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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. EDIT - Withdrawn.  I was wrong. Wow, memories do tend to jumble with age.




    Time is an illusion. It goes by faster than you think it will. When I reached my 40s, spans of 20 years began to seem like nothing. Don't dawdle, young ones: that line about "life passing you by" is no joke. Get your lives in order quickly, then savor every precious moment of every day. The mythic, false sense of youthful security will haunt you when it spits you out; and that's coming right up!

    • Like 12
  2. Great video, gforce1994!


    Yes, waiting in line for SpongeBob 3D was memorable for so many reasons. The trains racing 'around you,' one forward and one backward, while you listened to (or joined in with) entire families singing along with the eponymous character on that TV on the outside wall of the theater ("Steppin' on the beach, root-doot-doot-dooh; steppin' on the beach, root-doot-doot-dooh!") is a summertime memory that is both unique and priceless!


    :(  I miss it.

    • Like 6
  3. For my vacation reading this holiday season, I'm weighing three epic reading options (and I'm not kidding here): Stephen King's "11-22-63," Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace," or ...this thread! Five-thousand-seven-hundred-thirty-two posts about Kentucky Kingdom... on the top Kings Island fan forum? I've been ignoring something for too long, methinks.

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  4. This reminds me of the kinds of "pump-and-dump" schemes run by the "Sopranos" crime family, but with an almost hilariously huge bait fish of $3.5 Billion!. Introduce and over-hype a plausible prospect, get investors on board, play your hand as long as you can until the Street gets a whiff of the fishiness, then sell-off and clean up.

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  5. When you drive past that construction to and from lunch everyday (instead of any of the 50 restaurants within a half-mile of work). The steel skeleton of the new plaza is up, at least part-way, now.  I saw surveyors in the parking lot of the defunct KII&CC yesterday, with those telescope-looking things on tripods, scoping out towards the area behind the new B-Dubs.

    • Like 6
  6. So, Kings Island is expanding Dinosaurs Alive and renaming it Ohio Harbor?


    All kidding aside, I get the feeling we'll still have our leisurely, prehistoric side show at least another season or two.

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