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Posts posted by kjkjkj

  1. Treated best by Cedar Fair? I voted Adventure Express. All the effects that were no longer working weren't already working in the CBS days days. Cedar Fair did a nice job lighting up the final tunnel a couple seasons ago, so you could actually see the final guy.

    Worst? No questions about it, the Crypt.

  2. Especially when you consider that a subset of the former Paramount Parks gate music (played at the gate at Kings Island, Kings Dominion, etc.) is now played at Worlds of Fun...with very bad speakers. Hearing the theme from Top Gun, etc., there is very odd.

    It's almost as if they believe in change for change's sake. They changed it because they could. Sigh.

    They play it at Worlds of Fun now! Are you kidding me?? That was some of my favorite music in the park. It made the experience of International Street "magical". The Top Gun Anthem being played during the fireworks, and throwing a penny in the fountain at the end of the night were traditions for me as a kid... and now they don't even play that kind of music any more, and it makes me mad

  3. Well if they knew it couldn't handle moisture, and that's why it's housed indoors in the first place, then why were the effects installed in the first place? The fog has been missing from the ride for quite some time now, but the lava pit and geyser remained a lot longer than the fog. Since the geysers or lava pit didn't really actually touch the ride (after the geysers shot to a lower height in it's later years) then I don't really see why that couldn't ever return....

  4. By moisture I assume you mean fog and water pool? Is it because it affects the ride in a negative way, like damaging the structure or something? Or from what you've heard, the park just doesn't want to do it because of they just don't feel like it?

  5. I would ask one of your questions, but I already asked mine for today. I would suggest you just make a Facebook, even if it was for just keeping up with Kings Island. You could ask questions yourself, you get great information directly from the park, and you will be one of the first to know information about Planet Snoopy if you are a fan of Kings Island's facebook.

  6. This is a little off topic, but I'm glad posts on KIC have become a little more civilized lately. It really seems like the Son of Beast topic is a great example. A few months ago people were fighting all the time in this topic, and now it's sort of calmed down. People actually are listening to each other's opinions, and post quality has improved. There's actually discussion instead of just arguing. B)

  7. Who knows...with the 5@5 questions on facebook. A lot of people were asking about the Crypt, and giving suggestions to improve it. Maybe this will open the park's eyes, and they will realize that people do care about the Crypt, and that giving us some theming would improve the overall guest satisfaction. Maybe, just maybe, when KI opens for the 2010 season, the Crypt will have some theming, and maybe the sliding door reinstalled. Maybe not extensive theming, but they could turn a few switches that have been turned off for quiet some time now (the fog, the lava pit lights, the steam, some effect lights.) And hopefully they even listen to your suggestion about painting the stalactites brown or grey, and using them as cave stalactites.

  8. ^ I wouldn't really know what to make of that. To me, that's almost evidence to say that it might be sitting SBNO in 2010. As much as I would hate for that to happen. You would think if they were removing it this year, then they would have started demolishing it already. Although if it were to open in 2010, I'm not sure if there would even be activity around it, if they aren't modifying the track or anything. I guess I'm sort of just thinking aloud here.

    My guess about the parking signs is, they would rather promote Diamondback, one of the park's brand new star attractions, then a ride they aren't sure what to do with. I wouldn't really take it as a sign yet, but I could be wrong.

  9. Even this POV taken of Tomb Raider the ride. Obviously a lot farther into it's lifetime than the Discovery Channel video, people are still cheering and yelling, laughing, and having a good time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lofaayFIF0Y When I ride the Crypt, it's normally like completely silent except for the horrible soundtrack..

    * My two favorite flips/drops on the TRTR program were, when you were face to face with the stalactites, and then you would drop. And the other is when you are "released" after being held above the lava. :D

  10. The little house within the fort is just that. A house. It was built before Kings Island owned the land. The man who owned it and the property built the house himself. When the park came looking to buy the land to build the park, he would only sell it if they promised to keep his house up and not tear it down. So the park built the fort around it to disguise it.

    So if you were to remove the fort you would essentially have a rotting farm house, that has not been upkept in years, inside.

    * There used to be a link somewhere a long time ago, to a set of pictures of the inside of the fort where the house is.....

  11. i really like standbyme's suggestions, but if the house is in well enough shape, i think it would be neat to remove the fort structure and do some touch up work to the old farm house setting in side of it and then the train operators could have a spiel about how that was the farm house belonging to the people who owned the land in which Kings Island sets on before it was purchased and Kings Island built.

    kind of like a mini history lesson about the park.

    I think that would probably end up just looking like a random run down house sitting in the middle of the train. It would end up just being an eyesore IMO. I say leave the fort up, just trim the overgrown trees!

  12. It's hard to believe a ride that looked like this 8 years ago

    Now looks like.....this

    I think you should just keep mentioning how the theming is already there and ready to use on Kings Island's Facebook page. Or send them your ideas in emails.

  13. I think the park should revamp the town. They need to fix up some of the old buildings, and build up the "buildings" that are just walls, and make them look more like buildings, instead of a completely flat wall with a sign on the front. If the park can build entire building facades for Haunt (Massacre Manor, Slaughter House) Then why can't they build some decent looking facades for a great classic park attraction?

    I also think returning a show element to the train would be awesome. They could add a whole story, put in some live actors, and possibly even a few animatronics.

  14. I think it's neat that they asked for my input too. It surprised me actually! I am glad they did though, so I could give them some of my opinions and ideas.


    I forgot all about that topic! You should post a link to it on the KI facebook

    Wow lol. Do I feel like an idiot! For some reason I thought that was your old topic about how you wanted a group of KICers to fix up the scenery on the train for free.

  15. What I don't understand is, Paramount kept the lava pit filled, when in had it's original cycle.And they managed to keep it running the majority of the time. Then Cedar Fair takes off a row of the ride, drains the lava pit, and adds a more intense cycle. It breaks down all the time. So then they change it to the dullest most boring ride cycle it's had, and yet we still get no fountains. I don't see why the park doesn't just operate it under the old Tomb Raider cycle. Sure it wouldn't make much sense because none of the scenery is still there, but it would definitely be more exciting than the current cycle.....

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