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Posts posted by kjkjkj

  1. This could be an attraction for 2012, we don't know for sure yet.

    Reasons why it probably isn't a Dino Trail:

    Trail of Terror has a paved trail that runs through those woods where the red outline thing was. So if they were going to make a Dino Trail, wouldn't they just use the Trail of Terror path that is ALREADY there? They wouldn't have to take any trees out either. If that red outline was really for the "world's longest" Dino trail walk through attraction, then it would overlap parts of Trail of Terror too.

  2. I will be there at opening, but I will NOT be participating in ERT, because they are NOT offering ERT on rides that I like!

    One of which you've never ridden, so how do you have an opinion on it?

    And I would have stayed ALL day, but since they took away my ERT, I am taking away their income! I would have to buy food and drink at the park, and I have no intentions of buying ANYTHING at Kings Island this year!

    On opening day I'll buy two tickets at the buffet. One for my American self and one to make up for the meal you would've purchased. I won't need two tickets, so I'll give one away to the first family with young kids I see. This way your boycott and points are moot and I helped a nice parkgoing family save some cash - well technically you did.

    I will probably stay til about noon, depending on how many rides I CAN get in on Diamondback. If its only one or two per hour, I will leave no later then noon. If I can get a few more than that, I will stay as long as possible. Since they've chosen to open so dang late this year, I doubt it will be a dead day, unless it rains or something. Typically, opening days

    are light crowds, but thats been when they opened earlier in April. They are opening with Music in the parks right out of the chute, so it will probably be a little more crowded

    and if its anything like Cedar Point was last year, expect a lot of rides to break down!

    Golly jeepers. Why did you ever visit the park before it had Diamondback? I just glanced briefly at the operating calendars for this year and last, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only a few days less that they're open this year and didn't they add more of staying open till midnight on some nights? I bet you'll still have plenty of "dead days" where you can do nothing but ride Diamondback.

    With any luck, maybe WindSeeker and/or Vortex will break down before the park opens,

    Why wish misfortune on a park that so many people love?

    You take the Acer "right of entitlement" stereotypes to new levels.

    Actually, I have ridden one like it in Florida, and I was NOT impressed. In fact, when I got off, I actually got down on my knees and kissed the ground.

    And before Diamondback, I rode Son of Beast and backwards Racer, both of which have been taken away from us. Another senseless act.

    And for your question of misfortune:

    Well, I feel that when they take something away that I count on, that that just isn't fair. So, maybe it wouldn't be fair if they opened a park with their feature ride broken down.

    I'm just saying, I believe the majority who attend the ERT's would much rather ride an airtime roller coaster, than some boring spinning in the air ride, that probably has the thrill

    of putting a hair dryer to your face!

    WindSeeker is a prototype ride, and nobody knows if the ride experience is really that similar to a Starflyer. That's like saying Demon Drop and Drop Zone are the same ride....

    Racer was turned around due to regulations from the state of Ohio or manufacturer reccomendations. Are you gonna boycott them too??

    You've never been on WindSeeker so you don't know if it's thrilling, and you certainly can't speak for the majority of the public on what they would want for ERT.

    Maybe you just shouldn't go to the park at all, the atmosphere would probably be overall more pleasant without downers like you whining and complaining.

  3. Maybe they will include it and just put "CLOSED FOR SEASON" over it on the map, just for the fact that it probably caused some guest confusion last year, when it could clearly be seen in person, but was nowhere to be found on the map.

    Or, if Son of Beast happened to get the Texas Giant treatment, then they could put on the map, "Look for a new and improved ride experience on Son of Beast in 2012". Not saying this is likely, but it is a possibility.

  4. It is my understanding that they bring in someone from HUSS to reprogram the ride. It is also my understanding that the ride was originally supposed to have a different type of braking system on it. HUSS recommended a specific type of brakes ( I can't remember what type), but Paramount decided to save money and go with a cheaper braking system. This could have ultimately been the downfall of what was once Tomb Raider: The Ride

  5. Cedar Fair:


    Employee Friendliness

    New Rides


    Bringing new life into forgotten parts of the parks

    Non Thrill Ride Entertainment (Such as Starlight Spectacular)


    I have mixed feelings about Paramount. They did a great job initially theming rides, but then just after a few short years they would let the theming deteriorate. (Tomb Raider, Top Gun, they turned off fog in the line for FoF, etc.)

