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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. anne1981


    Yay!! One more week can't wait.
  2. anne1981


    I agree! My kids are hoping Jett is still there they loved him.
  3. anne1981


    We are huge Cirque fans. Has anyone else heard any news about the show this year? Does anyone know the showtimes on its opening night? Our whole family is on countdown,lol. TIA
  4. Anyone know if Jett (lazer guy ) has a FB page or Insta gram account? Also wondering if anyone knows the names of anyone else in the show this year? TIA
  5. Who is the guy that does the balancing act? Anyone know who the one is that wears the ogre mask?
  6. Anyone know the name of the Cyr Wheel act and the new slackline walker? We heard he is from Chile.
  7. That was Ariel our daughter loves her as well. The painter was Jorge (I hope I spelled that right).
  8. We watched the new show today and loved it! Does anyone know if anyone else returned from last year other than Joco and the drummer? Did Mike Sevigny return as well? Anyone know the names of the other performers? TIA
  9. Our daughter's 5th birthday is Memorial day weekend. We will definitely be watching Cirque.
  10. What exactly is Media Day and how do people get selected to be part of it just curious?
  11. Where are the Web cams? I can't seem to find them on the new site. TIA
  12. Is there somewhere online that says who this year's cast will be? My daughter who is 4 loves "Ariel" she was hoping she would return.
  13. Has anyone heard anything about Cirque this year? I was hoping to have heard something about the show this year but so far have heard nothing.
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