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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I am very much for responsible waste management and recycling; I really am. I would just hope that the desired outcome of a civil suit against an organization would be for the implementation of solutions, rather than punitive fines that wind up filtering their way through the pocketscape that is bureaucracy.


    "The Court hereby orders you to install a Magellan X3000L treatment system on all six of your outflow stations, at your expense, to be monitored by such and such agency to ensure compliance, upon your commercial liability etc. etc. etc. and establish a specific trust, funded by you, solely for the reclamation and restoration of lands harmed by the similiter in proposito ...

    • Like 2
  2. That's provided the obsolescence is based on lack of unique experience and overall character. To paraphrase Donus Maximus, coaster riders vote with their feet (I've heard 'seats,' but I understand the inherent PR sensitivity), so if Vortex is the people eater I've heard it is, here almost 30 years after it took its firm, metallic grip on Kings Island, then it's hard to imagine it going away soon.

    • Like 3
  3. I always dream there are massive, popular rides in the parking lot. Early Saturday morning I awoke from a dream that there was a "ski-jump" water slide (multi-colored track (I do dream in color!), which accelerates the rider up over a 200-foot 'ramp,' and you have to control your "landing" on any one of three "catch" slides that are over the entrance to the Picnic Grove. I woke up because, while in flight, I knew I was going to miss the catch slides and slam into the ground (I was face-up, and couldn't see the landing slides), and I was laughing uncontrollably. I "hit" just as I woke up.

    • Like 7
  4. Just throwing this out there-after visiting John's grave, as me and my aunt were driving through the cemetery trying to find the gates, she popped in a CD without looking. The first song that played was Night on Bald Mountain, which is the song in Disney's Fantasmic where the ghosts and demons dance for Chernabog. One of the opening shots in the Fantasia sequence is ghosts rising out of a graveyard, and that was the section playing as we were driving through the cemetery. I still don't know what that means.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Fascinating. I can see how such an eerie, incredible coincidence would bolster one's interests in the supernatural. 

    • Like 4
  5. I don't see a fight being picked; I see a new member who appears to have great interest in the park's history, and wants to contribute to this community in a way that is engaging and thought-provoking, if not delicate - especially in light of how respectful we must be when bringing up tragic subject matter in a public forum. My sincere recommendation would be to carefully review this site's content and, when you come across any of the existing info, courteously quote the original poster, and then reply to the quote in a conversational manner, which will nurture further discussion, perhaps with newer viewpoints or perspectives.

    • Like 6
  6. Oh, I was speaking generally. It's one of those things where, if someone hears about something, and they can look it up in the instant-information world we live in, and then, if they should happen to later visit a Pepper's Ghost attraction, they won't experience it with the intended wonder and amazement first. That is all.

    • Like 2
  7. Caution: Unless you're good at suspending disbelief, once you've seen it, you can't "un-see" it, so the experience will be lost with your newly-trained eyes! So if you haven't yet experienced an attraction that uses the classic effect, don't spoil yourself by knowing the effect going in. Be amazed first, then peek behind the curtain!

    • Like 6
  8. I wouldn't be discouraged to summarize, in my own words, what I've read, and then provide a hyperlink to the landing page of the web site on which I read my source material. That would be the physical-world equivalent of reading a book, walking up to a group of friends and telling them my own perspective, and giving them precise directions to the library or bookstore so that they can research it for themselves. The friends can then take it upon themselves to go to that library or bookstore, agree to the terms of use that are presented there,  and and then consume the information for themselves, which leads to further enrichment of the conversation.

    • Like 6
  9. So I'm carrying around this green lemur prize won at the goblet toss. I needed an excuse to give it away to somebody. Waiting in line for Rivertown Coca-Cola Marketplace, a man was telling his daughters that people get on that big roller coaster (Diamondback) over by that water tower with the people on it.  In a classical midway-caller voice, I wanted to say "Winnah!" and hand the lemur off to the gentleman like Esiason-to-Woods and shuffle away into the madding crowds; but then that daydream quickly snapped back to reality, and I just chuckled a bit.


    They were all in water park gear, so I assumed they came over on the train, and that  they've never seen that 'water tower' from the main entrance, with all the pretty fountains in front of it.

    • Like 5
  10. Well, I can remember the theme from "Superman" by John Williams being played on one ride this summer. I think I also heard Maurice Jarre's  "Molly" from the "Ghost" soundtrack (just like the track they play at the Newport Aquarium shark tank) once, too, though maybe it was part of a medley(?).

    • Like 1
  11. Free-market competition is alive and well!


    It was an awesome day at Kings Island, and I love seeing it chock full of happy people! I have no complaints; just fun observations.


    Not wanting to wait too long to eat, I started off site to enjoy some Frisch's, (you know, because I'm an armchair-rocket scientist who thinks I'm the only human being in the quadrant to come up with the idea), and discovered the ripples-in-the-pond effect that causes long lines and strained service levels at nearby, off-site eateries, that seem to dissipate the further out you get from the park. I had my beloved breakfast bar, but it was a line to the door to get seated, an 8-minute wait for the server, and about a five minute wait for the food bar to be re-stocked (about 7 people were standing around it, waiting for something more than a few onions, what looked like egg...matter(?), a strip of bacon fat, biscuit crumbs and a lone, stoic little potato cube standing proudly against the greasy aluminum emptiness that once housed hundreds of his kin).


    (We joked about the hurricane episode of the Simpsons, where, after the local market was frenzied upon by massive crowds, the only things left on the shelves were products like "Creamed Eels, Corn Nog and Wadded Beef,"); but the timing of everything was reasonable, and the food brought out was hot and fresh, so no complaints.


    So, hooray for business! Hooray for Kings Island, because despite the unusual crowds, I had a great time there yesterday, and everyone I spoke to was having fun just being there!

    • Like 9
  12. Earlier I helped Security put out a trashcan fire next to the Eiffel Tower. I figured I could just easily walk over and re-fill my ice water at any nearby drink stand. LOL on me - Tower Drinks had lines going back halfway across the plaza between the Band Stand and the tower's walkways, so I figured I'd just duck into the trusty Burrito Shack, which only had a couple people standing in the doorway. When I saw that the line was a full zig-zag within, I went over to Coca-Cola Marketplace, and waited my turn in what I shall call the "Epic Drink Queue of 2015!" 

    • Like 4
  13. I walked past a line that was all the way back to the concrete "bridge" between the exit/entrance paths for WWC... [voice of Michael Palin in Monty Python and the Holy Grail] wiiiiiiiiiiiiith.... two rolls of quarters. The most consistent full boats ever! Made lots of new "friends" on this 91° day! Arrrr!

    • Like 2
  14. General Diamondback

    Lieutenant General Banshee

    Major General Beast

    Brigadier General Flight of Fear

    Colonel Vortex

    Lieutenant Colonel Firehawk

    Major Racer

    Captain Invertigo

    First Lieutenant Back Lot Stunt Coaster

    Second Lieutenant Adventure Express

    Master Sergeant Bat

    Technical Sergeant Flying Ace Aerial Chase

    Staff Sergeant Woodstock Express

    Corporal Great Pumpkin Coaster

    Private Surf Dog


    -Tb. Ranking 'em. B)

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