    They also destroyed the atmosphere of the park. They got rid of the Antique Cars and the trees and flowers and small ponds that went along with them, ruining the atmosphere of that part of the park. They put a space, UFO themed ride right in the middle of what was supposed to be a "classic amusement park themed section", they put a themed shrimp shack in Oktoberfest, they took out the flying eagles, they turned Action Zone into a concrete poorly themed area, when it used to be a lush jungle theme. So overall, now that I look back, Paramount did not do a very good job with the parks at all.

    I would take Cedar Fair over Paramount any day. As Elmer Fudd stated, we are in the pool with all the other parks now, but that doesn't mean we won't get good rides. Cedar Fair gave us Diamondback, and has yet to remove any rides. Where as paramount took out well loved rides, and didn't put very many good ones in to replace them.

  6. Yes! Kings Island must listen to it's customers. But KIC members are not the majority of Kings Island's customers. If they made big decisions to please everybody, then Kings Island would probably cease to exist. Think of all the times you've heard ONE person at Kings Island complain about any given ride. A couple people a day probably complain about The Beast being too rough. Should Kings Island "listen to it's customers" and remove The Beast, just based on the fact that a few people are unhappy with it? I've even hear a couple people complain about Diamondback being ROUGH! Do you want them to listen to those people and remove Diamondback?!?

    Ohh...I forgot. It only matters when they listen to YOU, and you only want them to change things when it benefits you.

  7. The park's really going to notice when one person boycott's WindSeeker, because they didn't get their precious 15 rides on Diamondback in the morning. :rolleyes:

    Going to the park, for me, isn't about how many rides I can cram into one day, how fast I run from one ride to another. It's about enjoying my time at the park by taking my time, and enjoying the atmosphere, and appreciating each ride. Maybe that's why I don't really mind that the ERT schedule has changed.

  8. I don't get it. It's not like they are getting rid of ERT all together, just moving it to different rides. Now if they got rid of it all together, that would be something to complain about. You guys can still get early rides in on Diamondback and The Beast with little or no wait! Go back to the end of Coney Mall for the ERT session, even if you don't ride Vortex or WindSeeker, just go back there. Then as soon as the park officially opens, head to The Beast and Diamondback. You will probably beat the main crowds there, and still get your rides in....

  9. The enthusiasts are the Gold Pass holders that use the ERT.

    That's where you are wrong. KIC members/ enthusiasts don't make up the majority of Gold Pass members that use ERT. I would say most are just people from the Cincinnati area that have Gold Passes that get there early enough to use their Gold Pass VIP benefit, they probably don't even care that much which rides it's for. I'm sure there are a lot of people who will be ecstatic that Vortex will be on ERT. I know a lot of people that love that ride, with it being one of their favorite rides.

    Just to show you just how many people have Gold Passes, that probably aren't enthusiasts, that took advantage of ERT on opening day in 2009, take a look at this picture. This is facing toward the front of the crowd. We were towards the front too, so there were many more behind us! Do all these people look like enthusiasts? because they don't to me!


  10. My guess is that the red lines are the borders in which this ride/attraction will be within. Including it's line and path. So the lines going under The Racer would most likely be a path going under it, to get back to the area where the ride will be!

  11. When did I ever complain about Ride Warrior Weekend? I don`t think I ever did. And I don`t recall any KIC members complaining after the one and only RWW either. I had an incredibly fun time, and thats all I heard from other people. Sure, there may have been minor hiccups, but it was the first time that KI was hosting the even, so there are bound to be some hiccups.

    I said SOME KIC people, not all. I never mentioned that you did at all. I specifically remember some KIC members complaining after the one and only RWW, because I remember saying to them..."Kings Island doesn't have to do a coaster enthusiast event at all." They were complaining about it not being specific to KIC members only among other things.

    I had a great time at RWW and thought the event went great. My point was that people complain about things not being good enough, when the park doesn't have to do these things at all. Would people rather have WindSeeker and Vortex ERT or none at all? I personally would take WS and Vortex.

  12. At Cedar Point, Cedar Point regular season passholders do not get to participate in ERT. ONLY Platinum Pass holders (and resort guests) do. There are no Cedar Point gold passes.

    I know, I was quoting his sentance in context of Kings Island, where he said they shouldn't have Vortex ERT because it doesn't bring people in from out of town. Well, tourists from out of town wouldn't be likely to have Gold Passes to Kings Island anyway, so why would it matter to them what the ERT is on.

    Kings Island doesn't have to offer ERT at all. Just like what happened to Ride Warriors Weekend...Kings Island didn't have to offer it. They offered it once, some KIC people complained and complained about how they didn't like "this" or "that" about it, and now there is no RWW, and now half of the same people complain that there isn't one anymore.

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