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Everything posted by RingMaster

  1. Even though I'm real mad at them removing the loop, this could work out to be one interesting portion of a back story to SOB. Maybe have one half of the loop next to the big crate, and have it to where it fell on top of the crate and is just completely mangled beyond all recognition. Maybe even have a dummy underneath all the wreckage, too. Ooh, even better, have one of the old trains be added to the scene, too, ala Final Destination 3; the lead car's off in the distance somewhere (it could've possibly crashed into that mini kiosk thingy by Skyflyer), the others mangled up with the track and crate. Finally, let's add a cop car (maybe the old Days of Thunder car used in this year's FearFest) at the scene of the crime, headlights on and everything. Put some police tape around the scene of said crime (so that those dang juvenile delinquents don't mess with the "scenery") and add some fog machines, and voila! Instant destruction theming courtesy of some ravenous beast creature who is on the rampage.
  2. The final corkscrew on Flight of Fear --> After going through the final tight hairpin turn, that last inversion always gets me no matter how many times I've ridden it. Pretty much one of the best finales on a coaster.
  3. I have no clue why I never mentioned this earlier, but a while back in June, I was heading into work at the park one morning, and I remembered seeing the general manager of PKI, some other guy, and a chick who appeared to be from Vekoma (aka, she had a messenger bag with the Vekoma logo on it) walking to the administrative offices. I guess they were discussing plans for something next year involving a Vekoma ride, I mean, what else would ONE chick with a VEKOMA messenger bag in BUSINESS attire be doing at Kings Island?
  4. But people still came to the event even if the price was steep. Reason is because the people who live in Mason or close to PKI would rather attend an event at a place that's family-friendly and a safe drive (also why Holidayfest at The Beach is also popular) then go downtown in almost pitch black to the Zoo for the Festival of Lights (which is hidden by trees and buildings). Then again, you're talking to a group of parkgoers who don't mind paying $125 for a pass that allows them to visit all 12 Cedar Fair parks as many times as they want for a year, yet they complain about paying $20 for an event that hasn't seen the light of day since the mid-90s? ....oh wait, I complained about that. Never mind.
  5. Perfect examples are RUN: Hostile Territory and PsychoScareapy: Maximum Madness at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights Sweet 16, and the return of Universal Hollywood's Halloween Horror Nights. Honestly, complaining about the attractions being too gory at FearFest is NOTHING compared to what Universal can pull. Imagine viewing a scene where a so-called "doctor" is doing spinal surgery on a patient. Unfortunately, the patient never received her anesthesia (or however you spell it), and has her spine pulled out WHILE she's awake. Think Sub-Zero's infamous Spinal Fatality in real life. Oh, and don't forget getting sprayed by water, which is made to make guests feel like it's a bloodbath. Or (and this one takes the cake) how about strolling through a bathroom that's seen better days. As in brown is the primary color in decoration. It's EVERYWHERE, and the Design Team behind the event went a step further and added the SMELL of dooky to further enhance the experience. Not to mention a few scareactors getting in on the action by pretending to have the runs while inside. (any and all complaints about the porter potty scene from the WorkSite end here.) And don't even get me started on Hollywood's HHN. This is where the phrase "NO KIDS" is enforced. The event is strictly ADULTS only-everything from the mazes to the shows, which gives it an adult theme (sex, drugs, you name it). Oh yes, and there was blood. Lots of it. It is unbelievable. And I believe the reason for the complaints is because, and I will say it because I know that it's true, September 11 pretty much destroyed the Haunt industry years back. Everyone, and I mean everyone, had to change their event to make it less gory and more family-friendly. Even the Paramount Parks had to change the FearFest, hence why we received the standard House of Darkness, Maze of Madness, Trail of Terror, Circus of Horrors, and Curse of the Crypt because they were SEVERELY cheap and quick to set up in a very short amount of time in 2001. However, a few years have passed, and when the industry finally decides to get back on its feet and become its old self, this happens. But know that in no way, shape, or form, am I insulting anyone or putting them down. This is just an opinion, and I agree that EVERYONE'S opinion on the subject matters, whether you love or hate haunted houses. I just feel that because of government affairs and disasters (and then this whole "politically correct" ideal that I'm not even gonna bother to go into), the general public has gotten too scared and frightened in certain areas and don't like the idea of paying to go get scared or look at somebody get their spine ripped out. Or they just get offended by such things as Holiday Horror, which, to me, was a HECK of a lot better and funnier than the crap they pulled with Scream Street because people believed it was offensive to the Christmas tradition. (Had Winterfest continued we wouldn't even be discussing this, and HH was another last minute decision. How do I know? Remember Waste Land?) But....then why go in the first place?
