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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I am 47 and I went through motion sickness in my mid-30s, but I now have been back to normal for 12 wonderful years (save for last year, when I needed to lose a lot of weight). For me, staying hydrated with ice water (only - I avoid soda now) has been very helpful. I also watch for points on the horizon, so that I can align what my inner ear is sensing with my orientation to the horizon, which helps me reduce having feelings of nausea.

    • Like 8
  2. ...Even during awesome, memorable holiday parties!  :)


    If someone deliberately threw that soda towards you, I would hope they got bum-rushed out of the park and banned - OR even arrested! (Throwing objects at someone constitutes assault in many jurisdictions, with degrees of aggravation based on such things as material of object, size, weight, speed, etc.)


    There's this thing among spoiled, jock-ish punks, where they think it's funny (or self-gratifying) to throw things at people. I once had a bottle thrown at me deliberately. Some people can be that criminally un-caring.

    • Like 9
  3. Guys, this is truly an emergency of epic proportions. It has been way too long that I have searched for this song. I brought it up once before, and I still have gotten no help.


    There is a song that plays at Kings Island that I cannot get out of my head, yet I have no clue who sings it. The singer is female. It is somewhat techno/electronic. The singer in the chorus moves up a pitch (or whatever the term is) at a time until she sings as high as possible, then she goes on to say something like "for you", "but you", "it's true"; something, I don't know. It has a fairly catchy beat, once again, electronic, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS.


    Please. For my life. Help. I have hummed into my phone, I have sung it to other people, I've even asked a whole boatload of people at Viking Fury what the song was as it played. I have run out of energy.

    Is there any other hook you can remember? It might be one of the new songs off of Gwen Stefani's new album?... checking...

    • Like 1
  4. Well, I like the new path. It's a nice change from the old, 1985-era nature hike.  Some guests need to get over the 'wait-behind-the-yellow-line" rule when the gates are closed for the train (I heard a lot of smart-alec remarks on Saturday, but the employee maintained his professionalism beautifully). Cool new views of Diamondback have been opened up, too. Not even paying attention to the red herring wall at the old entrance site. Not this year.

    • Like 6
  5. I found it to be world-class, high-energy entertainment, and the first audience (1:30 on Saturday) received it uproariously. It warmed my heart to hear the audience laughing and really getting into the pre-show (hold onto your hats!  ;)


    I particularly found the bearded performer to be entertaining on many levels! Reminded me of the late "Dr. Creep" from our early television days of the 70s and 80s, albeit much more spry and lively!


    I saw technicians install an element of the show, shortly before it started, and I wondered how on earth that particular element didn't pop out of the stage floor during the amazing "lamppost" routine (I call it that; the thing looks like a lamppost). When you see it, you'll know what I mean. It was exhilarating nonetheless!


    This one had a couple of neatly-executed surprises, which brought giggles and applause, and seemed on-par with some of "Cirque Imagine's."


    The use of robotic lighting and smoke were amazingly well-blended into the cool scenery. Loved it.


    The music is powerful and unique (watch for the amazing drummer); however, 

    it doesn't have the kind of closure that you might be used to from Cirque Imagine (remember the powerful, uplifting music that started playing when everyone came out near the end, to come together at the cave so 'strike a pose,' then the music grew more robust as the house lights came up?). In contrast to that, in Origins, the action and musical tone all run smack into the "final bow," so it feels kind of abrupt.

    That didn't diminish the amazing quality of the show, though. It is of the caliber of CI, and new audiences who've never seen one of these kinds of shows will certainly find it to be a very memorable part of their Kings Island trip.

    • Like 5
  6. I don't know how many people will be there this weekend; however, I do know that quite a lot of them

    will get wet

    on Whitewater Canyon... mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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