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Great America Guy

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Everything posted by Great America Guy

  1. Wood- Definately BEAST! Steel- Flight of Fear
  2. ^^I think it should be the colors of PC's Top Gun: The Jet Coaster. I didn't care for red on Top Gun.
  3. ^^Actually, if they did that, it could actually be more of a midway back around to Top Gun, instead of just one ridiculously long que line back there. A midway in the sense that it would make a loop, from where Top Gun's que starts now, back around to near Congo Falls/Drop Zone. Kind of a mini-expansion of AZ.
  4. As far as coasters go, the only one I could see being removed would be Ghoster Coaster. As stated above, Adventure Express is one of the most popular, and landlocked; TG, Vortex, and FOF are all still popular, and the wood coasters are out of the question. As for any type of indoor ride where AE, TG, or Vortex are... not possible. (well it is, but the cost to level those areas out would probably be over two years worth of capital $$, )
  5. I agree, seeing those pics shows how awesome of a layout this will be! I can't wait to get down to PKI this summer and try it out!! Seeing some of those pics makes me think it will be a little more thrilling than some think it will be.
  6. I believe Invertigo is getting a new coat of paint for this season as well. I don't think having Face/Off blue instead of red would do any different in terms of fading, as SFGAm is already repainting Deja Vu for this season. (does anyone else think Top Gun needs it again?!?!) I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower with a fresh coat of paint, it is going to look great!
  7. For some reason, PCW got a mountain instead of an Eiffel Tower, but PKD originally had rides inside of theirs(a rotor, and some water attraction.) I read that after those rides were removed, the mountain sat empty, until Volcano was built.
  8. Superman: The Escape at SFMM opened back in 1997, so Millennium Force or Steel Dragon 2000 were never the tallest roller coasters... they were however the tallest continuous circuit roller coasters when they were built, untill Top Thrill Dragster. Superman: The Escape was the tallest roller coaster in the world from 1997 until 2002.(Or whenever TTD was topped off) (*Not trying to be rude, just correcting. )
  9. ^^ I don't know about anyone else, but that feeling of relaxation hits me like a truck when I come out from the ticket-takers, and I see all of International Street laid out before me. It just takes my breath away everytime. Same thing goes for SFGAm, when I walk in and see the double-decker Columbia Carousel in front of me, all of my stress and problems seem to just disappear.
  10. Kings Island has my first coaster I ever had the pleasure of riding... Beastie!!! It's so funny looking back on it, but when i got off of Beastie that first time, I was on the biggest adrenaline high my 7th grade mind had ever experienced! Then my uncle took us to The Beast. Needless to say, it scared me $hitless. I could seriously say that if The Beast never had the second lift and double-helix, and the ride just ended where the second lift starts, I'd probably never have ridden another roller coaster again, ever! The look on my face when we came around that corner and I saw another lift must have been priceless, but needless to say, after my first experience through that double-helix, I was hooked for life.
  11. Same here, I find SoB rough in a good way. It wasn't necessarily roughness i felt on it either, just a whole lot of bouncing. It felt like the problem was more in the trains than in the ride itself. Forwards Racer on the other hand I can't take. That ride is back-breaking, jack-hammering rough.
  12. Wasn't there some other issue about the design of the ride being goofed up during construction, mainly in the station, lift approach, final brake run area? I seem to remember reading somewhere that a goof in construction, resulted in the brake run and station being improperly located, and forced the brake run to be shorter than originally planned, forcing them to reduce the number of trains used? If this is incorrect, or untrue, please correct me.
  13. ^^ Yeah but imagine how insane it would be around park closing time. That is the only reason I don't see many parks ever getting a parking garage/ramp. It would take forever to get out of it at closing.
  14. For me, it's definately the escape. That and the adrenaline rush I get from a roller coaster is unlike anything else for me. I don't really know about how these parks became so big in each specific part of the country. For instance, around Ohio, and the midwest, alot of these big parks grew up from those little picinic parks and small amusement parks like Coney Island did. Like GL, CP, and even PKI to some extent, all have roots to the early 20th century. All I know, is we need more parks up here in Wisconsin!!
