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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Are you a Ride Warrior? On May 9th and 10th Kings Island will unveil the inaugural Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend! This weekend will be packed with exclusive ride times, backstage tours and guest speakers. Exclusive Ride Times For the event will include - Saturday Beast 7:00am - 9:00am Vortex 8:00am - 10:00am Backlot Stunt Coaster 8:00am - 10:00am Diamondback 10:30pm - 1:30am Sunday Racer 8:00am - 10:00am Firehawk 8:00am - 10:00am Flight of Fear 8:00am - 10:00am Last Rides on Diamondback This fun-filled weekend will include backstage tours of The Beast, The Racer and Son of Beast, special meal deals, drink wrist bands and a special presentation by Jeff Gramke - one of the original minds behind the legendary Beast, as well as many other activities. This is event is FREE to Kings Island Gold and Cedar Fair Platinum Pass Holders who are members of accredited coaster clubs or enthusiast groups. You must be a registered member of an accredited coaster clubs or organizations in order to participate. Please note that you must have been a registered member of KICentral by February 1st, 2009 in order to participate in Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend as a KICentral member. Each member of an accredited coaster club/organization is allowed to bring one guest to participate in the events for the cost of $47.99 per adult or $31.99 for Jr/Sr. This includes all of the action-packed events of Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend plus two days of admission to Kings Island (May 9th and 10th). Click here for more information about Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend including a list accredited clubs/organizations, specifics and how to register and purchase tickets! After what may have felt like an eternity to many of counting down the months, days, hours, minutes or even seconds -- the time has finally arrived! It's fast, it's full of venom and IT'S HERE! Diamondback, Kings Island's new 230' steel monster, will open this Saturday. With its incredible height, ten vertical drops, special open-air stadium-style seating and countless other incredible and innovative features, it is certainly the most anticipated new ride of 2009! Click here to see photos of Diamondback or to see a video of Diamondback in action! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park!
  2. Jesse -- again you blow us away with your detail. You are an asset to this site and their park. Marty's Party was absolutely hilarious. We actually went and saw it twice with no regrets about it. I don't care how old you are - go see it. It's clever, funny and exciting... everything that makes for a good show. Did anyone else see the sick humor in the fact that the man in the cow suit essentially did his show in a bar setting on the Down Home Country set? I want to take him to a bar some time. He apparently lives near me. I'm not sure how fair of a critique that is. Although with County Line you needed SOME sort of soft spot for country music to enjoy it, it's simply not the case here. The songs performed are tunes that even a 13-year-old rap music die-hard would recognize. The talent in these shows improves ten-fold every year. See this show. Bring a friend. I've been in RT Junction a few times now and I think the environment has improved a little. I mean, let's face it -- the place is basically the same. They've cleaned it up quite a bit and removed some of the room dividers, but all in all it's the same. I think the way it's set up now makes it look quite a bit bigger. I have yet to try the food, but I'll take your word for it. That place needs music, or TV or an XBox or something...
  3. I think you're in the unfortunate mindset of the previous owners. Cedar Fair isn't in the business of removing rides just to remove them. Flight Deck is a reliable ride and was popular enough to make the Paramount cut, so what would be the logic in removing it? Could it use some TLC? Sure. Give it time, though. Don't forget that many rides and buildings have been either painted or touched up in the past few years, so having the budget or time to do everything that needs to be done all at once isn't feasible. I think your wish of having six flats (over the course of several years) is a lot more likely than having Invertigo removed in favor of a similar ride. Although Kings Island has a very diverse selection of rides and attractions, the selection of flats is the one thing that many would agree is lacking over a broad spectrum. I always thought healthier food options would be nice, but you can't get that anywhere. Why yeah right? Anything is possible. Having been around on this site (and presumably following Kings Island even longer) you've seen more "no way!" moments than the follower of any other seasonal park.. and that's just in the past few years. Who would have thought that Robbie Knievel would be jumping in wake of his father last year, or that Kings Island would finally get that covenant B&M hyper, or that live entertainment would be reintroduced into the Festhaus, or that we'd see an incredibly risque' show in the Showplace for Haunt? If these things are possible, why couldn't Fred Flinstone make another appearance?
  4. ASA Action Sports discussed in Kings Island Insider Blog: http://www.kingsislandinsider.blogspot.com/
  5. A lot of older stuff is tucked away and used for future use... like Haunt. Some of the old signs adorn the International Restaurant too.
  6. KICentral has learned the following details about Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend. This is expected to be officially announced by the park tomorrow. The inagural Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend will feature 14 and a half hours of ERT time on seven of Kings Island's world-class coasters: Saturday, May 9th The Beast 7:00am - 9:00am Vortext 8:00am - 10:00am Backlot Stunt Coaster 8:00am -10:00am Diamondback 10:30pm - 1:00am Sunday, May 10th Flight of Fear 8:00am - 10:00am The Racer 8:00am - 10:00am Firehawk 8:00am - 10:00am Diamondback - Last rides of the night
  7. A special thanks to everyone who has submitted so far. Remember that submissions are due by this Saturday, April 25th by midnight.
