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Everything posted by upstop

  1. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/08/16/family-doesnt-know-why-man-killed-by-ohio-roller-coaster-jumped-fence/ Minor update from the mans family.
  2. They closed "Art of Animation" in DHS, right? Probably from there to behind Pixar street to the stunt spectacular. Me .... personally....not interested. Slept through first movie twice....just can't get interested in the series
  3. I broke my own rules about buying park food and bought a seasons dining plan. To tell you the truth, the food for me has not been that bad. However, service has declined since the beginning of the season until now. Hank's was where I ate today and the poor server was alone at the trays while the rest of the kitchen crew might have been on break. She did her best and that is all I could ask. On another note, at the Reds Grill last week, the bar server was only working the left side of the bar. It took about 20 minutes to get service....overall, (with the exception of healthier choices) my overall thoughts are positive and I would probably buy the meal plan again next year.
  4. Hmmm...the storyline is changing....wonder what that could be... Upgrades to the vehicles are a nice enhancement too.
  5. So very tragic and unnecessary..... A life is worth so much more than a STUPID CELL PHONE!!!!!!!! MANDATORY.......NO LOOSE ARTICLES POLICY.....WITH FREE LOCKERS!!!!! it can be done..... It is being done at at least one park.... And it is working....
  6. On a windy day, the wind whips through the alley from the Picnic Groves past Surf Dog and you can actually turn around backwards....been there....done that too!
  7. There's still hope for Oktoberfest! Drunken Barrels, Rotor and Bayern Curve! Although I'd love to see the Cuddle Up, Whip , Tumblebug and Trabant return too....wow! Never realized until now how many flats have been removed....
  8. Possible drugs involved....what is that drug thats so popular right now where the user gets so hot they often disrobe to cool down, and it often gives the user super human strength? I heard about how some users resist even tasers.
  9. Wow...they announced that someone was driving about 80mph down the berm and bounced off the wall into traffic hitting several cars, then flipping over. Witnesses said a naked man jumped out of the vehicle and ran about a mile before being subdued by police.
  10. regarding no loose items.... See Universal Studios and their queue line metal detectors and free use timed lockers. This is the product of someone losing an eye to a loose coin on Dueling Dragons... It works really well...no complaints from me. I don't have the best sight in the world, but I would like to keep it, and since you can't force someone to secure their ignorant phones, they can be forced to put them in a free locker or not ride at all.
  11. Bigger question....are there any footers poured at CP? I haven't seen any pictures anywhere of footers. I don't think they would deliver pieces to sit around the park until footers are ready.
  12. Exactly......thw kids behind us told her to put it away, and she just rolled her eyes and gave them a "whateveh"
  13. I rode the Red Racer from the back and guess what was happening in the back car of the Blue Racer as we were climbing the hill..... .....some young girl was talking on a cell phone ....she was still on the phone as the train was headed into the break run at the end of the ride.... Guess what else......she was reported..... Kings Island needs to post at the gate, and online, and announced by the ride attendants, and via Fun TV...."Anyone exposing other guests to the dangers of a flying cell phone, will be ejected from the park and subject to prosecution." BEFORE someone gets seriously hurt!!!
  14. No, maple...but evidence shows that there are mulberry trees somewhere in the neighborhood.....might have hire the Peanuts to wash my car!
  15. Woodstock has been hanging out in a tree over my car and creating projectiles of another sort all summer long....
  16. Actually....Dinosaurs Alive would have been the perfect place for the campout...with a bus ride around the perimeter to the showers in Soak City...LOL
  17. Camping out in the picnic groves with no showers ranks slightly higher than one night at Motel Six in my book.
  18. Holy cow....I'm old...cause I remember Gulivers Rub-a-Dub, Kiki Kangaroos, Winsom Witch's Cauldrons, and Sunshine Turnpike. Plus the Skyride station (now Snoopy's Boutique).
  19. Did anyone else notice that one of the people in the video, a man in casual tourist clothes separates them, and one of the the fighters tells him to get off of them (a little more colorfully than can be printed here). He yells back " I work here". Do you think he is some kind of secret security? He ushers them out with the test track employee.
  20. High temps....long lines.... and short tempers don't mix well. If I'm not mistaken, the area before where they were standing was where you set up your vehicle type. Im guessing someone finished creating their car and moved ahead of someone, and line cutting occurred.... still, the whole argument must have been going on for a while as the person holding the camera/ phone had time to record, and the employees were there in a split second when the fight broke out. Good thing it was only a few people. It could have ended up much, much worse than it did.
  21. I know the secret to Blue Ice Cream......It's Soylent Green.....(screaming like Charleton Heston)"It's people!....Soylent Green is people!"
  22. upstop


    I probably should have done that, but I was not thinking at the moment. It really riled me and I was quickly outnumbered by additional family....so I shuffled off to Buffalo.
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