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Everything posted by Austin
I actually think riding it with the lights on is pretty cool. With the building, it's hard to tell which way is up, and you can see the track twist around you which makes it more disorienting, not to mention the headchoppers!
Dont' know if anyone has seen this yet, it's on their Twitter: (It says I'm "not allowed to use that extension in this community") http://twitgoo.com/5f50sm/img
Riding it in front was amazing for the launch! They have tons of little green moving lights that look like stars as you launch!
On AE, the operator once said, "Enjoy your ride on the Carousel of Progress!" We were like "what?"
I went to the park yesterday and Flight Deck was looking nice! I liked the tape-runway, the model jet and missles, and the music. It was a nice retouch! I also noticed on Flight of Fear that they fixed the purple and green lights above the station. The launch tunnel is now blue-ish instead of white. And the lights that hold the dome in place (with the red stripe, above the station) now aren't only white/fixed, they change color as well! When we were in line for WindSeeker, we heard the ride-ops talking about how Vortex is probably going to take 6 weeks! D: I know this thread started out as listing what needs to be fixed... So in lieu of things... There were 3 lights out on WindSeeker on the bottom of the seats. In Flight of Fear's UFO, where the purple lights are, there is a section of them out right above where you enter.... No big deal, just little things I noticed... Can't wait to see what will happen when Ouimet takes charge next year!
No! Those were my 2 favorites! :'( Whatever they add, if anything, will hopefully make up for it!
And since they added the brake between the two stations, it can hold 5... haha. I think 3 is a good number. Any more than that, and there would be constant stacking...
Right, but I don't think they would take out FOF's midcourse. It would completely destroy the chance/purpose of a 3rd train... which who knows, maybe it'll return one day? When you're riding, you can see it sitting under the corkscrew. I never saw it in there last year...
That's what I told him, and he just stubbornly said no, lol. Maybe the managers have made them make this happen? Who knows?
Yeah, you're right about that. I got used to calling it that because when I worked there, that's what we all called it. That's interesting that they would even have it playing. I said in another thread that one of the light/sound tech guys said that he would never fix it because it blows out the speakers over the launch tunnel, and they're hard to replace, being over the track and everything. Maybe they were messing with it on Memorial Day, trying to add it back? They ripped it out. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23006 I wonder if they'll add it back in, considering all of this amazing work they've been doing to it lately!
... Yeah, I think I'll stay far away from the park this weekend. Although I think last year, it wasn't too bad, compared to the freedom concert/other concerts at least...
It's a really distinct sound at 0:08... However the walls of the launch tunnel are terrible sound insulators, and they make the sound of the wheels rolling and the LIM's firing really loud. Can you confirm that you heard it after watching this?
Not saying I don't belive you, but are you sure you heard the crashing sound? I went on Tuesday and even after hearing reports of it playing, it did not play. The launch is just really loud, lol. I am so glad for what they did to it, though! I'll have to check my iPod camera later to see if I took pictures of it, but the trash cans are new, and they also rearranged/added some more miscellaneous scenery back towards the mirror.
I never knew there were misters in there! Don't forget the fog in the launch tunnel! Everything seems to be in good condition except for the lights behind the vents under the drive booth, and also the purple (and as of now, non-existent green) lights above the station need to be fixed. Also, for the lights above the drive booth, there is a green gel missing on the left-most light. ^See the gels above the ride op? White, green, green green. And only a few of the vent lights are working. And the purple looks blue on the ceiling in the picture, but at the front and back of the station, they aren't working as you can see. The green lights are the ones over the gates, here: The last time I saw it at night, the Monster had a few bulbs out. They could have fixed it though, it's been a while. Backlot would be amazing with the splash effects at the helicopter scene and at the splashdown. (Though those are bigger changes) Hmm... Also Flight Deck would be pretty neat if they turned the fog back on there!
Don't hold a grudge, Zach It doesn't break down that often. The only time I've seen it go down this season was that day when we went. Every other time I've gone, it's been open. It was a lot worse last year, but luckily they switched train 3 out for train 1. Train 3 was the problem train.
