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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. In 2007, Kentucky Kingdom's Hellivator recieved a brand new coat a paint, a new sign, new theme, and new marketing. In 2008, it was dismantled separately from the park's 2009 closure... Things happen. Like, inferior steel beginning to show it's age, or unbanked turns making a very popular ride too logistically expensive to run with new tires needed every other week, or a ride losing the licensing that made it worthwhile, or a sudden lack of popularity for any number of reasons.

    i think* understand the point you're making, but i don't think this is the best example...

    wasn't one of the major reasons this ride was removed due to the snapping cable incident?

    *where you trying to make a point like how king cobra was painted not long before its removal to make it more marketable to possible buyers?

  2. It wouldn't be as bad if it was outside...the fact that they try and make it creepy, dark, and intense is what makes the ride terrible.....

    if it were outside, it would be worse. the crypt wasn't designed to run outdoors and isn't weather-proof, this is why the water elements were removed from the ride.

  3. 1) I wonder how much the typical passholder spends during the season, or at each visit?

    2) I wonder how many passes are sold in a season?

    3) If the goal is to get people to visit multiple times, maybe they should give you a pass after your third paid admission in a season?

    /disclosure - Oh heck, I bought a shirt or two. But I'm still cheap. :)

    1) my family spends anywhere from $100-250 per visit (all in park). that usually covers a larger meal, a snack a piece, multiple drinks, and possibly a souvenir a piece.

    2) not sure, my family usually accounts for four.

    3) i don't see them doing it, first off it would be impractical for the park to keep a tally on every single person who visits the park to see if they've visited three times or not. also, there will always be those who visit more than three times, and are willing to pay for more than three admission tickets. why would Kings Island purposely miss out on making money?

  4. actually, he was. even though it had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    ON TOPIC: if the display actually has a meaning behind it, i think it's hinting at a Son of Beast rebirth. if it doesn't have a meaning, other than to be a creative halloween display, i wouldn't think much into it, but hey, it's fun to create conspiracies. haha

  5. Extremely bad news for any hope of reopening Kentucky Kingdom came out over the weekend. According to the local news, the Kentucky State Fair Board has decided to end all talks with Ed Hart and his efforts to reopen the park. According to the fair board president himself, Ed Hart is “out of the picture as a potential Kentucky Kingdom operator.”

    As Ed Hart was really the only person who has had experience with not only successfully running Kentucky Kingdom in the past, but also reviving the park and building it up into a well known attraction once before, I’m shocked they would blow him off now after everyone has worked so hard over the past year to revive the park.


    Meanwhile the state has thrown money at the crazy Noah’s Ark park project concept, but they’re willing to let a fully built park like Kentucky Kingdom just wither and die. They seem to think they’er going to find another qualified operator to take the problem off their hands, but I don’t think it’s going to be quite that easy, as most companies out there really are not going to want to even touch any kind of deal like this where they have to deal with the greedy Fair Board… who in the end was really to blame for Six Flags bailing out on the park as well.

    With all this in mind I’ve got to say that unless they can get someone else on board before the end of the year, you might as well stick a fork in Kentucky Kingdom, because it’s done.

    i'm sorry, but what is so difficult in seeing that the state has NOT 'thrown money' at ark encounter?


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