  6. I believe what they should've done is have the "break-down" occur at the Boomerang Bay station, because the Pumpkin Patch appears too early along the train route; especially when the train goes slower than normal and there are less cars. Either that, or make the train a massive show ride, like Red Moon Massacre or Cavern of Lost Souls at the Haunt. Here's my idea for a show ride involving the train (crappy but an idea): First off, I would use tractors instead of trains due to their off-roading capabilites. Anyway, on to the idea. Guests waiting in line for the train are, instead, met with an old-school tractor pull. You know, big tractor with wagon full of hay being pulled. Victims-er, I mean-park guests hop on board cautiously as the "conductor" tells them all of their trains have been stolen....weird.... So the tractor starts up and 20-30 (random estimate) guests are pulled forward into the dark depths of the forest. At times, patrons believe to catch glimpses of shadows speeding past in the distance and moaning and screams from out of nowhere. Their first obstacle-a rickety bridge, with severed heads on stakes. It's a tight fit, but the tractor manages to squeeze through and carefully trek the bridge. Meanwhile, folks get an uneasy feeling that they're being watched, as the heads stare-and then follow-the vehicle make its way across. Suddenly, the bridge begins to rock back and forth unnaturally, and tips to one side in the blink of an eye. A redish glow materializes in the ravine below them, unearthing another tractor and its passengers dead or being eaten by zombies. Miraculously, the bridge evens itself out and the tractor escapes. Just as they leave the bridge area, they notice that their path is blocked by a wall of fog. The vehicle slows to a crawl at this point, as visibilty is rendered useless. What can be seen, however, are sets of body bags and hung victims strung upon the tree limbs. The bad news? They're hung at sitting point-meaning you almost have to move around if you don't want anything rubbing up against you. However, a few bodies are still "alive" in some cases, and attempt to grab attention (sucessfully) by shaking violently. The good news? One managed to get himself down from the tree...although he can't seem to find his way back home as his head remains caught in the rope above him. Being dumbfounded as most headless zombies are, he thinks it fell into your hay carriage, and tries to jump in (how he thinks that when its perspective is completely shot is beyond me). And that's all that I can think of. Other than that they find two of the stolen trains. One has derailed and overturned into a thicket of trees, and a pack of werewolves are busy feasting on the unfortunate passengers caught on board. That is, until they see the tractor pull up in the corner of their eyes and figure fresh meat tastes better and attack. The other train has also derailed, but, to a surprise, is still able to run even when on bare earth. It's also right in the middle of the tractor's path, and wants to play a game of Chicken. The bad news? It's another tight path and there's really no way to stop, lest you get run over. The good news? You live to see another day, as the train passes right through you and disappears (a feat even I'm still trying to figure out).
  7. I'm kinda thinking the X-Flight picture needs to be rotated a bit, namely that H at the bottom left corner would be lined up to the old Helicopter Pad. I'm just saying that because it would kind of be even with the mechanical road next door. If this IS true, then they'll definitely need to widen the FOF path to accommodate all those guests. You wouldn't believe how crowded it was during FearFest with the line for the Asylum, PsychoPath, AND Flight of Fear bunched together. Well, imagine a flyer like X-Flight moving in next door, and watch THAT mess occur.
