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Everything posted by art_star

  1. I gave them an A, not that the park is perfect now, but because they really did a lot of improving for the little time they had. Especially with the very hurried and well done addition of Firehawk. Sure pre-paramount was better, but from were the park was in 06, I think they are well on their way to having KI great again.
  2. I wish I was there tonight. I had to end my season with Italian Job, because Beast was closed and it was the only thing that we could get to in time.
  3. and just to get things straight, are you suggesting this b & m gigacoaster will be here next year? I highly doubt this. Wouldn't they have started by now? They have already started in Canada's Wonderland.
  4. where is that Sac spin ball coaster at? Looks kinda dumb.
  5. that wing rider launch coaster looks pretty awesome. That is Furious Baca or whatever in Spain, correct?
  6. I'll believe it when I see it, but I truly don't see this happening. I would be fine with it though.
  7. I saw the cartoonish wrench when they were fixing it when I was at Cedar Point. It was rather funny looking.
  8. i just don't see how celebrity jokes relate to halloween.
  9. The stuff that I have brought up (Owen Wilson and Vick) doesn't really bother me that much since I know that most of the GP are morons and appreciate this kind of NON-SCARY, NON-HALLOWEEN related stuff. I think they don't belong, but I can just make fun of the fact that it is there and leave it at that.
  10. ^I agree. I do not laugh about animal cruelty.
  11. I would say there is still a difference between joking about strokes, and joking about your grandfather having a stroke almost immediatly after the event happened. I also love all the Halloween stuff. Sex appeal, gore, all that stuff. The more graphic and all that the better. but when it is about something REAL, especially a very recent real event, is when I think the line is crossed.
  12. there was no guy there when I was there, but I am pretty sure that is when I got annoyed by the music. I know I heard annoying pop-punk type music in Action Zone.
  13. It doesn't have to be the same sound.
  14. I noticed that too, but I figured it wasn't a reference but an accident. I really hope I was right.
  15. I am also glad that he lived and can now heal and all that. Can't wait to see his newest comedy, The Dajeeling Limited.
  16. I kinda get what you are saying about the electric chair and table saw stuff. I think having fictional depictions of these things (included suicide) is fine and goes well with the theming. But to have something about a real person that actually tried to commit suicide is too far IMO. I know that I would have to be pushed extremely far to attempt suicide, and I would like to think that just out of human compassion, when someone is pushed that far a certain amount of sympathy should be alotted to that person. Even if you aren't sympathetic, I think you should be respectful enough to leave him alone about it. It is just human decency.
  17. Is it just me, or was the music at Halloween Haunt a little disappointing? I don't find Eminem, Evanescence, Shinedown, or Beyonce that creepy. It would've bee better IMO if they used music that helped with the scary nature of the park (which you did hear on and off, but more off than on I would say). I think more horror movie music would have been nice (I did hear the Psycho theme, and a few others). I think noise music also would have complemented the atmosphere very well. I also wished that the sirens were louder in Death Row. It would've made the trance like feeling even more intense.
  18. I thought the display was very funny with the exception of the Owen Wilson joke.
  19. Not all people are greedy money grubbers. Some people actually go through some emotional hardships. Halloween jokes are ok. Jokes that are obviously offensive are another. I doubt you would have found it so funny if they had soldiers in the Iraq war on the death list, even though they are just as real as Owen.
  20. I do not find anything halloweeny or mature about this joke. To put it in better terms (since Owen Wilson has a few brothers), imagine if you have a brother that just went through an emotional breakdownand attempted suicide, and a joke was made out of it in a public place. I don't even care that much for my brother, but that would be uncalled for in my book.
  21. I just think it is wierd to think that just because he is famous, a theme park can hang up a bad joke about him in public. He is a human like all of us.
  22. I hardly think Owen Wilson would find it funny. I am sure if you went through a mental breakdown, you wouldn't appreciate people laughing about it.
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