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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. although, technically speaking, sdathc wasn't part of nick u., so therefore not part of the kids area.
  2. i like them all but snoopy surf dog, but i guess it does kind of fit it. i'm guessing snoopy will be in a pose similar to this: snoopy surfing
  3. so, does Kings Island have there own firetrucks? i know they have security vechicles, which i'm guessing double as police cruisers?
  4. link i never knew that Kings Island had it's own fire department. that was a really neat tid-bit of information.
  5. ^why sad, at least our woodstock express is wooden.
  6. ^although that would be pretty sweet if Kings Island was a "choose your own adventure" type deal, where whatever ride you wanted there magically appeared.
  7. so, as for the kite eating tree, i could see that being the swings in Planet Snoopy, they could put a giant decal on the mechanical center that's a tree (which it is kind of tree shaped), then they could make the chains for the swings look like kite tails with a kite painted above each one.
  8. wow, i'm not even a park employee and i take offense to this, how do these people get these ideas to stick in their heads? they compared everyday park employees to the ones portrayed in a fictional movie, so next time unseasonal weather occurs are we going to prepare for what happened in the movie day after tomorrow?
  9. i'm not meaning to pick apart his every word, but it's just he gave some rather detailed answers and then in the middle of them "it's on the map" it was just that it was a more random answer compared to the rest.
  10. ^^they didn't set up a note for tomorrow, maybe they're finished, or tired of answering questions?
  11. and even if the answer could be found "on the map" it hasn't been publicly released, so how would that help anyone who would like to know that answer!!
  12. link maybe it's just me, but it seems whoever is answering didn't even come close to answering nick honea's question. it was practically a yes or no question, and he didn't receive any form of a yes or no.
  13. maverick's opening year (in late june) i saw it have a roll back on the first lift hill, i was on the stairs leading to the station when i saw it, this made me even more excited to ride it since it was my first time, and boy was i let down.
  14. when what happens? the ones you see in the park around outer hank's can't sting, since they are females and they don't have stingers.
  15. If ours is Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie, I would guess possibly yellow and black. like yellow with black running rails? that would look carpenter bee-ish to me.
  16. ^i'm not sure, but it looks like the air-brushed tee-shirt stand located in oktoberfest.
  17. so... has anyone on here went and seen it yet? if so, could you post a review without any spoilers?
  18. link they answered my question about (the former) little bill!!! now if only they said what color.
  19. yea, i noticed that after i posted... maybe the drunk lady from the story you posted earlier thought it sounded like fun?
  20. he was referring to the jump as an attempt to put Kings Island back on the map, not coasters.
  21. although from a few days ago, i found the part of this answer that i have put in bold very interesting. i've always thought of Kings Island "being on the map"
  22. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13514&st=0&p=220993&hl=Vortex%20&fromsearch=1entry220993 from right around the time i started here.
  23. i'm sorry interpreter, but the way i read your post, you kind of disagree with me, but you just went into more detail with what i said, even using "sub-category" maybe i just read it completely wrong, but i read it like four different times and am still seeing it the same way.
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