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Everything posted by upstop

  1. And it's another chance for a flying item ... "Please secure your cell phones"
  2. Riddle - What is one lawyer at the bottom of the Seven Seas Lagoon? Answer - A darn good start....
  3. My biggest concern is that metal detectors won't stop all things from coming into the parks. We all have to be vigilant and keep an eye on all suspicious characters. I wonder just how far security could actually go carrying only pepper spray?
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/12/17/disney-parks-seaworld-orlando-announce-new-security-measures.html I wonder how long it will be before they return to CF parks?
  5. I received a Seasons Pass survey on my phone last night... Food experience was a part of that survey .... So perhaps...
  6. And along with all that I'm betting higher costs.... And a "surveillance" photos idea capturing candid photos? I think that was mentioned on this site somewhere... So much for RFID not tracing your every move and habit... Lol!
  7. Motel Six ..... If you enjoy camping in a port-o-let.
  8. Or a monorail system. I'm sure if they buy the property there is a good chance they will purchase additional properties or partner in some of the motel properties as 3rd class resorts.
  9. To me the interactivity comes from the excitement and atmosphere, not from shooting targets.
  10. Get me a Diet Coke while you are there... Lol The ride actually sounds more like Toy Story Midway Mania. I'm thinking the crypt building would need a large extension but the ride sounds like fun ya'll!
  11. What a fantastic addition for Coney Island!!!
  12. RHoFG is the best eating venue in the park... IMO.
  13. The biggest issue for Chicken Shack is the assembly line mentality. There was one young woman assembling wraps, one dipping fries, one cooking chicken and one at the register.... Everyone was wanting wraps and only one at a time was being made. The others basically worked as needed. There should have been at least three people assembling wraps.
  14. Just made it through Chicken Shack..... And thebfamily behind me exploded on the manager. Felt sorry for the kids for sure.
  15. Eat before you come. I've been in Chicken Shack line for About a half hour now and just now reaching the covered porch... Half way to food now. Went to Grill, 1.5 hour wait. Lines full in Festhouse. Lots of hungry peeps and long food lines.
  16. And probably will say Delta Delta Die until the middle of next Haunt.
  17. "What did you say, Ethel"
  18. KI needs about 300 of these walking the crowds.
  19. On the subject of theming, now that the tower has eyes, why not put speakers at the top of the Eiffel Tower blasting Godzilla sounds?
  20. I call B.S. Anybody in the entertainment industry understands the importance of telling a great story. Creating exciting content for haunts are particularly fun and -somewhat- easy. This was just a lazy change with zero thought put into it. How about..."Ms. Killjoy's School for Girls", "Kill-U", "D.O.A: Delta Omega Alpha"...etc. etc. I couldn't agree more. I think most of the content to KIs Haunt is an afterthought,
  21. Went to Haunt last night and did all of the houses.... Where were the scare actors? Counted less than twenty the whole night.
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