  15. I like that idea, although you get those staff members that are having a bad day... Watch Out!!!
  16. I don't know, the only Paramount Park I could see Six Flags snatching right up would be PGA, due to it's proximity to SFMW. Six Flags owning the other Great America would eliminate the competition in San Fran. But then again, PKI is pretty close to SFKK, and PKD is in the same market as SFA, so I guess I don't have a clue.
  17. WHAT!!!??? How so? If Paramount isn't doing so well running it's parks, why is attendance up at all of them? All of them are said to have great rides, cleanliness, awesome customer service, and nice landscaping. As was said above me, PKI is the #1 seasonal park!! I think that says something about Paramount. You want to see someone who could do worse than Paramount? Sell PKI to Six Flags, and watch them run it into the ground over the course of only two seasons like they did with Geauga Lake. But, if I had to choose, I would pick either Busch or Cedar Fair. Both are very good in the operations department, and awesome customer service.
  18. Yes the trams are nice to use when you are leaving the park. Last Labor Day weekend when we visited, we stayed open til close, in the 100+ degree heat. Let's just say the tram ride was a very nice bonus. And with all the walking you do all day in the park, a little ride to your car never hurts.
  19. I think the smoking ban would be a great idea, not only for the second hand smoke(which I can't stand), but the litter. Seeing cigarette butts all over the place really detracts from the cleanliness of the park. But having designated smoking areas would be a must, probably one in each themed area. On a side note, i really liked the idea of the Happy Days/TVLand diner idea in the concept surveys, so hopefully we'll see that.
  20. I don't know, I just cannot see Top Gun being removed. I think a new Top Gun could be built, but we'd probably just see a re-theme of the current Top Gun. I mean, come on. There is nothing wrong with it maintenance wise, it's only 12 years old, and it is still a popular ride. As for the Soundwave, I like the idea, but I think FOF's current theme is more entertaining. And as for the classic flats, you have to admit, PKI probably has the least amount of them out of any other park PKI's size. I mean, look at CP, they have a LOT, and here at SFGAm, we have 17. PKI only has 7(scrambler, zephyr, viking, monster, SRR, Dodgem, and Carousel), plus TR:TR, and Delirium. A decent sized flat package would probably help park capacity alot, as well as give the people that arent into coasters or kids area something to do.
  21. I would love to see Phantom of the Opera, Fiddler On The Roof, or West Side Story. I did West Side Story and Fiddler in High School, and I loved them... the dancing in WSS was awesome!!!!
  22. Picnic Grove is behind it. Just because The Picinic Grove is behind it, doesn't mean that they can't get rid of the theater and expand in its place, even though it may only mean a kiddy flat or two or a new restaurant.
  23. Well, when I was at PKI last Labor Day weekend, we waited about 15 mins for Top Gun, while SOB was a walk-on. I don't know why some of you actually want a roller coaster to be removed from your park. Wouldn't you rather have the collection grow? Oh well... I guess opinions change on which rides we think will be removed. Last year, everyone was betting on Congo Falls, now its Green Slime Zone/Ghoster Coaster, and Top Gun. The only likely thing I could see being removed, would be that theater in Nick Central. It seems like it is blocking any expansion of Nick Central, and is for the most part...unused.
  24. SOB backwards... I'd do it! I would also love to try The Beast backwards. Other rides that would be killer backwards would be Top Gun, Raging Bull, and Superman: Ultimate Flight!!! BTW, SFAW runs their Arrow Suspended XLR-8 with half the train backards... Anyone think Top Gun would be cool like this?
  25. Well, you never know... SFMM has Batman The Ride, Ninja, and Deja Vu; and PCW has Top Gun and Vortex; Cedar Point has Iron Dragon and Raptor. I guess there is no reason to believe that PKI wouldn't get an Invert just for the reason of Face/Off and Top Gun already existing. Kind of like the way PKD has three launching coasters. Besides, a B&M invert would provide an experience nothing like TG or F/O. Do I think that PKI would build a B&M Invert? Maybe Do I think Top Gun will be removed soon? Nope... its the perfect blend of a family/thrill ride. Perfect for getting kids from Adventure Express to Vortex .
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