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Everything posted by Austin

  1. So after getting out of school at 10:40 for exams, eating at El Rancho Grande, and just talking for a while, my friends and I went to KI at around 12:30ish. We were expecting the park to be empty. Boy were we wrong. It wasn't bad but it was definitely a lot for mid day in early June. Our first ride was Congo Falls, that felt good! After that we rode Adventure Express. I'm a stickler for small details, and I noticed they added some cool looking red lights in the last 2 tunnels, and there's also a voice that says, "You will pay!" The station was also playing the Indiana Jones theme, which it doesn't always do. I believe our next ride was Racer... nothing special here. After that we hit Vortex... I sat in my favorite seat- 72. Boy, it was really rough! I had ridden it a few weeks back and it wasn't nearly that rough! Maybe it was just that train, who knows? Then my group had the desire to do Boo Blasters... I think my score was 960. lol. Then we hit Diamondback. I got my second favorite seat, the second-to-last. (My first favorite being the front.) Actually, I might like that seat a little better. I haven't ridden in the front in a while. We then rode the Crypt. They turned off all of the stupid looking strobe lights on the skeletons, thank God! They still had the strobes on the 2 demons in the waiting room closest to the ride. The ride itself... lol.... We then rode Beast. I got in the secret best seat of the ride. I will not disclose it, there is never a line for it, and I'd like to keep it that way! I think after that we went all the way to Flight of Fear. I'm glad to say that it doesn't stop in the MCBR anymore! The first 3 cars just zoom right past it, the brakes try to stop it, and they give up and let the train go. Since they greased the track, the whole ride is a lot faster now, too! The hangtime on the corkscrew is gone! After that.. I think we rode Delerium, followed by Drop Tower.. the only ride that actually gives me butterflies on the drop! It's such a great feeling to just put your arms and legs out and just relax on the drop. Then we rode Flight Deck... nothing special here, it's a pretty good ride... After that it was 8, so we went to Chik-Fil-A at VOA, then Graeter's, and then we sat outside of Graeter's just talking and hangint out until 12, then we went home. It was a good day, and I'm glad that school's over with!
  2. They greased Flight of Fear's track, and they made the launch faster. And of course, Beast had all that retracking, it's very smooth now!
  3. Austin

    PTR 5/13

    True.. however we are not an obnoxious swarm of little kids! We actually had a line jumping issue with them. We were waiting for Drop Tower and they had 2 people in line, and a bunch of others just pushed past us to get with their group. I didn't say anything to the ride ops, as it didn't cause us to have to wait another ride. However, I did complain about them to my friend, making sure they could hear , they were so rude when they pushed past us, and we tried holding them back by putting our arms out on the rails and taking up a lot of space, but... it didn't work.
  4. Austin

