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Everything posted by TraderJake

  1. I voted for King Cobra because the overall experience on the ride was awesome (got to love the bunny hops at the end). But, I do have to add that I really miss KCKC as well, as it was fun and rarely had a long line.
  2. I'll go with Delirium. Got to love the feeling of swinging around 65 MPH
  3. 10) Vortex 9) WWC 8) Face / Off 7) Monster 6) King... wait, Flying Eagles 5) Beast 4) FoF 3) recaR (certain charm to the ride that I love) 2) Delirium 1) Drop Zone 5) Waterworks 4) Action Zone 3) International Street 2) Coney Mall 1) Rivertown (God I miss KCKC)
  4. I have to say that music with words can get old after a while. Beach Boys day after day by day by day gets really really really really obnoxious (hope my point was clear). It's not really tortureous, moreso obnoxious, I can definitely live with it while I work. I'd have to say though that I loved the Street's soundtrack though. Got to love the movie themes.
  5. For some strange reason I just don't think that a casino would help its appearance as a family park. I don't know... might just be some of the aspects of gambling that accompany gambling and casinos. I doubt Ohio will be legalizing gambling anytime in the future, and if they ever did I would never want a casino at the park. Put it downtown, or a place that needs revitalization. Keep it away from PKI and its image. If you want to gamble, go to Indiana, or if you're only 19, go to Windsor.
  6. Yeah, I think I'll have to go with The Beast since it is The Beast and all. But then, it is one of the best rides in the park.
  7. It'll depend on your rehire status and the department you are going to. If you have an "R" rehire status then you come back to the department that hired you then you will not have to go through the interview. If you have a "P"or "N" status, or you are switching departments then you will go through an interview.
  8. I went to Waterworks five to six days a week... wait, I think you're asking how many times you went to actually enjoy the waterpark. Sadly, I never went to the waterpark to enjoy it in 2001-3, only to work there. After working in WW for three years the soundtrack just drives you mad, especially when they get rid of the coolest song, "Jacques Costeau". The last year I went WW for fun was in '98 or '99, I don't remember. I'll probably visit Boomerrang Bay at least one time, an employee has to experience the expansion to be able to tell the guests just how awesome it really is. And it will be awesome, which is another reason I'll visit it for fun at least once.
  9. From a work standpoint, I miss International Street the most, as it is the area of the park where the Merchandise Department has the dominating presence. I also like the music the play on the Street, much much better than that which was played in Waterworks. From an enjoy the park standpoint, I miss Rivertown the most. Rivertown just feels so much more relaxed than other parts of the park. The shade, theming, and rides all make for a very enjoyable area.
  10. Well, you stay open past eight (7) when WW is open so that those wonderful guests who forget to grab their items from the locker can claim them. Got to love those peeps. I must say that the one day I did work in rides (on The Racer) I did have a lot of fun. There was a very lively group of people, and a very unique experience.
  11. I loved King Cobra! At the time that was my favorite roller coaster in the park. I loved those bunny hops at the end. Anyways, my first rollercoaster was like many other people The Beastie. That ride coupled with Boulder Bumpers, Mr. Jinx's Jalopies, Scrappy's Slides, and Smurf's Enchanted Voyage made for some fun times in Hanna-Barbera Land as a Kid.
  12. Yeah now that I read it again I think I understand what he meant. I think he means that BB will draw people away from the main park, making it empty in the main park and packed in the Waterpark. I partially agree, if its sunny it'll be busy, if it isn't it won't be. Also, there will also be those people who decide to make their trip to PKI a two day event because of the new, expanded waterpark, which would in fact make the park even more busy since it is filled with two-day vacationers.
  13. Nah, last time I checked all the non-warehouse Resale Departments (food, merch, games) hired 15 year olds. Granted, that was last season, and hiring policies may have changed.
  14. I don't see how this expansion could possibly draw people away from the park. As someone who has worked in Waterworks for the last three years, I can assure you that this will not draw people away from the park. With the exception of those painful speed slides everything that was in Waterworks is staying in Boomerrang Bay. Plus, there are going to be four major attractions and plenty of new amenities, all while having less concrete. How can something that is a bigger, better, themed upgrade of its predecesor draw people away from the park? Fact is, it won't. It gives people who live in the region another great reason to buy that season pass, and gives tourists another reason spend one more day at the park. This attraction will in no way draw people away from the park. People will want to cool off, and PKI is providing a way them to do so. As long as the weather is good, the crowds will be phenomenial, just like it was in 2002 and 2001.
  15. It was (and probably still is) that you need to be 16 to work in ride operations. But the park does hire for other departments at 15.
  16. Yeah I voted for Waterworks Just Because I can, but I am crushed that International Street wasn't an option since there are quite a few "crews" on the street. I also have the strangest feeling that should this poll stay open it will be tilted towards the Action Zone. Can't Imagine Why....
  17. Best PKI Moment: Toss Up between the day I got promoted to Waterworks Merch Location Manager, or the Merchandise Olympics opening ceremonies when I got up and sang the Spotlight Souvenirs version of Thriller. Worst PKI Moment: Day I was screwed into working every day of the week, ended up working ten days in a row. Got over it pretty quickly though. Honorable Mention: Day my store recieved third place in the Merch olympics (which by the way is very good for Waterworks, for certain reasons)
  18. Roller Coasters Best: Top Thrill Dragster Worse: Forwards Racer Best New Coaster: Top Thrill Dragster Most Improved: Son of Beast Craptastically Painful: Forwards Racer Could the clearances actaully hit my hands? Cedar Creek Mine Ride Most Ridden: recaR, TTD, Wicked Twister (at 2, didn't have that much time to ride) Least Ridden: Scooby's Ghoster Coaster Flats Best: Delirium Worst: I love flats Most Ridden: Delirium (at 10ish) Least Ridden: TR:TR at 0 Most Interesting Experience: Tearing the Theming out of Trader Jake's The Coolest Experience: Being at Cedar Point during blackout 2003 Really Scary Ride: Top Thrill Dragster Dumbass of the Year: I love everyone (i.e.-- no comment) Best Storms of the Year: The ones during the week in September.... had to do the Trader Jake's inventory preparations walking on skids because of that one.
  19. I definitely agree with the no Nick Jr. crap. But, in terms of new characters next year, I would not be surprised to see a character or two from the Fairly Odd Parents, for they seem to be really popular at the moment.
  20. I am pretty sure that this is the article you speak of, you need to register to view it (free) but it has some nice information attached to it, such as the Beach's future plans as well as their desire to peacefully coexist with Boomerrang Bay. They also stress how themes are now an integral part of Waterparks, and the draw that such waterparks have. Riding A Wave Cincinnati Business Courier 12/15/03
  21. Sweet... may it sell as well as the 2003 Beast Program, and not as lackluster as other Programs Highlighting anniversaries.
  22. Yes, yes we do (imagines working on the street until three A.M.). I absolutely despise midnight closes, or worse, BAFFDs coupled with a midnight close. As long as I am not forced to work Vending on those midnight closes I'll be okay though. The calendar looks like fun, I don't know but it looks like they added a week in May. But once again, they don't have that last week in August open. What a pity. Place your bets now, will that week be added or left off like in 2003?
  23. I'm voting none of the above, the park doesn't need to lose anymore rides.
  24. It's not necessarily broken, more like geocities doesn't allow remote linking. Just copy and paste the shortcut in the browser bar. Yeah I do think they'll do something with their free space. Just what though, time will tell.
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