just opens the pic in another safari tab and has the overlay no matter what. Need to try this on a real computer and see what is up. @Diamondbackandbeastlover. From my understanding if you don't take those roving photographers card to a funpix booth and have them associated with your account they are gone at the end of the day. Hope I am wrong about that.
  22. I have never seen them do the dough, but the rest seems to rather traditional. They have done several special requests for me. Maybe the take n bake are robots. King - don't mess with my Costco.
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