  8. This question is already being discussed here.
  9. We do know, however, that this event will happen inside the park -- not in the parking lot.
  10. High-flying thrills will abound when the ASA Action Sports World Tour, one of the industry’s oldest and most elite action sports circuits, makes a stop at Kings Island for two days of intense competition May 23-24. As the fourth stop on the 2009 Tour, this event will feature the world’s top X Games pros in Skateboard, BMX and Freestyle Motocross (FMX) and offers a chance for competing athletes to gain valuable ranking points necessary for qualification into ASA Entertainment’s season-ending Action Sports World Championships. Each day, park visitors will witness heart-stopping action from the sport’s top athletes such as 2008 X Games and LG Skateboard Vert World Champion Pierre-Luc Gagnon (Montreal, Canada), former Skateboard World Champion Sandro Dias (Sa Paulo, Brazil) Skateboard Vert Superstar Danny Mayer (Omaha, Nebraska), 2008 X Games and LG BMX Vert World Champion Jamie Bestwick (Nottingham, England), 2008 X Games BMX Big Air Champion Chad Kagy (Gilroy, CA), and BMX Vert Superstar Simon Tabron (Newquay, England). Revving up the intensity will be the Freestyle Motocross pros whose back-flips and whips will leave spectators in awe. As part of this action-packed event, Crooked X will take to the stage May 23 and Collective Soul May 24 for a full concert featuring their latest and greatest hits. The two-day event, including the concerts, is included free with park admission and season pass. Each ASA Action Sports World Tour event is televised nationally on a variety of networks, including CBS Sports, Spike, VERSUS, Fox Sports Net and FUEL TV. International fans will also enjoy the action in more than 180 countries around the globe. After what may have felt like an eternity to many of counting down the months, days, hours, minutes or even seconds that time has finally arrived! It's fast, it's full of venom and IT'S HERE! Diamondback, Kings Island's new 230' steel monster, will open this Saturday. With its incredible height, ten vertical drops, special open-air stadium-style seating and countless other incredible and innovative features, it is certainly the most anticipated new ride of 2009! Click here to see photos of Diamondback or to see a video of Diamondback in action! Do you want the latest information sent directly to your cell phone? Sign up for KICentral's official mobile club and receive text alerts with the latest news and information about Kings Island! Signing up is fast and free! Click here for more information about KICentral's official mobile club! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? It doesn't matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park!
  11. Yeah, but this year you have Ride Warriors Weekend. I was going to go to KI on Mother's Day hoping it was empty, but I guess I won't be going now. Will there be a lot of people there for RWW? Probably over 1,000.
  12. Normally I don't agree with what Jeff Putz and Lord Gonchor have to say, but they had very nice things to say about Diamondback on their podcast. They really nailed the description. This will be a especially good listen for those who haven't ridden it yet. Coasterbuzz Podcast #137
  13. *giggles* this isn't gonna turn into another one of those "few days from now" things is it? *runs and hides* I sure hope not or we're going to be talking about some serious crunch time!
  14. The shot you took of the splashdown with the rainbow is amazing. Glad to see you enjoyed it!!!
  15. From all accounts I've heard from accredited park officials, that's not true. The house was there and the early Kings Island builders thought they'd utilize it as stated above -- for the workings of the train show.
  16. On KIDiamondback.com, the latest blog talks about different reactions people have had to Diamondback and the area under the press release section has been modified to have content and photos of Diamondback open to the public.
  17. When they switched from the Fearfest poster to the Haunt poster, the Fearfest one was very unceremoniously thrown in a dumpster - as was reported to me by a friend of mine who worked there during the offseason. My guess would be that this would would meet a similar fate.
  18. I thought about making this exact same hill but it looks like you beat me to it. Top 3 for me would be: 1. Second Hill 2. Splashdown 3. Train Design
  19. This was a hard one... 1. Diamondback 2. The Beast (Night) 3. The Voyage 4. Magnum XL200 5. Flight of Fear
  20. Is that what it still says, or have they changed it to Haunt? It's been changed to Haunt, but the photo's the same. That just happens to be the image I found in our photo gallery.
  21. I agree with the Carrot Top thing, but Marty's Party is definitely a good show. You should check it out.
  22. That was rotag1299! I saw him too. I parked behind a dark blue Saturn ION with an EKU sticker. Was that anyone from this forum? I was in a mint green Saturn and next to giga's dark grey Sebring. Oh..... My.... God...
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