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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. No, his claim that the tower is without power is legit. If anyone's in the area, drive past it... it doesn't have any lights on.
  2. It's from advertising revenue. We encourage all of you to make your own individual bids.
  3. Yeah, originally you were not permitted to bring a guest. That was changed. Once again however, all guests must pay the $47.99 -- whether or not they have a season pass.
  4. Latest blog update: http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/blog/
  5. The initial 96 bids were fulfilled today. From here on out, you have to mid more than the minimum bid in order to make it onto the board. It's still first come, first serve so unless you intend to drop a lot of money place your bids early!!
  6. I don't know how many times I can say this. Please read carefully. If you are a member of one of the approved organizations/clubs AND have a season pass, it is free. Each member of the organization/club that will be attending is allowed ONE guest, but that guest must pay $47.99.
  7. You guys will have more than your fair share of times to meet each other this year. Trust me.
  8. A Few Notes: - Remember that you MUST be a member of one of the approved organizations in order to participate. - Each member of the approved organization is allowed ONE guest. - This event is FREE for members of the approved clubs and organizations who have a Kings Island season pass or Cedar Fair Platinum Pass. - All guests must purchase a ticket for $47.99 in order to participate REGARDLESS of whether or not they have a pass. - In order to participate as a member of the Coasterbuzz Club, you MUST be a member of the club - not just the forums. The Coasterbuzz Club costs $20 per year and you can join by clicking here. - Registration will begin at a future date and will end 2 to 3 weeks before the actual event, so register early! - Anyone who registers will be sent a confirmation email. You MUST bring this email with a photo ID the day of the event in order to participate. - Remember that the KICentral Universe is included to participate but you MUST have been a registered member of the forums before February 1st, 2009 in order to participate as a member of KIC. - Anyone who does not have a photo ID along with the confirmation e-mail will not be permitted to participate in Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend.
  9. I think this topic's valid. He's asking how much we think seats will go for. I don't see the majority of seats going for over $1000. Though you have to realize that something like that would be a great thing. I can see the first few bids being four digit amounts, but most of them being in the hundreds. That's just my guess. Remember that bidding is first come, first serve - so if you plan to make a bid of $50 or $100, I'd do it now so you can secure a spot in the roster before the high rollers move in.
  10. Just to clarify -- since the name conversion last year, the area formerly known as the Paramount Story has been renamed Tower Gardens. This changes was not reflected in the 2008 park map.
  11. Looks like this one passed through the park's fingers. Interesting? Yes. Some sort of clue? Very unlikely.
  12. They asked how long the wait will be. The truth is it can be instant, 1 train, 2 trains or several hours.
  13. Let's be honest here -- The wait for Diamondback the first weekend is going to be long. Very long. Regardless of the weather, it'll be long, so you have a few options: -You can wait for a few hours for it in line. -Participate in the Gold Pass early rides. -Bid on a first ride by clicking on the link in my signature.
  14. Word from under the Black Hat is that something else old will become new again at Kings Island in 2009.
  15. With any interview DRESS APPROPRIATELY, be courteous, be attentive, be energetic, be ready to talk about your self. Just remember that all you're doing in an interview is making a first impression. Very important! Good luck!
  16. I wouldn't hold off. This bidding is a little different than what you may think. It's first come, first serve so if you tie with somone else for the 96th seat, for example then the first to place the bid will be awarded the seat. Bid early! You can always increase your bids!
  17. We toyed with the idea of having a KIC Fund but the problem with it is if you donate to KIC and then we donate to the cause you can NOT write that off on your taxes. PLEASE support the cause and make individual bids. All corporate seats (alla KICentral) will be donated back to the fund so someone from the organization can ride. If you want to bid individually and donate your seat back, that can be arranged.
  18. To clarify: This event is free for members of the approved clubs who have season passes. If you bring a guest, whether they have a season pass or not, they must pay the admission fee.
  19. New Info If you are a member of one of the Kings Island-approved coaster clubs and want to bring a guest to Ride Warriors Weekend May 9-10 at Kings Island, you would be able to bring one (1) guest but an admission ticket to the two-day event coaster-riding extravaganza must be purchased for your guest at the time of registration ($47.99 adult, $31.99 Junior/Senior).
  20. I think that if you just fill out the form again with a higher bid...
  21. I think the point of the deadline was to make sure people didn't join this site just to get into the event. It is supposed to be an exclusive event for true enthusiasts. If you are a true enthusiast then just join one of the organizations shown on that page. My wife isn't registered here, so I think we'll join ACE, I've always wanted an excuse to. I personally think it is very cool that they allowed KICentral at all, it is really above and beyond and you shouldn't complain about it. That's exactly it -- this event is for the enthusiasts. By allowing KIC to attend, they run a serious risk of it just becoming a season pass event... which it's not. By joining ACE or any other organization, you get to network with some very interesting and enthusiastic people. Looks like this is a great opportunity for you to do so! Check out their website at ACEonline.org.
  22. In case you haven't been living in a cave recently, then you know that Kings Island is auctioning off the first seats on Diamondback. Click here to see the official press release about that. Now, I'm challenging you - the KICentral Universe - to win as many seats as possible. Imagine being the first member of the public to ride this 230' steel beast... and making a kid's life a little better in the process! Remember that your donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You've waited SO LONG to ride, why wait another minute?? PLEASE remember that as a community we have not only the responsibility but the obligation to do what we can to help others when we are called... and what call could be more clear to the KICentral Universe than this? CLICK HERE TO BID!!! With the biggest thanks I can give, Ryan
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