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Great America Guy

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Everything posted by Great America Guy

  1. 1.) Six Flags Great America 2.) Paramount's Kings Island 3.) Six Flags Over Georgia 4.) Busch Gardens Tampa It was hard to put them in order, because I loved all of them. SFGAm and PKI are my home parks, and SFOG was a really nice park. BGT has incredible theming, rides, and wildlife. I just picked SFGAm as #1 because I go to it most.
  2. There may be some truth to what was said about Paramount going all out for the theming at PKI, but i think that will change in the next few years: *All parks except PGA have an excellently themed Scooby Dark ride *PCW has IJ:ST, and I think that is the extent of their 'heavily themed rides. *PGA has an incredibly well themed Nick Central, and Boomerang Bay. *PKD has FoF, and Volcano. *PC has Borg, and their new Nick Central. *PKI has TR:TR, IJ:ST, FoF, Adventure Express(still very well themed), Nick Central, and Boomerang Bay. I didn't count any of the Top Guns, because none of theme are heavily themed, nor did I count PCW's TR:TR, because it wasn't either, and I'm not sure how themed Tomb Raider will be at PKD. So while PKI has the most heavily themed attractions, I think that that is going to spread over the entire chain within the next few years. It will probably all start with the move to switch over to Nick attractions in the kiddy lands. I think PKD and PKI will follow Carowinds in that department for 2006.
  3. I couldn't see it being removed altogether just because of how new it is. It's only been around since 98, and is definately not suffering in the 'popularity' department. But you never know...
  4. It really is hard to choose... My favorite ride in existance(Beast) is in Rivertown, but I also really like Drop Zone, Face/Off, Top Gun, and Son of Beast... I'll have to go with Rivertown, not just because of The Beast, but because I love the "quiet, rustic" setting and atmosphere that it has. AZ just feels like a barren concrete desert. Great America Guy, who has yet to ride Delirium and TRTR.
  5. I don't think it would matter if SDATHC was out of place in Nick Central. Look at TRTR in Rivertown, FOF in Coney, AE in Oktoberfest, and SOB in AZ. Paramount hasn't had any problem in the past with this, and I don't think they'll start now. Even though it will be sad to see the Hanna Barbera toons go, you have to admit that it is time for a change. About 80% of kids these days would look at you like you were an idiot if you asked them who Top Cat, Dick Dastardly, Alley Cat, and Quickdraw were. I'm not too sure about what they'd go with for Scooby's Ghoster Coaster, but hopefully Beastie would be left alone. And count me up as one of those who actually likes "Fairly Odd Coaster".
  6. ^ Exactly PKI could never match the likes of Disney, or Universal, but they sure do a darn good job with the resourses that they have. Italian Job will be an awesome experience. This will be greatly themed, to the best of what Paramount can do with the funding they have. They did an incredible job with Tomb Raider, and Flight of Fear is pretty cool too. I don't know why someone needs to be launched at 80mph, through 10 loops and down a 200 foot drop to consider a coaster worthwhile and entertaining. *Great America Guy... who has a fetish for any launching coaster, but still always loves rides like Adventure Express, and The Whizzer.
  7. ^ Yeah, it was kind of funny how all of the Great Adventure fanboys were passing around all of that bull about SFGAdv having a deal with B&M to build four coasters in a row. They got three in a row in 99, 01, and 03, and must have started making up stuff about there being a deal for four. Funny, they all must have been pretty shocked when they unveiled Kingda Ka.
  8. I just may have to sign up for it this year... I've wanted to go last year, and just wasn't able to get away. I have to find someone to go with me first though.
  9. I wish we could have a giant frisbee at SFGAm, but we had to go and get a normal one. (its still fun though!) But yes, alot of parks/chains will buy rides in bulk(as in more than one), to get them at discounted price. But you dont see to many parks do this anymore, or at least with a new ride design.... I think everyone learned from the Six Flags/Deja Vu deal. =) Paramount must have a pretty good realationship with Premier to buy double from them again. First the two Flight of Fears, and now the two IJ's.
  10. I'd love a B&M inverted, floorless, or hyper coaster. I would really love it if PKI could cram some more classic flats around the park, especially in Coney Mall. I'd love to see ones like we have at SFGAm, like an Enterprise, Calypso, Falling Star, Tea Cups, and Condor. And even though they're similar to and Enterprise, I really like the Round-Up's
  11. I too like Son of Beast, and I'm not much for rougher rides. it's probably because I'm short. Forwards Racer on the other hand is a different story. As for my ultimate thrill ride, I really love Raging Bull. Add in some more air hills, and lose the third hill trim and I'm happy. Also, any kind of B&M Inverted coaster I just love. From the small BTR, to the giant Montu, i can't get enough of the inverts. I really like intense launched coasters too. But the one thing I really, really want to try out is the Huss Topple Tower. That ride just looks kick a$$!