  8. Speaking of FearFest..... [Off-Topic Post!] .....it's a rumor at best, and by rumor I mean you can either believe me or don't, but there's talk that FearFest '07 will be even BIGGER than this year's. How big? Try the size of Knott's Halloween Haunt for starters. Scary thing is, the new big men on campus want it to be a true gorefest, with severe upage in the Blood'n'Brutality Dept. and the insanity of the infamous Scary Farm. So it may be likely we'll start to see construction for the 'Fest begin as early as mid-June (compare that to regular construction starting early August). But, like I said, it's just a rumor, nothing more......or is it?
  9. Even if the show wasn't the greatest thing in the world (Utopia's earlier Waterworld stunt show is still the best in the world), it was still better than '03's simply dreadful Tomb Raider Stunt Show. (For those who want to get a glimpse of what the show looked like, just go to YouTube and type in Hollywood Stunt Spectacular.) Other than that, there probably went 2007 plans for a Paramount Park; for whom, I have no clue. Sham, though, I would believe a show like THAT would reel in crowds big-time, like the sleeper hits School of Rock LIVE! in Concert and the Nickelodeon Celebration Parade.
  10. ....Just wondering who all was going tonight for the last night of FearFest? I'm taking my camera for: SHRIEKshow the 2nD: The Best of the 'Fest 200666 and I was just checking for potential victims-er, I mean, fellow PKIC 'mates-willing to partake in a delightful romp filled with witty banter and occasional insults to those of the thick ex-girlfriend type (Jew-y Bar Taste Testers need not apply ). Be up there at 5:30, I will.
  11. ....The PsychoPath management team needs to be fired for what they keep attempting to do. The whole 'sending people in one big conga line' has been going on forever, and both park guests AND scareactors are getting sick of the idea. It completely ruins the experience of being lost in the woods by yourself when you have 30 people in front of and behind you. Sure, there would be little to no waiting in line to go through the maze, but now you've jeopardized the entire experience by allowing one big conga line to stop you dead in your tracks every ten feet. This got up to the point where they suddenly decided to allow one massive line of people go through Headless Hollow last year. As if there weren't so many things wrong with it to begin with. ....other than that, I think PsychoPath is a better attraction this year because of the amped-up acting from the scareactors.
  12. Count me in on the event; they say we can use our work badges as a ticket for Dry Run Night, but I'm going solo and I'm not exactly for certain if regular employees have to go through the front gate or our Super Secret Employee Only Entrance Way...Thingy. I'll be wearing my red Venice Beach jacket/sweatshirt/hoodie and my gray cargos with the little dangly fabric thingys hanging off the back of the knees. It starts at 8:00 and ends at 10:00, right?
  13. Question: is the new theming resembling more of a saloon as the press release suggests, or is it just the old Massacre Manor theming with with cowboys pasted into the picture? Can't wait for this weekend when I go back to work. I'm in charge of pottys in Coney, so I should be able to take several walks around the 'Maul' and take in the FearFest sights.
  14. But it seems as if Cedar Point and the Six Flags parks, up to this point, were trying to "remind" people that in order to have a great ride, it needed to push the limit, break some records and be an all-out white-knuckle thrill ride. Hence the sheer amount of Beemers and Intamins sprouting out of the ground in the last six years (Millenium Force, Wicked Twister, any Goliath ride, Tatsu, Deja Vu, Scream!, Top Thrill Dragster, Kingda Ka, etc).
  15. Aside from a layout change, the overall size of the Circus is the same as when it was inside the Festhaus. Interesting, though, how both Work Site and Holiday Horror are both said to be in Coney Mall. I was under the assumption that Site would be back in Action Zone where the Gauntlet used to be (Sling Shot/AE midway).
  16. This is where the multiple hearses come in. KI, right now, owns about five hearses. One goes in front of the Asylum, the second in front of the tram circle, and the other three make their rounds....wherever they want to go.
  17. In reality they never did take it out of the 'Path, they just blocked it off from everyone, why, I don't know. If they closed it off due to Line Control issues, then that is complete bull, because, as a matter of fact, Line Control got WORSE after the tunnel had been blocked off for whatever reason.
