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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I once stopped in the middle of RT 42 in Mason for a little raccoon that freaked out and ran under the truck I was driving. The scared little creature was just shivering and cowering.  A guy in a business suit showed up and started gently throwing small rocks under my vehicle (I understood his noble purpose, so I didn't complain - plus he was quite precise). The raccoon eventually ran off behind the Ace Hardware store.  It took about 10 minutes, but it was a happy ending. I'd like to just believe that the critter just ran up into the wooded area and lives there now, happily ever after.

    • Like 6
  2. Now there's a name I haven't heard since December 20, 2000! My last slice of Sbarro ever was at a nice little table next to a window that overlooked the Hudson River. To the best of my knowledge, that Sbarro doesn't exist anymore.


    Just a thought.  :(

    • Like 2
  3. Nothin' helps the ol' International Street LaRosa's go down like beautiful fountains and loud, sad-sounding, minor-chord heavy emo music blasting through the speakers. Yep! Our kids do not know Kings Island as it was; and likely, they never will.

    • Like 10
  4. I had noticed that, for a few days early in the 2015 season, the fountains were in full-blown, skyward fire hose mode continually; they didn't switch between different modes at all. Could just be the "watched pot never boils" principle, but they kinda lacked that certain charm for a few days.  Also, there was at least one night I remember when the lights never came on. That could just have been a fluke. The goose "contributions" were very noticeable from the tower, as well, and I heard many guests mention it.

    • Like 3
  5. Hmm. After more than two long, eventful years, the Snickers mystery is solved... for me... who doesn't pay attention... much.


    Still, every time I shave, I can't help but to think of The Bat... or Top Gun... or Flight Deck...


    [meatball crosses the plate, and...]

    • Like 4
  6. No, I did this in a 2-D overlay. However, Google Earth now has Kings Island's landmarks, trees and buildings in glorious 3-D, which you can tilt back and, depending on how powerful your graphics are, watch as all your familiar park objects come into view, and stay in correct aspect as you "move" the camera around! (Banshee looks a little taller, wooden and inversionless, though)  ;) .

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks, Imperial!


    I also added earth-tone rocks to the fountains, rounded out the shapes a bit, and put a nice, stately bridge over them which, when viewed from street level, would resemble the architecture of the Grand Stand in front of the tower, without taking away from the "view" too much. The hexagonal building with the pathways is supposed to be a La Rosa's that draws crowds away from the main midway, and allows them to eat under a huge pavilion (it's about the size of the Chicken Shack complex, visible at left), vs. shop-blocking lines or congestion formed when folks choose to line up perpendicular to the entrance of that favorite eatery. I had some "table parasols" dotting the grassy area, but it looked too cluttered. Just some interchangeable concepts I throw around every now and again.

    • Like 3
  8. CGA kinda needed it. It's not like there's anything interesting happening anywhere else in Santa Clara, especially over at Levi's Stadium  ;) ...


    Having something return to Action Theater would be nice. Let's go ahead and cut that cookie, I'm "game" (pun intended).

    • Like 1
  9. Epic shot!


    Viewed from corner angles, there's an unintentionally humorous, visually ambiguous way to look at this, but be careful, because you might not be able to "un-see" it. The v-shaped corner braces look like a smile, and the two visible sets of eyes look like individual, sleepy eyes, making for completely different illusion.

    • Like 5
  10. Thanks, guys. Skyrider started a great topic here (thanks, Skyrider!), and the pic that pyrocoasterkid shared and Lorax's picture are simply amazing! I love how the position of the eyes creates sort of a top-hat-wearing effect, like the Master of Scarimonies. Kudos to the imaginative teams at KD and KI for employing this cool effect on their towers.

    • Like 7
  11. Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!


    It comes from a lot of experience. I've been doing animations, video "cartoons," and other media for many, many years. I'll lay down an audio track, then animate around it with timings and adjustments here and there until I have something I think others will enjoy, then I share it.


    I saw your post title, and the Kim Carnes song entered my head, and I just couldn't resist!

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  12. The Ohio River grosses me out. We had a cruise on one of the riverboats back in 2011, and had people from all over the country in town for the trip. The sewer smell at the place where we boarded the boat made some of us sick. I just don't like boating in the inland waterways, and there was all kinds of garbage floating by. It was embarrassing.


    The green-powered boat rides in our National Parks, where you can see the sunlight dancing on the rocks 50 feet below the boat, are refreshing excursions.

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