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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. I seem to recall an area sparse with activity.. previously inhabited by some starlight esque thing..
  2. I'm getting a sense that the whole ring and the "fingers" are becoming orange... . It's hard to tell even with HD webcams. lol What would come after "High Definition" in terms for technological advances in video quality?
  3. I kinda hope Fast Lane isn't utilized on opening day.. Or at least, the price is much higher for whichever Banshee's in.. you know, supply and demand.
  4. Also, further questions regarding clothing: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/29212-notice-concerning-media-day-clothing/#entry606375
  5. Shoes typically aren't as big of a deal in my experience. Certain articles of clothing are near impossible to get without even a small logo. Shoes are in that list.
  6. Well the thing about Action Zone now is that there isn't a common color scheme, so it'll belong pretty much not matter what. -- Delirium's ring is definitely orange. There's no sun shinning on it and it still appears as such. But I take back my presumptions of a walkway for guests where they poured the concrete between Slingshot, Banshee, and Delirium.
  7. That would be one compact coaster, by Kings Island's standards. It'd probably, if ever used, would be a minor expansion to a coaster that'd extend over FOF and beyond there. Then have maybe one flat in front of AE and some shops in the actual triangle as well as the coaster station. At least that's what my imagination sees. I wouldn't see an entire coaster being placed int there. And I'd rather a ride not tower over top of Racer. It looks weird when coasters are built over top of other coasters (FOF is inside so the experience of the ride wouldn't be dominated by a bigger ride) You'd probably have to get rid of the excess track for AE that was intended for the third train's storage.
  8. I don't think that. --- Maybe the eventually they'll want to repaint the blue legs on Delirium since they kinda get blended in with Banshee's supports.. Or not. Or yes..
  9. I love tight inversions on any coaster as long as it's smooth. I will be surprised if Banshee's easy transitions still excite me. I have a feeling that I will get a sensation of easiness for most of the elements. EDIT: But I know I will love it regardless. Especially that ending twist!
  10. Nice report! Sounds like you had a lot of broken down rides in your path but it sounds like you still made the best of your trip!
  11. I've always found Walmart to have them for 10 bucks. And at good quality, soft, durable... And you don't walk around looking like a billboard. -- And is painting really happening this close to opening? Haha To the Delirium legs not having the yellow feet.. apparently.
  12. Might wanna seek rides in Action Zone and Planet Snoopy if you want to use ERT.
  13. Why? The track has been replaced from the looks of the webcam; just needs paint.
  14. Close to go time... to show time... with mo' time... not hoe time... but yo' time... for FUN. I finally understand why institutions of education give out homework.Yes that was a gardening reference.. This is a place of appropriateness... and rhymes.
  15. Probably not Diamondback.. again: https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/451841222055698432
  16. I'm really hoping that, assuming crowds will be plentiful, there will be an obvious line for Gold and Platinum pass holders to wait to get into the park. I'm kinda worried that it might be like last year (reg. season) where everyone can enter, but will wait in front of the fountain. I don't want to feel like I'm fighting to reach the Gold & Platinum pass gate.. or worse, have to miss the 11:30 early access, not because there's a lot of Gold and Platinum card holders, but because I'm waiting behind regular pass holders. That would be quite unfortunate. A little worried.
  17. Not saying that it isn't steep at all.. But it's not as steep as it might appear. It's a very basic steepness angle for steel coasters of today. It seems less steep than Diamondback barely when I saw it from the correct angle.
  18. Tons of improvements all over the park, and it's great. I just wanted to point out that it looks as thought the Invertigo sign will be yellow and red for another season. Nope. I prefer the logo without that loop on the tail. The loop looks a little tacky to me. Like, we get that it's a coaster, no need to incorporate it into the logo. My opinion, of course.
  19. Are you thinking of that area right off to the right of Delirium? (From the Camera) cause If so, I'd believe you. it doesn't look fenced off. Yeah, and I meant to write, a new exit, not entrance..
  20. I'm starting to think Delirium is gonna get a new entrance heading toward Banshee instead of into a congested area of tables and groups deciding if they want to ride Delirium. Hmmm..
  21. I'd bet Invertigo or Delirium will be chosen along side Banshee. Also, looks like the kiddies will get their turn at early riding too, this year. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/451841222055698432
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