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Everything posted by TOPGUN1993

  1. Adventure Express and Gemini are about the same.
  2. There will be a Runway painted on the path, leading to FH.
  3. Hey those are my Photos LOL These pics Suck but here they are. http://new.photos.yahoo.com/pkiguy1/album/576460762352001030
  4. Look at that upside down and you have Firehawk.
  5. http://img465.imageshack.us/img465/2387/ca...d2007023cw0.jpg
  6. I just would really like a nice steel drop. Vortex is the only good steel drop there.
  7. I love watching people getting bombed with water on WWC over look. (we wonce stood there for a hour and a half watching boats)
  8. Some parts I've never seen, because they were edited out for comericals.
  9. http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?ei=UTF-8...=266040&b=1
  10. Maureen spoke for about 30 Min more is to come tommorow.
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