  12. On my last visit to Kins Island over Labor Day weekend, I had quite the interesting conversation with some lady in line for Vortex.... lady: You wouldn't happen to know where the Screamin' Demon is, would you? me: Umm, I'm pretty sure that it has been removed for quite a few years. lady: (confused stare)no, I'm talking about the one like this (draws loop with finger in midair). me: yeah, I think that it's been gone since like 1987. lady: (in an 'I told you so' tone)Liar! It couldn't have been gone since then, I rode it just last year! me: ( ) well, do you remember about where it was located? lady: Yeah it was right over there. (points to the antique cars). Thats when I decided to give up and tell her that I must have been thinking of some other ride. But my dad told here to still go and check over there, just in case they might have moved it somewhere else. Ahhh, I love confused people.
  13. Trust me. No one wants one of those in their park. While the ride is fun, it is clearly not worth all of the trouble they have. I would gladly give you our Deja Vu for Face/Off. Chances are that Face/Off has a higher capacity, and actually I think Face/Off is a more exciting ride than DejaVu is. I've been to SFGAm tons of times since Deja Vu opened in 2001, and I've only ridden it twice. That's because of all those visits, it's only been open on less than 10 of them. I think PKI (and any other park) would be smart enough to stay away from the GIB.
  14. I love the idea of the Topple Tower! Good god that would be wild! Or, another fun ride you could put at the top of the tower would be Zephyr. Flying over the edge in a little plastic swing would be kind of scary!
  15. Wait... Before you repaint The Racer, retrack it first. Other than that, I think all Coney rides are fine.
  16. Am I the only one who doesn't want to see Nick Central take up any more of Rivertown? It already got the flume, and if it takes Whitewater Canyon, there goes the only reason left for the area to be named Rivertown. I'd rather see Nick expand into HB Land, or out into the picnic grove area. Also, the Titanic idea would probably work for Viking Fury. It is close enough to Action Zone. You'd just need to make the ship over to look less viking like. Or they could do like they did with the Flyers and just remove it. j/k
  17. Ahhh, Cedar Point is whipping out the ever popular Six Flags weather excuse, although it may be true to some extent. It was a rather crappy summer. But then again, PKI is up 7%.
  18. Yep, those are the ones! As well as the ones posted under me by The Klockster. I couldn't remember where they were. Thanks guys!
  19. While there may be other factors contributing to Hershey's decrease in attendance, it is becoming evident that park goers these days want something more than just the thrills. Paramount was the first to realize this, and now Six Flags is starting to jump on the wagon with this past years additons to Great America and Over Georgia. Now everyone is jumping onto the water park thing, so that should get more people coming back to a lot of these parks that have been seeing bad attendance. (Unless the weather is bad ) But way to go PKI, reclaiming the rank of top seasonal park in the country!!
  20. Those are what I wanted to see too, and Adventure Express. But any pics in the offseason are appreciated. Thanks for taking your time to do this for us. Offseason pics are always cool to look at. I remember seeing some last year of all of the coaster trains, and flume boats in the picnic shelters!
  21. Would you rather have a Deja Vu? I'm sure that they care about capacity, but one could make the arguement that they don't seem to want to up their ride count any. They add IJ, but remove the Eagles. Same with TR/Kentons Cove, and KC/Delirium. Our park capacity is probably no better than it was in 2001, even with all of the new additions.
  22. I only get to PKI once a year, so everything for me is a memory. But this year, at the morning rope drop in Action Zone, it was me and my sister's spur of the moment decision to jump right on Drop Zone first thing. The tallest I had been on previous to this was Giant Drop @SFGAm. This was a lot different. It felt like it took a year to get to the top, and it felt like another year waiting for the drop. Holy cow! That is the most extreme ride I've ridden to date. My hands were shaking when we got back to the ground, and my sister was speechless for another five minutes!
  23. Good, I thought I was the only one. The last time I rode Racer was Labor Day weekend. We rode backwards first, which was smooth and awesome! Then we rode the forwards side. The experience was similar to riding on a jackhammer, while having your spine and neck pounded on with a hammer.
  24. A giant sized B&M Inverted coaster like Montu or Alpengeist. Actually a small B:TR type invert would still be awesome. I'd also love an Intamin Impulse, or a smaller twister style woodie ala Viper or Roar.
  25. Yeah, that's the one. It was a fun ride most of the time. No one will ever be able to ride it now, as it has been cut up and sold for scrap. Anyway, I really liked Son of Beast. I didn't find it smooth in anyway(except the loop). I still liked it alot, but not as much as The Beast. The ride that gets my vote for roughest in the park for the 4th season in a row is Forwards Racer. This ride is just terribly rough.
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