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Everything posted by joecartoon

  1. ^^haha that is my spring. Diamondback will hopefully have high capicity.
  2. Late? What's late about it? We still have over 4 months to go (give or take). Yes but it feels like it's been 4 months already......But at least I'm not one of those people that post about having a camp out to wait for Diamondback and end up raiding someone for Mountian Dew under The Beast....lol I was part of that. And i have to admit that when certin people joined, the thred became a little to....o whats the word....oh this: STUPID. It was good in the beggining when we were all just haveing fun but then yea like i said it became pretty stupid. Seriousaly, whats the point of raiding people for Moutian Dew or riding the rails of our baby Diamondback yes we did go too far on that one and it was all my fault it was when i joined just got my computer back that is why i didn't post on this sooner
  3. i was just joking around it was becuase at the begining of his podcast it said dont do that so i did
  4. how much would it cost to be buried there
  5. you might be a ki addict if you sit on this forum when your grandparents and cousins are over at your house for you.
  6. hey when is your next one coming out
  7. i cant get to is and does it cost money for podcast
  8. yes he could of done that but that would be a waste of time why not just go to that date
  9. or it could be 3 years in the future. so how is Diamondback
  10. I want to try my hand at developing a Windows Gadget. So I'll try and post back. I'm sorry. We do indeed, Sunday, April 20, 2009. Well season pass preview day is Friday, April 17th. so wouldn't opening day be on the 18th. or 19th? are you 100% sure that it is firday, april 17th.
  11. omg this is going to be big. didn't really relize the sweetness of Diamondback untill this last pictures.
  12. edit:read it more closly relized you weren't talking about Diamondback but you where talking about a diamond. am i right if im not then im going to feel stupid
  13. go mu. redhawks red skins what ever you want to call them. i mostly like redhawks. I love miami.
  14. how dare you disrespect The Beast it is one of the greatest rides of all time. The Beast will always be my last ride of the night it is just that great of a ride
  15. im sry you guys i will use the sreach funtion more carefully and look little hard. ^thank you
  16. um yes it was im still very mad about it.
  17. ok we really need to stop with this i hate it when you guys do that this is a serios question i really want to prove my friend rong so if anyone has it plz post it Your poor grammar needs to stop. KICentral.com Has a YouTube channel, you should subscribe. i am and i did use the search funtion and all it came up with is Diamondback stuff. ok i just fond it sry. im sry that i have really poor grammar i just dont have the mind to use good grammer. im sry.and it doesnt have the lake allready seen that i while ago can someone just shut this one down
  18. ok we really need to stop with this i hate it when you guys do that this is a serios question i really want to prove my friend rong so if anyone has it plz post it
  19. i have never rode a roller coaster with my hands (that i can remember) holding on to anything
  20. Does anyone have a picture of The Beast when it had the lake im looking for a picture like that all over the forums and google can someone help me plz. or if you can find a video of it with the lake. im trying to prove a point to my friends and if The Beast didnt have a lake ever then im going to feel like an idiot
  21. it is a simile because it uses like
  22. LOL^ I see that as well PKI is a place for families not for making them um i fond out about that is on here but i dont where it is so here is the link to the artical this is how far people with go. this is how far people go
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