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Posts posted by kjkjkj

  1. Here's how it works for me 1>16>3>2>all the other rows. :lol:

    So essentially, 1 is the best, 16 is second best, and row 3 comes close to second, but falls in 3rd. Then row two comes 4th. Then all the other rows tie for 5th :P

  2. Bright colors does not a good kids area make. It's just fresh paint. NU had that, too. But, PS has sucky names based on old characters with less theming than its predecessor. While Spongebob certainly wasn't a great character, at least kids recognized him without their parents intervening.

    Well the new theming, signage, and bright paint colors do help to make this area feel brand new and nice. I always thought Nick Universe looked really good, but now that I think back, practically every single building was painted an off Lime Green and bright orange. There was hardly any variety, and it just seems kind of plain when I think back on it.

    A lot of kids know and will know who Snoopy is. Whether they get to know and love him from Kings Island. Or if Snoopy attends their school through Kings Island's Read with Snoopy program. Or maybe the kids will enjoy listening to their parents talk about how they used to love Snoopy, and like it themselves.

    When I was really little, my dad and I were in a movie rental store. I was in the kids section, where if you rent one normal movie, you get a kids movie rental free. I had already seen mst of the cartoons and movies in that kids section. That day I was in there with my dad, I couldn't find anything good. He picked up an old Speed Racer movie, and told me how he used to watch it as a kid, and he told me I would like it. So I rented Speed Racer and watched it with my Dad, and I ended up loving it. Even though it was outdated and I hadn't even heard of it until my dad told me about it. This experience created a nice memory.

    So maybe bringing Snoopy to Kings Island will introduce some kids to Snoopy, and they will get to know and love him.

  3. I'm not sure where else to post this, without starting a whole new topic. Originally I enjoyed "Kings Island: The Fun and Only" slogan and song, but I think this just completely ruined it lol :lol:

    I'll still probably like the song and the slogan, but that commercial is just horribly corny!
  4. Ay! Here!


    I'm pretty sure that was a grassy lot last year.

    I know what you are talking about. You'd be incorrect in saying it was a grassy lot on the map last year. I said I just checked my 2009 map hanging on my wall. The path WAS there on the map last year. The Laser Tag Dome although removed, was also featured on the 2009 map!

  5. I just checked my map from last year, and that little path is infact there, only last year the Laser Tag dome was still featured on the map. And, if you go to the food section on the interactive map, it says Krusty Krab Snackshack on the map lol

  6. I did set myself up for that one :lol: . But seriously, you can tell even by the picture of the Guy that replaced Shaggy, that it will revolve through the doors just like Shaggy was supposed to, but eventually stopped doing...

    AND this retheme isn't an "inhouse" job, they actually brought Sally back in. So I wouldn't think theming would be removed for no reason, like The Crypt, since this is actually being done by Sally.

    I've also heard from numerous people who have been on Kings Dominion's and Carowind's Boo Blasters, and they were all very happy with the outcome, and they said it was better than Scooby. They said the new theming was nicely done, and there are a few surprising effects added into the rides.

  7. ^^That is true. We should probably stop discussing smoking here and continue 5@5 discussion here. Nobody wins the "should smoking be allowed? argument, because in the end it is up to the parks what they want to do. So if you guys want to continue discussing or arguing about it, I would start a new "smoking discussion" thread if you really want to argue about it that much, for the 5@5 thread's sake! :lol:

  8. Well smokers at Kings Island won't really affect you because A. You are outside. If you aren't standing directly next to someone smoking, then you probably aren't going to be really affected at all. The smoke will just dissipate into the air. and B. there are designated smoking areas in the park so that non-smokers don't have to be around it.

    Kings Island hardly enforces the designated smoking areas now, I don't see how they would be able to ban it in the entire park.

    These are just my opinions. and No, I DO NOT think that Kings Island should allow smokers to smoke anywhere in the entire park, but I also don't think that smokers shouldn't be allowed to smoke at all. I like how it is now, with designated areas.

  9. We don't even know what our Backlot cars will look like yet! People are just jumping to conclusions. Just think about how different the transition of some rides from Paramount to Cedar Fair were. For example, The Crypt at Kings Dominion and The Crypt at Kings Island. One kept it's music, the majority of it's theming, and retained all of it's effects. The other got stripped of everything, and now sucks. Just because one park does something one way to make the transition, doesn't mean all parks will do it the same way. What if Kings Island keeps the cars the same "red, blue white" car order instead of "red, red ,red. White, white, white. etc." Ours may even keep the windshields and the headlights. Maybe they will only remove only the things that make it obvious it is a MINI. Don't assume things, and don't jump to conclusions! Just wait and see what Kings Island is doing.

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