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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. what time were the answers posted? i went to bed around 10:30 and they still weren't up.
  2. Well, from what I understand, the loop structure was steel, but the actual rails were made of wood. So coaster_junky is right; my bubble has burst. lol, well sorry to do that, but i thought i'd just point it out and besides you are not the only one to think that. i once had someone in line in front of me telling me that the reason the loop was removed was because of humans not being able to handle the tracks transition from wooden running rails to steel running rails. she was a lost cause.
  3. If you look, there's a spot for the sixth car, they just modified the railing. Notice the empty, but still straight space, just enough for another car: also, keep in mind that all the models are of this roller coaster are practically identical to one another, so maybe Kings Island just decided to be different and only have five car trains and keep the track model unchanged.
  4. i hate to burst your bubble, but Son of Beast traveled on wooden riding rails during the whole ride, the only part of the track with steel running rails is the transfer track.
  5. so, exactly how do they determine where the blocks are on a water coaster? i mean, there has to be more than one, right?
  6. luckily they were gaining altitude when it happened, i think that might have turned out worse if they were gaining speed, or going down the first drop with that weird turn.
  7. i was going by what i have in bold, for all we know, she could have gotten the injury while riding another ride, for example Vortex, and while riding that ride, she hit her head really hard against one of the otsr. that could have very well caused the burst blood vessel, and she could have not payed any attention to it until after she rode Son of Beast (once again, not Son of Beast fault). she also could have very well did it while at home during the few days between the day at the park and when she went to the doctor, and since she didn't see it being a possiblility for it to have occured at her home, she blamed it on the next best thing (Son of Beast). *i am not saying that this is what really happened, i'm just using this as an example.
  8. ^it could, each car used to have four rows, where now it only has three.
  9. ^didn't you know? it's been sinking ever since it opened and will have to be removed soon.
  10. really!? i wish someone had told me earlier that i didn't really know that "race for your life, charlie brown" was a peanuts gang movie, and that charlie brown was a pitcher for his baseball team. there are many teens that know about charlie brown, snoopy, and the rest of the peanut gang.
  11. SoB is much rougher than other coasters. If a person has been on numerous coasters, and had no problems, than rides SoB and has issues due to a unknown prexisting condition it is the riders fault? the thing is, there is no proof that Son of Beast caused the problem, just going by her word. the truth might have been she hit her head on the otsr while riding Invertigo or Vortex, and didn't realize it until later. blaming the injury on Son of Beast isn't fair, especially when the ride cannot be proven at fault.
  12. i believe (and that's all, i'm not forcing anyone else to believe this) that any company that builds wooden roller coasters would be willing to do work on it, as long as they're getting paid i don't see it being a problem for them to want to do it, rides history or not.
  13. ^that could be the theme of the ride. a journey taking place after your accelerator sticks, causing you to go on a wild ride with near collisions, all while you try to place your very own "yaris" in neutral and apply the breaks.
  14. lol, very funny. here's hoping for a plea deal.
  15. ^look at post #1117 (just 5 post before yours)
  16. ...or the yaris, i mean, it is the closest in resemblance to the mini cooper
  17. The props (statues, signs, etc.) will probably be removed as soon as they start being vandalized (I'd be shocked if some of them are still there at the end of the season). The paint will fade, and the ride names will still suck. Here's hoping for us to be bought... have you not been to Cedar Point? they have almost the same exact statues setting around their Planet Snoopy, and none of them have been removed due to someone who thinks it would be "cool" to go and try to vandalize a statue of snoopy. plus, park security should be on their toes to prevent something like that from happening.
  18. i'm in the same boat as goodyellowkorn, if it was a true rendering, there wouldn't be a disney/pixtar character being part of a proposed display.
  19. ^^is wall-e even a paramount picture? i can't find a list with it on it.
  20. once again kic, i'm sorry for that, my spell check had a hiccup and told me that i had gently spelled wrong and the other word was the only option given as a correct spelling. i never meant to say that.
  21. link wow, i didn't mean for my opinion on spongbob to sound rude, like it ended up sounding.
  22. it would be really awesome if they went ahead and connected x-base to Action Zone and have the path cross under Son of Beast's structure, they could make a great photo op. if they built a path that gave an amazing view of Son of Beast's second helix, then you would enter x-base by crossing under two of the parks world class wooden roller coasters.
  23. lol, that's what my spell check placed in for gently, i guess it hiccuped and thought that i had spelled it wrong.
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