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Everything posted by PKI_Diana

  1. Skyline hands down....I'm not real fond of LaRosas pizza, but I like their other menu items! --Di
  2. Diana, Tower sup can be found at Dvoneye
  3. Well I work there now, but back when I was a seasonpass member, I used to make a beeline for the bathroom, like run for it, usually they dont bother you if you go there first...or they didnt use to (granted I havent had a pass since '00), since they all know what its like to have to go......
  4. Hey It's Di again, one of the Eiffel Tower sups. You are correct in saying the panel is the same, they lifted it out of the old vader and put it into our new ones. Basically it was the "shell" that was replaced, the cables and counterweights are the same. That shinyness is going to drive me up the wall, needs to be cleaned like every hour...lol....at least every night. The outside doors are the same. However things that are different include: new speakers, new aircondition, new "shell", fire extonguishers, digital floor read out (wouldnt it be cool if it tracked feet instead? Boo on the new one!) and some other stuff that guests can't view in the generator room and engine room. That is all.
  5. I'd say I've voted for the friendliest, nicest one, not the hottest one. At least in MHO
  6. I'd like to remind everyone, that Rivertown also includes the Tower/Carousel Crew, as my fellow sups have forgotten. So I nominate my own sup crew to at LEAST join the poll: Todd, Katrina and Diana!! Personally, I think my type lies in the old coney poll which isn't posted. Yet......
  7. I say the Antique Cars I mean, moving, secluded, scenery etc....Can't beat that.
  8. Hey guys, I'm Diana, a RVT Tower sup and here's the low down on the Tower this year... ...Probably going to open 04/17, with brand new elevators. They are mostly the same as the original ones, except stainless steel....Sorry no glass floor, but slightly larger windows. It's about time we got new ones anyhow, having worked the last two years more than not on the Tower- They were 32 years old and becoming a royal pain. It is 314 ft tall, not 331, (Oh, and I fully believe that it would fit under the original, I'm planning to visit it after college graduation next summer, if I can afford it.) We took down some antennae when DZ was built, so they could claim highest ride. It's one third of the one in Paris (Paris' being 314 m, but roughly, without going through the conversions of meters to feet exactly.) Shutting down for rain is a judgement call, I usually shut once the lightning gets to within 5-10 miles. That's about the Warren County border for all you locals, well that's really 3 miles, but yea. It's still if you see it, go down, if the managers don't like it theyll tell ya. Also, regarding the Tower replica in Europe (not Paris), It's supposedly 700 ft with a glass floor. Don't know, haven't visited it, Friend has. I'll have to do some research.
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