Either they added that sound or it was REALLY loud inside the drum today, because I'm 100% sure I heard a whoosh after the train left (not the normal metal-sounding one from the track). I didn't notice those lights in the station, the ones on either side of the drivebox are now red, so the wall has a neat color to it (you can sort of see it in the last pic). I didn't notice of those lights were working or not, but I can't imagine they aren't- even the lights in the room between the first saucer room and the station work now. I also noticed the trash cans in the hangar have black and yellow tape around them, is that new? Oh, those lights on the side of the drive box have been there since Haunt last season, except they were purple. The trash cans would definitely be new. I know they used to have the black cylindrical cans with the red lids, (here: ) but now they're the generic trash cans. I'll have to check it out, I'm hopefully going tomorrow. Now which lights didn't you notice? The white ones at the bottom of the drive box or the purple ones on the ceiling? There's also supposed to be green ones above the purple ones, did they fix those? You can kind of see them here, along with the white lights at the bottom of the drive box. Is the beginning of the launch tunnel lit up still or is it completely dark now like in that picture? (Sorry, I'm a huge Flight of Fear geek, just in case you couldn't tell.. )
They added the crashing sound!?!? As to the station lighting, you mean the lights that look like they're vents, at the bottom of the drive box? And in your last picture, see the purple lights on the ceiling? Did they fix the ones at the beginning and end of the station? EPIC!!
The ride op that talked to us when it was down said that there were 32 tracks... Not sure if it's true or not but that's what she said.
The ride op that was talking to us when it was down explained that WindSeeker is their "baby" and they're treating it extra carefully right now. They explained that once it "grows up" they'll be less strict and give it more freedom.
I went today and I did notice that they fixed a bunch of lights! They took the floodlights out of the hangar, thank God! There did appear to be more gels, and some of the lights on the saucer, eg the strobes and also some of them where the gridded-mesh pattern are all along the saucer. They also fixed the purple lights in the saucer, along with the blue lights in the center (but not the circular decoration ornament thingy). Also they fixed the ones going up the stairs into the saucer. In the station, they put red gels over the floodlights that lit up the alien tubes, they used to be white. I think they fixed the top half of the blue tube and the top half of the white tube. I'm so happy! haha We also rode AE and noticed a bunch of red lights in the last two tunnels, and the guys that move their hands on the second lift were lit up, and there were some red lights afterwards. The Crypt had some red lights where the fire used to be, and they also took out the strobe lights! Hopefully this is just the beginning of what's to come, especially with the new CEO coming
You haven't ridden it recently have you? The first 3 cars basically fly past the brakes, the brakes slow down the last 2 cars and tries to stop, but it doesn't stop the train anymore. At least that's how it was 2 weeks ago. Really helps the pacing, IMO.
^ I would say Racer, only if they painted it back to its original red white and blue colors
I see what you did there! I don't think smoothness is so much with the track as it is with the trains and the wheels, etc. But honestly I have no idea. One of the guys that fixes the light/sound stuff told me a while back that the crashing sound that used to play when it launches still plays, but it's just turned down (you can't hear it at all unless it "thinks" it's launching, the brakes release, the jet engine sound mutes, but the launch doesn't happen, then you hear some weird hissing noise right as it was supposed to launch, which is apparently the crashing sound turned down.) He said it only plays in the launch tunnel, and the speakers are right above the track. He doesn't want to have to climp awkwardly up there to change the blown out speakers every time it launches. But it used to play in the station too, not just the launch tunnel, right? I swear it used to play AFTER it launches, so you should be able to hear it if they just timed it differently right? Like here: Anyways, a bunch of lights need fixing (I enjoy how they go around and take the trouble to fix all the lights in the drum, [which those lights I don't care about as much] but they can't fix they lights above the station and in the saucer). If they took out the flood lights in the hangar, it would help a lot, they really ruin the environmnent. They also waste a lot of electricity. I'm also sure making the lights in the station dim when it launches would save electricity too Hmm... oh yeah and the launch at KD is MUCH quieter, look how quiet it used to be: (Also, do you head a voice, saying "are you ready? Three..." It didn't sound like a person. Was there more to the soundtrack than what there is now?)
I chose Flight of Fear. I used to work there, and you really notice a lot of things wrong with it once you work there for a long time. But how would painting it help?
Really? ever since either Monday May 16 or May 23 after it closed for the rest of the day, it has been going super fast. I know for a while the first car would always slip past the catwalk on the right, but after that Monday the first 2-3 cars run right past it. The first half of the ride is soo fast. The second half is just a little faster, you really only notice on the corkscrew. As to The Beast, that ride seems to vary a lot. I rode it a few weeks ago after it had rained and it was cold (does cold make it faster? I thought it made it slower...). It really just flew through all the brakes. And, going up the second lift hill, it went way past the first post before the chain caught it (even yesterday evening the brakes didn't seem as noticeable on the 2 drops after the lift hills), and it flew up the last hill into the station. Then I have other rides like you mention, and it barely clears the last hill into the station... It's still a good ride, for the most part. I have noticed in my fast few visits, they have left the tunnel lights on. This doesn't bother me during the day, because light always seeps in anyways, but at night, it kind of ruins the whole "dark" thing.