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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. if you ever do decide that you're ready to ride backlot, or any other launch coaster, just remember to have your head back against the head rest during launch, it can be quite painful if you don't.
  2. saying he actually picks that as one of the five.
  3. ^that would be a terrible idea, if you had a problem, you shouldn't post it publicly on facebook, you should directly contact the park, by either email or phone, if you were to do that publicly, other people would start chiming in on your complaint and many of them could have very well not even been at the park that day, or even known about it, causing the event to escalate into something that could end up not even being remotely true. i just think it would be best for you to "talk" to a park person "one-on-one," rather than you call them out in the middle of a huge social networking site.
  4. that would be pretty awesome if they had an add on to your season pass for parking, just with unlimited free drinks, i could see it being somewhere around $50, but i think it would take off pretty well.
  5. yea, the tornado sirens that we have in grant county go off if there is the threat of a severe storm, and that is absolutely ridiculous, they were put there to warn us about tornadoes, but not for severe storms.
  6. i don't smoke, and was ecstatic when my dad quit smoking, but i feel that if someone really relies on smoking a cigarette that much, then they should be allowed, as long as, it is in an actual area and not on their own free will prancing about the park. if the park were to ban smoking on the property, there would be smokers who would be upset, upset guest are less likely to spend the money that Cedar Fair wants/needs.
  7. the only smoking area that bothers me, not really on a personal level, but on more of a "i can't believe the park did that" level, is the smoking area beside the daycare. the rest of the smoking areas really don't bother me though. edit: a big hearty welcome for you, rivertowngirl, to the KICentral universe.
  8. technically speaking, boo blasters on boo hill is apart of international street, not Planet Snoopy, so although it's not as kid friendly as before it's not like they did something that should have never been done. if it was part of Planet Snoopy and it scared my (hypothetical) child, then i would most likely be upset about it, but since the ride isn't i'm taking it into my own hands letting my child ride on it. unfortunately, i haven't been able to make it to the park yet this season to see for myself, but from what i've heard boo blasters is much more tame than past attractions that have been in that very same building. i'm terribly sorry to hear that the ride scared your children.
  9. i agree that the park should have done more. does anyone else here remember last year when the lady wanted to file a lawsuit over the way Kings Island evacuated everyone from the park and she was left "to fend for herself," or something like that?
  10. it was a close race between top thrill dragster and magnum, i love that magnum is a coaster full of airtime and was build before all of the prefabricated roller coasters, but i had to vote top thrill dragster, i can't get enough of the positive g's and the height. on a side note, for least favorite i have to go with maverick, hands down.
  11. there is a big difference between talking about Kings Island with a group of people and being plain out rude, you obviously don't know it.
  12. that was completely uncalled for, she even noted that it was her mistake on stating that the storms ended soon after the park closed.
  13. no way that doesn't bother me at all, if they are enjoying themselves i say let them go for it.
  14. that was a planned opening, they knew Son of Beast was opening that day, last night was a decision that was made after the park had opened, i promise you they were more worried about getting all the park guest out as quickly and safely as possible than what a sign said.
  15. well, they were in the middle of evacuating a full park, i think changing the words read on a sign was the last thing they were thinking about.
  16. what sign are you talking about?
  17. i believe that's hank, but i'm not really sure. this is the closest one i could find in the photo gallery:
  18. ^i like the idea of in front of the royal fountains, you two could be having your picture taken, and then you get down on one knee, with her reaction being captured forever in a photo.
  19. i know that i live an hour south of the park, and it stormed basically the whole night through, my guess was that the park saw a break in the storms and decided to let the park guest have the chance to get to their vehicles before the next round of storms came through, but on a side note, i don't see this becoming a more regular thing, unless this summer is full of harsh storms.
  20. ^would you please take a chill pill? all he did was point out that on Diamondback he has to have three clicks of the restraint and on prowler he only needed one.
  21. okay, maybe this is just my imagination, but i thought at the time of Diamondback's opening a lot of people on this site were talking about how Diamondback's safety systems allowed for people to ride with only two clicks. did i imagine it, or did the park change over the offseason?
  22. she was referring to people getting taller, with the rest of their body staying in proportion to the height, not that americans are becoming fatter and companies should be taking that into consideration when building/designing new trains.
  23. terpy, have you taken these bad boys for a spin?
  24. link i never would have guessed when i asked that question that it took a month to remove all the themeing from wild thornberry's and replaced it with theming for race for your life charlie brown.
  25. no, height has to do with the ability, or inability, to close an over the shoulder harness/lap bar, due to high shoulders, or long legs. both can cause riders to have to take "the walk of shame" and it's a reason that ride manufacturers should take into consideration when creating new train designs, not because riders are obese.
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