  18. You know, come to think of it, I have seen the facade to COTC next to the Asylum for two years now, except now it's next to the white tent where they're storing all the FearFest props, and it looks completely shredded as of now. Either they're repairing it, or just being lazy trying to get rid of it, or something like that. ..... ......Hey, if they're not using it, maybe I can use it for our haunt event thingy at my school. P.S.: By the way, last year, almost all of the COTC props went to Coney Maul as "garden scenes," you know the little garden areas in the middle of the CM path. The only major prop that didn't get put there was the big tunnel which was, and, if I'm not mistaken, still within PsychoPath (aka the Brave...and the Chicken).
  19. EDIT: I think I should change it to "next door neighbor" instead of "fairly close to." But that may just screw people over even more.
  20. That was one of my hints of where the Circus would be going. Circus is not in the 'Paramount' Theater, but I guess something else will be. In the mean time, think of other old FearFest locations, and refer back to what was said above....
  21. I think I have an idea of what International Street will be used for. And if I'm right, then that means we could see a combination of flashbacks between last year's Winterfest and 2003's Celebrity Slaughter....if you know what I mean. P.S.: About Holiday Horror, are we going to end up in stitches over the Easter Bunny, Tom Turkey, and Santa Claus, or will it just be Christmas in October?
  22. Here's some interesting tidbits for you guys: -The killer clowns of the old Nightmare under the Big Top have mailed their change of address forms as Circus is no longer in the Festhaus. I won't say where, but I WILL say that their new home is in an old location, and I'm not talking about an old FearFest location....although it is fairly close to an old FF venue. -Apparently, these Entertainment folk don't have a clue on what they want to do with the Curse of the Crypt facade for '04, as it's now back beside the Zephyr next to the storage tent. Last year, they stored it right behind the Maze of Madness, but now it looks like it's been ransacked as if they plan to repair it or use parts of it for some other maze.... -No word yet on what the fate of the Waste Land fear zone will be (the rumor of Holiday Horror is still present), but I think I have an idea of where it and the Work Site could go. Site is semi-confirmed to go in the Gauntlet's old spot of the midway between Sling Shot and Express, but it could possibly extend all the way behind Action Blast and go up to Paramount Theater, with it just stopping short of and curving around towards the back roads leading to Face-Off. Waste Land, on the other hand, is rumored to start somewhere near EuroBungee, and end along the brick path by the Italian Job/3-Point Challenge Pavillion. Again, I could be wrong about this, so don't trust me entirely. That's it from me; I'll have more for ya next weekend. In the meantime, I have to finish planning for the Nights of Fright at Scarlet Oaks. Laters. -The RingMaster
  23. What's interesting is that both FearFest and Halloween Horror Nights have roughly the same number of attractions. Kings Island FearFest has a total of 12 attractions (not including Thrill Rides) with 6 mazes (Massacre Manor,Cowboy Carnage, PsychoPath, Circus of Horrors 3D, Headless Hollow, and The Asylum), 3 scare zones (The Work Site, cornSTALKERS, and Waste Land or Holiday Horror), and 3 shows (Monster Bash, Witch/Werewolf, and the FearFest Band). Universal's Halloween Horror Nights Sweet 16 has 13 attractions (not including Thrill Rides) with 7 mazes (Screamhouse Resurrection, People Under the Stairs: UNDER CONSTRUCTION, All-Nite DrIvE In Take 2, Dungeon of Terror Retold, PsychoScareapy Maximum Madness, Psycho Path: The Return of Norman Bates, and RUN Hostile Territory) 3 scare zones (technically 4 with Horror Comes Home, Deadtropolis: Zombie Siege, Harvest of the Souls, and Blood Masquerade), and 3 shows (The Arrival, Sweet 16: The Director's Cut, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure). So is Holiday Horror final? And does this mean the three scare zones at FF mean re-theming Action Zone, Coney Mall, and Rivertown?
  24. Anyone have the link to the FearFest site, or do you have to go to PKI.com to get to it? Anyway, sounds like FearFest is going to become the East Coast's largest Halloween event. That is, of course, pending they can put an axe into the heart of Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 16. I also want to know a little more about this "Holiday Horror" thing....sounds like an attempt to bring back a GORIER edition to last year's Winterfest, perhaps?
  25. For some stupid reason, it won't let me view the FearFest site. Stupid Internet.
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