    PTR 5/13

    Me and my friend decided to hit some rides after school yesterday. We got there around 4:30, and as soon as we got out of the car, it started pouring, of course, with our luck. We also noticed the 2 million buses in the parking lot and forgot it was the math and science time of year. We headed to Flight of Fear, the only major ride open, and rode that. The wait was about 30 minutes. They had some of the maintenance lights on, on the ceiling, but it was still a good ride. It's pretty bright in there with all of the show lights. The guy said that they didn't know how to turn them off, but no big deal. We noticed they took our picture, but then the photo booth was closed , so basically we were blinded for no reason We then booked it to Crypt. The rain was slowing down. The new "ride enhancements" were pretty cool, but it's not like they completely re-themed the ride or anything. After that, it was about 5-5:15, so we decided to eat. It had stopped raining so we made our way to Action Zone. We stopped at the store on IS on the way and I got a shirt. We rode Drop Tower, and we only had to wait for it to run once and we were on. We were slightly disappointed because we got a seat facing GWL, we wanted to drop facing the park. We then went to Flight Deck. It had some cool music playing in the station, and the guy on the mic was saying some funny stuff like, "Please keep your hand off the metal grip as we check your restraint to avoid awkward handling." and then he said stuff like, "Enjoy your ride on FD, the best ride in the park!" The new paint looked nice and spiffy We headed over to Coney Mall. Adventure Express was down, so we went to Racer. There was a funny guy giving movie trivia and stuff, and at the end of everything he said "noodle salad!" We rode in seat 12, the best seat of any wooden coaster with 3 rows per car! I don't care what anyone else says. It was smooth, and we got lots of air! We then went to ride Vortex. The back seat is ALWAYS my favorite, but the line was long for it so we rode in 5-1, the supposed "magic seat." It was a good ride, but I still think the back is my personal magic seat Because then, you don't have an obnoxious girl screaming in your ears behind you on the first drop, making you go deaf, like what happened to us that time... I don't know if it was because it was wet but it seemed to just fly out of the MCBR, it seemed a little dangerous... We rode backlot afterwards. It was about a 10 minute wait. It was a good ride. We noticed the new lighting effects from the helicopter, and the opposing wall. That was pretty neat. Afterwards, we headed to Beast. To be honest, I had really low expectations. I'm so used to it being trimmed to death and slow, but I was really impressed. We waited about 10 minutes. Seat 12, the magic seat, had no wait. Maybe I shouldn't post the secret seat on here I barely felt the trim on the first drop, but we did feel it on the second hill and on the brake shed a lot. The retracking really made it run so smooth! And it must have been because of the humidity/wetness/heat that made it so fast. We barely felt the trim after the second lift, and it didn't crawl up the last hill into the station, it was pretty fast. It made me almost love The Beast again (juuuust kidding, I DO like it!) We then went to Diamondback, rode in the second to last seat. I forgot how good that was, too. I remembered it as being forceless, especially after riding Maverick and seeing I305, but we did get a lot of negative G's. After this we went to go ride Firehawk. They were running only one train, and at this point it was around 9:30. The line really wasn't moving. We eventually left, and instead went to Flight of Fear to get the last ride of the night. They turned the lights on, and it was epic! After that we went home. It was a pretty good day! I took some pics of WS, but they're nothing special. It went up a little bit and we saw some guys up there walking around the circular platform that holds the seat arms. I also have no complaints about the music. It was a lot of 90's/classic rock. That's my favorite!
  5. THANK YOU Interpreter... I had ALWAYS thought that I was crazy for thinking that way!
  6. I know someone asked about Flight of Fear construction pictures... I did some digging and found this: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9354&view=findpost&p=153914 Does anyone know where to find any more? Or even pictures from its first year(s)? I'd like to see the fog in the hangar, along with whatever else it originally had. (Yes, Terpy, I know someone knows... )
  7. X-Base IS part of Coney Mall, it's not its own area.
  8. With all of this nice scenery being added, I hope they fix up Flight of Fear's theming a little... Just with all the broken lights in the station, the crashing sound, and the lights flickering. Also, It's those small things that make a difference to me I do applaud them for fixing the red light above the train in the station, that was awesome! Now if only they would do the rest! But yeah, I can't wait to see all these changes! It's going to be such a beautiful place! Even more than before!
  9. In the teaser video posted, at around 0:34 he says in a spectacular outdoor setting of..... but then if you look at it it looks like Coney Mall. I don't think this is a coaster because it is "..." feet long, which he said in a short time, unless he is just saying random numbers, knowing they will eventually be censored anyways... I think it's funny how WindSeeker isn't even built yet, and they're already teasing another something. lol
  10. Wasn't it just "The Whip"? At least that's what my mom always called it when I was little.
  11. Austin


    Whatever it is, it looks like the bathrooms will be in the way of the entrance: Thoughts?
  12. Yeah, I never even noticed the runway pattern until I looked it up on Google Maps a few weeks ago. Is it still there? And the pavers would probably end under the X-Base sign. But that's just my guess. EDIT: Look at it on Google Maps, the blacktop extends past Racer a little bit. I'm guessing they'll do that with the pavers too.
  13. Does anyone know if the pavers will extend into XBase? It's technically Coney Mall, if you look at the park map...
  14. That site also says 50 feet, but I've seen reports for 72 and 74 feet.... Why does everyone report different stats?
  15. They all, including Flight of Fear, say 60, even though it's 54.
  16. Joker's Jinx and Poltergeist have heavier trains. They both launch at the same speed.
  17. Watch these videos, they show the room for storage:
  18. That's awesome! I wanna get drive trained at DB! Firehawk looks fun to drive too, but I think the funnest is FoF still, it's so fun to launch! If it's allowed, I could take a picture of our computer next April, and I do have a picture of the main control panel along with some other cool stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it :/
  19. Terpy, it was enclosed by a fence. No one was climbing it.
  20. Firehawk really isn't that bad, and from what I've heard Skyflyer is hard. I've also heard DB is really easy because everything is automated. Flight of Fear isn't hard after the first few weeks (if you're super tall like me) - it's so low into the ground that after your first few weeks your back and legs kill until you get into shape but once you get trained at the main control panel it's super fun! My biggest pet peeve is the seat belts, NO ONE knows how to do them!
  21. What I meant is that we don't know anything about the future of SOB, upcoming rides, etc. We know a lot about our own rides, of course!
  22. I'm a ride op... It's not bold, it's just that the ride ops honestly don't know anything...
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