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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. My Dad and I caught the 3:00 show on Fathers' Day (Sunday), and it was just magic! That ring performer blew us away, and the new, sideways strength/acrobat piece interlaced with the trampoline act was superb!  I must say, I love the Egyptian (or Indian)-sounding music during that exchange. It is absolutely mesmerizing! Very good show!

    • Like 4
  2. Well, let me step into my time machine and find out.


    [beep-blip-boop-bop-click-click-click Poof!] Okay, I'm back.


    Yes, the ride eventually gets dismantled and removed, to the disappointment of Eloi and Morlock alike.


    So enjoy it while it lasts.  :P

    • Like 6
  3. Fire: The Great Enemy of Amusemen...


    Anyone else think the same thing before opening this?

    What a bad name should the park make headlines....

    I saw "Wildfire at Kolm[unresolved character symbol]rden," and thought of the wildfires in Arizona.  I had no idea there was a Kolmarden until reading this. Tells you how Kings Island-centric my amusement park knowledge is.

    • Like 3
  4. For years, my Dad had desired going, once again, to Kings Island, that magnificent, world-renowned park that put our hometown on the map.  He had gone a few times in the 70s and 80s, and the last time we went together was in 2009.  At almost 78 years of age, facing down what could be frightening health challenges, the stoic Air Force and Army veteran and retired steel-forger joined me for a memorable walk through this evermore amazing park of "ours."


    We walked the entire park (well, the dry side) and put over 10,000 steps on our health apps!


    I've always bragged about Dinosaurs Alive!, so after a brief stop at Starbucks, we headed to the exhibit.


    "Is this animatronic going to give Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?" (a little Disney humor... ;) )


    In all seriousness, Dad was so awestruck by the magnitude of the exhibit, that he was compelled to call home and brag to my Uncle Jim.


    We of course rode the Kings Island Miami Valley Railroad, and he was overjoyed at the experience he so longed for over the decades.


    After years of bragging about it, I finally gave Dad a few pointers on the fine art of White Water Canyon Geyser splashing. He mastered it in only a few tries, and in this shot, that column of water emerging from the blue cannon would ultimately, thoroughly drench each and every passenger of that "doomed" boat.


    We then enjoyed "Jump," the Dog Show at the International Showplace (although, to the gasps of the audience, one dog, after committing a back flip appeared to visibly injure one of his back legs, but kept on with the show, tail wagging). The dog's apparent "limp" quickly went away, and the rest of the show went off without a hitch. We thought it was an interesting little show, but I wanted him to see the "Cadillac..."


    The 3:00 performance of Origins was so amazing, so flawless (okay, the Juggler lost one ball), but the new routines (the WOW that is the ring/hoop performer, and the new side-view, human trapeze act blended with the acrobats) brought tears to my eyes, literally! It was just very well-done and the packed house went nuts! My dad couldn't stop talking about how cool everything was (this was the first "non-concert" live stage show he's seen since the mid 1950's!) Stunned amazement, and pride in this wonderful park for having such a great show!  ... and in his classy, sharp-minded way, he walked over to the technician at the "booth," and gave him props for his work on the sound (and whatever else he runs from that console)... to which the guy was very grateful!


    This was a very sweet, precious day, and I don't really know how else to sum up the emotions of it.  Thanks for letting me share it here.  Happy Fathers' Day. See y'all in the park.  :) -Tb

    • Like 25
  5. I'm bringing my 78-year-old father, Philosophy_Biscuit, to the park this morning in celebration of Fathers' Day.  He and I had talked about it for years, and, well, what a better-forecast day to do it.  We last visited the park together back in 2009, but it was very brief, and his roommate had to get back home so we only got to see part of Action Zone, and ride the Boo Blasters (I think it was BBOBH, I don't think it was SDATHC anymore).  Prior to that, our last visit was in.... 1981.  So much to show him, and he's been wanting to for quite some time now. Mason is our hometown (he writes for the Mason History Museum) and he and I share a deep pride in our world-class, putting-us-on-the-map little amusement park here. He's never seen the Diamondback splashdown, or Banshee, or Dinosaurs Alive!. It will be memorable, and I might even convince him to join me in a splash or two at WWC.


    Happy Fathers' Day to you dads out there! -Tb

    • Like 14
  6. The ride op at White Water Canyon's pay geysers could tone it down, too. They're currently addressing and taunting every boat that passes, to the point that it's nearly a continuous stream of loud talking. It's not necessary, and, like others have said, it distracts from the ride op's actual job, which is to keep riders safe.

    It's also not just a Kings Island thing. They do it at SFStL, too. It's unnecessary there, too.

    I've already written to the park about WWC's ops getting carried away to the point of missing "feet up," seat-belt, phone and shoe-off violations, and they seem to have gotten 100% better.  

    Some of the ops only start the constant chatter when people are at the geysers, because apparently they enjoy the props riders give them, thinking they're the ones splashing them (even though it's the paying customers on the other side :lol: ). Most of the time, though, the op and us geyser "groupies" team up to form the greatest, unscripted spiels of all time, and I regret not having my camera going during them!

    • Like 7
  7. I find these new systems to be cheesy. For example at Dave & Busters games are charged 3.8 credits or something like that so that your mind is disconnected from the cost, the trick modern casinos are using with so-called penny slots.

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    Images of the super-strength, semi-monolithic fasteners can only serve to unleash hints of Cedar Fair's underlying, compelling methodologies. While Cedar Fair and subordinate Kings Island hierarchical operatives (corporate as well as management-level ideation pros) objectively synergize flexible alignments. With forward-looking flair, the team has shown, since Diamondback, that they can efficiently synthesize evermore-coherent meta-services and  continually aggregate backward-compatible initiatives. Banshee introduced an unveiling of their competitively-driven desire to distinctively promote dynamic products, and to continually reconceptualize out-of-the-box rider-experience models. As innovators move passionately to progressively implement more "elastic" materials (whether organic or composite) -the "clicks-and-mortar" mindshare, if you're so inclined ... these slowly-revealed, much-anticipated marvels of entertaining engineering will continue to morph leading-edge initiatives! Records are meant to be shattered, but not always...


    I have worked in the corporate offices of multiple companies in the Fortune 50...that is about the best buzzword mumbjo jumbo I think I have ever heard/read.


    Thank you! I just threw about seven or eight familiar words into a corporate BS generator, and it spit out this surprisingly cogent paragraph.


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