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Everything posted by RingMaster

  1. Purple and School Hallway White is school hallway white REALLLY white or kinda yellowy? Depends on how new/old the school is. 2000-up school? Super white. 1999-back? Smoker's teeth Yellow. ....that should be a new Crayola color, Smoker's Teeth.
  2. What tipped them off? The fact that the audio went 86 midway through '05, or the fact that they still need to install the subway stair effect?
  3. Besides, the only times I've seen ops ride is if it's a real slow, and I mean REAL SLOW, day and there's little to no one in line for the ride. ....or when I'm there on an off day and my friends are working the ride. I've worked Eco for three years now and have probably spent more time riding rides my first years than working (due to being a major minor back then), so I know what I'm talking about when I see the difference between good guest service and bad guest service. Ooh. Burn. (was late on that one, too)
  4. Umm......to impress the folks in there on crowded Saturday afternoons by playing DDR, of course.
  5. Or WORSE....... ....a SpyGirl stunt show!!! ....whatever the heck that is.
  6. Hey now, I still remember how in mid-September of last year we were all discussing the stupid rumor of them taking out The Vortex when, all of a sudden, there's reports and rumors of X-Flight being taken down started up. And don't even get me started on the Nick expansion talk early to mid-2005.
  7. If there shall be any eating in here, it shall be I doing the eating. .....with some fava beans, perhaps. ....and, maybe a nice Chianti. ....On a more on-topic note, I am kind of hoping for a big ol' flat ride to coincide the arrival of X-Flight.
  8. X-Flight: $6.8 million Scenery Upgrades: $1.1 million New Restaurant: $1.4 million The Possibility of the Best Year Ever, as well as New Trashcans: Priceless. -OR- X-Flight: $6.8 million New Flat Ride: $1.9 million Scenery Upgrades: $1.1 million The Onslaught of An Even SCARIER FearFest 07, as well as New Trashcans: Priceless. (just guestimating here)
  9. Also, what'll happen to all the KI memorabilia (sp?) within IR if a TGIFriday's or Applebee's is installed up there? They're not going to dispose of any of it, will they?
  10. Sweet! We get the massive South Park-themed motion simulator ride, while Universal Studios gets the massive Simpsons-themed motion simulator ride! ...and then some Six Flags ride gets stuck with some mundane Tony Hawk Disk'o coaster thingy.
  11. For those who would like to take a quick gander at some ride footage should check out the Mine Animations on the Mystery Mine site: http://www.dollywood.com/mmine/anim.htm It's the Crusher video you should look at. Looks to be a pretty neat ride.
  12. Hey, they're making a Hard Rock theme park, so a Hooters theme park shouldn't be too far off. EDIT: *slowly raises his hand up too*
  13. Yeah, I was about to say that myself in that it looks severely Photoshopped. But, then again, reworking logos is pretty hard to do.
  14. That, in fact, scares me seeing girls as young as 13 wearing stuff like that. It's like, as soon as you turn 18, you have the ability to look at them and say they need to cover up. Well, that and they make very easy targets come Halloween to scare the daylights out of. Then again, who wears short shorts and a two-piece in the middle of the fall to begin with?
  15. They've actually been stored back by where they shoot the fireworks off at night. They've been there since FearFest, I believe.
  16. Yeah, it's not exactly easy attempting to haul bright green coaster track onto the bed of a Ford F-150 in the middle of an empty parking lot and then deciding whether you want to go past the busy movie theater and new hotel or past the open and quite busy intersection to get on the highway and hopefully escape. Provided the track hasn't fallen off the truck once you get halfway across the parking lot. Trust me, tried it once with Runaway Reptar back in 2000; that's why that last turn into the break run is...well, rough like that.
  17. I for one hope that the Nickelodeon Celebration Parade makes a return next year. I miss it now.
  18. So does this mean it'll cost $10 million just to move X-Flight down here (if this is the case)? Or does this also include completely new landscaping upgrades and more shows with the park?
  19. Okay, maybe YOU guys didn't get anything out of it, but the one thing I got out of it was an elf with glasses dancing to "Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It" on camera. Oh, that was fun. That, and that weird Christmas rap song. Anyone know what that song was? PS: I'll have the video of that up on YouTube soon as a part of SHRIEKshow the 2nD.
  20. ....so then why aren't people in Cincinnati complaining about the upcoming flick Black Christmas? And since when was getting presents and sitting on Santa Claus's lap religious? Considering the fact that the event is not recommended for children under the age of 12, which both them and the families were probably the ones doing the complaining, they CHOSE to ignore the warnings, come to the event and be exposed to it. They should have known that. Then again, park guests aren't the brightest lot and don't bother researching information about FearFest BEFORE going up to the park.
  21. Oh. Okay. .....Wake me when we get the official word on what's invading Fort Cooper for 2007.
  22. The date on the eBay page reads July 5th of this year, but the seller reads Cedar Fair (looking on the tiny picture up close). Plus, I've ridden TR:TR 17 times in a season, too. Or maybe it was 16. I don't remember.
  23. Wait, wait, wait a second. They're planning on selling Tomb Raider?! If this is truth, then this is worse than just de-theming the ride. Now I'm back to being mad.
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