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Posts posted by kjkjkj

  1. Before last season I had been using a plastic souvenir Beast cup I bought at a shop in the park. They didn't even sell it at the stand, and they refilled it all the time, it was the same size as all the other souvenir cups. Last year I switched to the large Diamondback refill cup, because it's a better deal.

  2. At Kings Dominion, when you buy a souvenir cup this year, it has an orange sticker that says 2011 refills put on the lid. No sticker, cannot buy the $1.99 refills. And I seriously doubt that sticker will last the season, either...

    I would be pretty angry if Kings Island did this. I am glad to hear that they will be offering refills for past years Souvenir Cups.

  3. I actually got to take a sneak preview of Boo Blasters on Boo Hill today.

    Here's the lowdown:

    The first half is very similar to Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle, sans the characters. They actually did a fantastic job of livening it up, giving it a touch of paint and replacing the old characters with scarier characters.

    Then the second half.

    All hell breaks loose.

    I'm not going to spoil any of it for you, but let's just say that it's something that Kings Island can be very proud of. I'm talking special effects, in-your-face scenes, and the realistic animatronics.

    Oh, and the blasters work much better now too. I could hit targets that were really far away. I guess they gave it a MAJOR rehab.

    Can't wait to hear what you guys think after riding it this Saturday!!!

    Has the indoor section of the queue been updated at all? Any character or anything put in the Maestro's box?

  4. ...As for "Way Too Much TV", yawn. Looks like the set they had there last year minus the TV's.

    Well, it is the same set as least year, with the TVs added and a new drop.

    When I first saw this, I wondered if there would be a 2nd show in the Festhaus (like last year) maybe to debut later in the season? A 2nd roll-down drop and a different graphic on the screens is all it would take to make a "different" set.

    Well Down Home Country is set to start in Festhaus later in the year. So they pretty much had to keep the set for DHC, because for a couple months they overlap. Where they could be doing Way Too Much TV one day, and Down Home Country the next, so they have to keep the set the same.

  5. Exactly. We could paint some details on the newer blank walls, so they look like buildings. Freshen up some faded older paint. Fix the curtains and windows in all the buildings so you can't see that they are fake facades with trees poking through the windows. Trim some trees in the fort, pain a new sign for the fort, plant some easy nice simple landscaping. I think it would turn out great.

  6. I think I am going to start a forum on Kings Islands facebook about the basketballs. If you are on Facebook, go to Kings Island's page and go to the topic on there that I will start, and say whether you are annoyed by people bouncing the basketballs in the park.

    EDIT: Forum is on Kings Island's Facebook page under the "Boxes" tab (The tab where you can find the 5@5 and stuff)The Forum is called "Are you annoyed by people bouncing basketballs in Kings Island"

  7. It kind of annoys me when parents just drop their kids off and expect people to baby sit them even though it isn't their job. I'm not talking, teenagers, I'm talking kids, like 11,12,13 year olds.

    Like at my subdivision where I live they have a large community pool. I know a lot of the lifegaurds there, and they say that parents drop their kids off there all the time, and expect the lifegaurds to "babysit".

    As a lifeguard myself I understand where your coming from. But as a 11 year old I was at the park for hours on end by myself. I really think parents should be able to make this decision.

    I didn't say it shouldn't be allowed. I am just saying it annoys me personally, that parents just drop their kids off at places like Kings Island and public pools, and expect their kids to be looked after.

  8. It kind of annoys me when parents just drop their kids off and expect people to baby sit them even though it isn't their job. I'm not talking, teenagers, I'm talking kids, like 11,12,13 year olds.

    Like at my subdivision where I live they have a large community pool. I know a lot of the lifegaurds there, and they say that parents drop their kids off there all the time, and expect the lifegaurds to "babysit".

  9. *Sigh* The theming used to be such high quality. Maybe someday Kings Island will have an owner that really takes theming completely seriously again. With intricately themed areas, and really high quality theming. I just wish I could have experienced the park when it looked like this.

  10. Actually I believe I read somewhere that Flight Commander used to not have a seat divider before the incident. Making it possible for someone to fall out if they wee riding alone, which she was. After the incident, the ride had a seat divider added, and reopened for a short time before ultimately being closed. So yeah, half of Selective's "facts" are wrong too...

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